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Condemn State Terrorism

November 01, 1999


I got up this morning to the news of the arrest of two leaders of the Communication Workers' Union at their homes in the wee hours of the morning, in connection with the actions of their union in their struggle for a share in the profits of the telecommunications monopoly.

This is an act of state terrorism against the workers of TSTT and their union, plain and simple. It is also meant to send a message to all who dare to protest and demand a greater share in the wealth which they as working people create.

It has taken the State 3 weeks to prepare and launch this attack which comes in the wake of demands by the controllers of economic and political power for strong action against so-called "radicals".

It shows how far this government which some trade union leaders mistakenly called a labour government is prepared to go to protect the interests of the parasitic oligarchy, who are the real commanders of State power in T&T.

As a trade union leader, I faced the threats of this government on their political platforms, in the Parliament and during our protests. As a citizen who cherishes our democratic rights, I strongly condemn this action of the State and urge all democratic-minded people to do the same.

If we fail to oppose this intimidatory and anti-democratic act, then as was the case with the amendment of the Summary Offences Act and other similar attacks, there will be even more brazen attacks in the future.


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