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    Friday, December 02 @ 20:37:19 UTC
    Fidel CastroBy William Blum
    November 30th, 2016 - williamblum.org

    The most frequent comment I’ve read in the mainstream media concerning Fidel Castro’s death is that he was a “dictator”; almost every heading bore that word. Since the 1959 revolution, the American mainstream media has routinely referred to Cuba as a dictatorship. But just what does Cuba do or lack that makes it a dictatorship?

    No “free press”? Apart from the question of how free Western media is (<a href="http://www.africaspeaks.com/reasoning/index.php?topic=10749.0">see the preceding essays</a>), if that’s to be the standard, what would happen if Cuba announced that from now on anyone in the country could own any kind of media? How long would it be before CIA money – secret and unlimited CIA money financing all kinds of fronts in Cuba – would own or control almost all the media worth owning or controlling?

    (Read More... | 3855 bytes more | Caribbean | Score: 0)

    War and Terror: Reflections by Fidel: The Roads Leading to Disaster
    Monday, April 02 @ 18:05:31 UTC
    Fidel CastroBy Fidel Castro Ruz
    March 23, 2012 - en.cubadebate.cu

    This Reflection could be written today, tomorrow or any other day without the risk of being mistaken. Our species faces new problems. When 20 years ago I stated at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro that a species was in danger of extinction, I had fewer reasons than today for warning about a danger that I was seeing perhaps 100 years away. At that time, a handful of leaders of the most powerful countries were in charge of the world. They applauded my words as a matter of mere courtesy and placidly continued to dig for the burial of our species.

    It seemed that on our planet, common sense and order reigned. For a while economic development, backed by technology and science appeared to be the Alpha and Omega of human society.

    Today, everything is much clearer. Profound truths have been surfacing. Almost 200 States, supposedly independent, constitute the political organization which in theory has the job of governing the destiny of the world.

    (Read More... | 7484 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    Caribbean: MINUSTAH and the Epidemic: Cholera in Haiti
    Thursday, December 09 @ 18:40:14 UTC
    Fidel CastroBy Fidel Castro
    December 09, 2010

    About three weeks ago news and photos were published showing Haitian citizens throwing stones and protesting in indignation against the forces of MINUSTAH, accusing it of having transmitted cholera to that country by way of a Nepalese soldier.

    The first impression, if one doesn’t get any additional information, is that this deals with a rumour born out of the hatred caused by any occupying army.

    How could this be proven? Many of us were not aware of the characteristics of cholera and how it is transmitted. A few days later the protests ceased in Haiti and nobody said anything else about the matter.

    (Read More... | 6813 bytes more | Caribbean | Score: 0)

    World Focus: We are Living Through an Exceptional Moment in Human History
    Wednesday, September 15 @ 19:52:14 UTC
    Fidel CastroBy Fidel Castro Ruz
    September 15, 2010 - cubadebate.cu

    The deadlines established by the United Nations Security Council for Iran to yield to the demands imposed by the United States regarding nuclear research and uranium enrichment for medical purposes and to generate electricity will be expiring in these days.

    This is the only nuclear use that has been documented in Iran.

    The fear that Iran is looking forward to producing nuclear weapons is only based on an assumption.

    With regard to this delicate issue, the United States and its western allies, among them two of the five nuclear powers with veto power -France and the United Kingdom- supported by the richest and most developed capitalist powers of the world, have promoted an increasing number of sanctions against Iran, a rich, oil-producing Muslim country. Today, the measures adopted include the inspection of Iran’s merchant vessels and severe economic sanctions aimed at suffocating its economy.

    (Read More... | 11947 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 0)

    War and Terror: The Empire and the Robots
    Thursday, September 03 @ 17:38:29 UTC
    Fidel CastroBy Fidel Castro
    August 19, 2009 - alainet.org

    A short while ago I dealt with the United States' plans to impose the absolute superiority of its air force as an instrument of domination on the rest of the world. I mentioned the project that by 2020 they would have more than a thousand latest generation bombers and F-22 and F-35 fighter planes in their fleet of 2500 military aircraft. In twenty more years, every single one of their war planes will be robot-operated.

    Military budgets always count on the support of the immense majority of American legislators. There is hardly any state in the Uni0n where employment does not depend in part on the defense industries.

    On a global level and with constant value, military expenses have doubled in the last 10 years as if there were no danger at all of any crisis. At this moment, it is the most prosperous industry on the planet.

    (Read More... | 4558 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    World Focus: Racism, Obama and the Fall of the American Economy
    Tuesday, October 14 @ 00:48:32 UTC
    Fidel CastroBy FIDEL CASTRO
    October 14, 2008

    Trade, within a society and between countries, is the exchange of goods and services produced by human beings. The owners of the means of production appropriate the profits. As a class, they are the leaders of the capitalist state and they boast of fostering development and social wellbeing through market. This they worship as an infallible God.

    In every country there is competition between the strongest and the weakest; the ones with more physical energy and better fed, those who learned how to read and write, who attended school and have more experience accumulated; the ones with more extensive social relations and more resources, and those within society who fail to have these advantages.

    (Read More... | 7309 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 4.33)

    Caribbean: Castro and Cuba
    Wednesday, February 27 @ 20:58:48 UTC
    Fidel Castrosocialistworker.co.uk
    February 26, 2008

    After 49 years in power, Fidel Castro has finally resigned as president of Cuba. Socialist Worker looks back on the life of this influential but flawed figure

    Fidel Castro, who stepped down as president of Cuba last week, is one of the most important and influential Latin American political leaders of the last century.

    For almost 50 years he defied the might of the US as the Cuban regime survived an economic blockade aimed at bringing it down.

    For millions of Latin Americans, Cuba became a symbol of resistance to imperialism in the continent.

    (Read More... | 9798 bytes more | Caribbean | Score: 0)

    Latin America: Bush, Health and Education
    Saturday, July 21 @ 01:13:43 UTC
    Fidel CastroBy Fidel Castro
    July 16, 2007

    I will not refer to Bush's health and education, but to that of his neighbors. It was not an improvised declaration. The AP agency tells us what his opening words were: "Tenemos corazones grandes en este país" (We have big hearts in this country); he said this in Spanish in front of 250 representatives of private and religious groups, foundations and NGOs who had come to Washington with all expenses paid by his government. Of these, some 100 came from the United States.

    “The meeting, called the White House Conference on the Americas, is part of the ideas outlined by Bush as he began a tour of five Latin American countries at the beginning of March about what his government was hoping to do for the region in the short time still remaining of his term in office.”

    (Read More... | 10935 bytes more | Latin America | Score: 0)

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