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The Heart of the Matter October 09, 2001
For the third time in 2 years the crisis in the political system has broken out like an ugly bobo threatening even more dangerous consequences.
An Unholy War October 08, 2001
While raining missiles and bombs on that country, these 'freedom fighters' also dropped 'humanitarian' relief to hundreds of thousands of Afghan people already displaced from their homes by the well-publicised threats of US military attacks.
Budget Speeches: Baffling with BS September 20, 2001
On Friday afternoon, during the Budget Speech, my mind ran on Intercol season back in High School and the assembly of the entire student body preparing our "war chants"
Are we in danger of state terrorism? September 15, 2001
The "infidel" has been attacked!!! Or has it? The ordinary working people of the United States have been made to suffer the brunt of yesterday's brutal terrorist attack.
A Lot is Rotten in the "State of Denmark" August 24, 2001
Media reports last night suggest that a young woman was victim of a vicious and potentially murderous attack possibly because someone disagrees with the way in which she felt that fund-raising for a charitable cause ought to have been carried out.
A Day of Spectacles August 7, 2001
July 31st 2001 - a day of spectacle! There was so much to leave an indelible impression on the mind, once we can get past the 9-day wonder psyche that is being imposed on us.
A Question for Uncle Basdeo June 15, 2001
"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings….." the saying goes. Well, imagine my amazement when a little neighbour of mine asked me to read a letter that she had prepared to send to a Whitehall address to one she affectionately calls Uncle Basdeo.
A Travesty June 11, 2001
A week from now we will be commemorating the 64th anniversary of the anti-colonial uprising among the victories of which is the birth of modern trade unions in our country.
The thin edge of the wedge June 01, 2001
Some weeks ago, when Mr Yet Ming announced his borrowing moratorium plan for which he received many kudos, someone asked "What is so brilliant about this plan?".
Panday's secret mission to Quebec April 30, 2001
The Prime Minister of this country went to a Summit of the Americas in Quebec Canada recently and agreed to several documets regarding the establishment of a Free Trade of the Americas area.
Beating War Drums March 11, 2001
It is such a time that war drums are being beaten and "town meetings" called as the PM says to mobilise his party faithful to "defend the party and the government".
Pick up Side Mentality February 28, 2001
It began from the last round. After making enough points to come to the final round, our football controllers began to lower the targets.
What They Sow, We Reap!! February 20, 2001
Time was when the silver haired guru mounted the platforms of the ULF, NATUC and others and preached the message of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Ghandi, according to him.
What Crisis? December 13, 2000
The UNC are crying about “hiatus in governance” and constitutional crisis if the President does not immediately appoint Panday as Prime Minister.
Caught up in their own La Basse November 28, 2000
Not one of the leaders of so-called major parties has the capacity now to escape their la basse.
The Popular Vote? November 10, 2000
The bombastic statements and deplorable behaviour on the platforms of the parties contending as prize-fighters to be the next representatives of the interest of the rich and powerful beckoned me to comment.
The Right to Secure a Livelihood October 19, 2000
The conviction of the General Secretary of the Communication Workers' Union on several charges is an issue of some importance, not only in itself, but because of the several related issues that arise.
Reality Check II October 09, 2000
Regrettably, the national tendency to elevate mediocrity to our standard of achievement has also now hit our football efforts.
Reality Check September 28, 2000
I thought of writing this letter two days ago, but, felt it would be best to wait till after the 200 metre final in Sydney this morning.
Letter to the hon. minister of public utilities September 27, 2000
In this season of top ten lists and hit parades custom-designed for the hustings, I hope you find the following a useful addition to your illustrious list of achievements.
I stood in my shoes and I wondered August 11, 2000
Just when decent serious-minded people were expecting the end of the horrific spectacle of big pappy commess – Jackie and Darrie and Eddy and the Old Fox – there it comes again to bemuse the simple decent folk.
A nation of closet bigots June 23, 2000
What all the hullabaloo has quietly ignored is that this clause seeks to legislate us into a nation of closet racists, sexists, religious bigots and make all forms of most banal and vile forms of human thinking acceptable, only if we keep it behind closed doors.
Mouth Open June 14, 2000
The Minister of Finance today made some important revelations in respect of the privatisation of the health service, being carried out under the sobrique of decentralisation and directed by the Inter-American Development Bank scripted in the agreement for a loan to fund this process.
A Righteous Mess June 01, 2000
My congratulations to the health workers for their refusal to given in to intimidation and sticking to their guns to demand better conditions of work in the interest of the hospital users and themselves.
Chronic crisis in health March 28, 2000
IIn the midst of the false sense of euphoria that swept through the country last Friday when results of the final Common Entrance examination were released, I must admit that as I sat looking at the evening’s television news, I felt as cynical as Sir Vidiahar Naipaul, witness to “amazing scenes” being played out before my eyes.
Don Quixote actions January 30, 2000
For fear of Undine’s proper English tongue-lashing, I resist the temptation to use “Curiouser and Curiouser” to describe the saga of crisis that is
Coming home to roost January 23 2000
The President made the contents of his letter to his ‘former’ and present PM available to the media, making his grouse with the Fox public - real politico or trade union styling.
An act that deserves the strongest condemnation 2000
A six year old boy goes with his mother on a BWI flight to New York…the plane crashes and he survives clinging to his life jacket…mom dies…
Outdoing each other November 22, 1999
I thought when I did not get the time last week to comment on Mr. Manning’s speech at his party’s recent convention that I had missed an opportunity.
Condemn State Terrorism November 01, 1999
This is an act of state terrorism against the workers of TSTT and their union, plain and simple.
Mannersing Merv October 29, 1999
Only a week ago the Merv was “promoted” to a reduced portfolio, as a Deshman was given his tourism growth area portfolio to oversee.
Unions must remain independent June 25, 1999
The hullabaloo of June 19 and its prelude seems destined not to be the usual 9-day wonder in this land seeming short term memory.
Different Strokes June 01, 1999
The departure of the WI team from the World Cup has rekindled debate about our cricket and what needs to be done.


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