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A Question for Uncle Basdeo

June 15, 2001

Dear Sir/Madam,

"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings….." the saying goes. Well, imagine my amazement when a little neighbour of mine asked me to read a letter that she had prepared to send to a Whitehall address to one she affectionately calls Uncle Basdeo.

"Dear Uncle Basdeo,

I am always eager to understand everything you say to the nation since as uncle Raymond reminded everybody some months ago….the children are listening.

These last few days I hear you on the radio talking about BWIA and when another uncle was here from away, I heard you say that BWIA, since it was pr....privatised by uncle Patrick and his group, it is run by people who don't care about the national interest.

I hear you saying that they only care about their profits and their own interests.

Then, I think maybe they are part of what you used to call the par..para..parasite oli..oli..garchy or something like that.

Well, what I am trying to understand after hearing you say that about what I hear mammy calling the national airline, I am a bit puzzled.

Maybe, uncle, you can help me to understand.

If the private people in BWIA don't care about the national interest, I am trying to understand what interest uncles like Ish, Brian, Steve, Gerard, Lindsay, Carlos, Cyril, Junior the paving man and others I saw at the opening of the airport and I see in Parliament and wearing sunrise T-shirts……what interest are they looking after in your party and government, uncle Basdeo?

Your loving niece,

Then, bashaw…one shower started and woke me from my daydream.

I still chuckle at the thought of what uncle Basdeo's answer to my little friend's question might be.


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