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    World Focus: Why Democrats Don't Count
    Saturday, July 15 @ 05:28:51 UTC
    MexicoLessons from the Un-Gore of Mexico

    by Greg Palast, commondreams.org

    The Exit polls said he won, but the "official" tally took his victory away. His supporters found they were scrubbed off voter rolls. Violence and intimidation kept even more of his voters away from the polls. Hundreds of thousands of ballots supposedly showed no choice for president -- like ballots with hanging chads.

    And the officials in charge of this suspect election refused to re-count those votes in public. Everyone knew full well a fair count would certainly change the outcome.

    You've heard this story before: Gore 2000. Kerry 2004.

    But Lopez Obrador 2006 is made out of very different stuff than the scarecrow candidates who, oddly, call themselves "Democrats."

    (Read More... | 7576 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 5)

    World Focus: Mexico City: It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
    Tuesday, July 11 @ 09:06:30 UTC
    MexicoBy Matt Pascarella, gregpalast.com

    While much of the world believes Felipe Calderon has been officially declared Mexico's next President, it is not true. At least not yet.

    (Mexico City) Last week the Electoral Commission, IFE, announced the results of a country-wide count of tally sheets - sheets that are attached to each ballot box - they found that Felipe Calderon (PAN) was ahead of Lopez Obrador (PRD) by around 0.5%. To Calderon, there is no question that he is the winner. But according to Lopez Obrador, he has won more votes.

    TRIFE not IFE

    Despite what both Calderon and Lopez Obrador tell their supporters and what you read in press reports, the next President has yet to be officially declared. IFE is not the body responsible for officially announcing the next President. Rather, it is TRIFE (Electoral Tribunal) that will make an official announcement by early September, after addressing complaints filed by each party. The parties have four days to file their objections following the results of the tally sheet count — which was concluded last Thursday.

    (Read More... | 8123 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 0)

    World Focus: Mexico and Florida have more in common than heat
    Monday, July 10 @ 13:18:25 UTC
    MexicoThere is evidence that left-leaning voters have been scrubbed from key electoral lists in Latin America

    By Greg Palast, The Guardian UK

    There's something rotten in Mexico. And it smells like Florida. The ruling party, the Washington-friendly National Action Party (Pan), proclaimed yesterday their victory in the presidential race, albeit tortilla thin, was Mexico's first "clean" election. But that requires we close our eyes to some very dodgy doings in the vote count that are far too reminiscent of the games played in Florida in 2000 by the Bush family. And indeed, evidence suggests that Team Bush had a hand in what may be another presidential election heist.

    Just before the 2000 balloting in Florida, I reported in the Guardian that its governor, Jeb Bush, had ordered the removal of tens of thousands of black citizens from the state's voter rolls. He called them "felons", but our investigation discovered their only crime was Voting While Black. And that little scrub of the voter rolls gave the White House to his brother George.

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    World Focus: Business as Usual: Mexican Election Stolen by Neolibs
    Sunday, July 09 @ 22:48:44 UTC
    MexicoBy Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com

    Is it possible the poor of Mexico would actually vote for Felipe Calderón, billed as a "champion of free trade," that is to say a neolib globalist? Even before the election, it was obvious the vote would be rigged, as Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who lost, now contends. "Obrador called Calderón 'an employee' of Mexico's powerful upper classes and said a victory by his conservative opponent would be 'morally impossible,'" reports the Washington Post.

    (Read More... | 7212 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 5)

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