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    Latin America: There Has Been A Coup In Brazil
    Friday, June 03 @ 09:31:21 UTC
    BrazilBy Paul Craig Roberts
    June 03, 2016 - paulcraigroberts.org

    In Brazil the country’s largest newspaper has published a transcript of a secret recording leaked to the newspaper. The words recorded are the plot by the rich Brazilian elite, involving both the US-corrupted Brazilian military and Supreme Court, to remove the democratically elected president of Brazil under false charges in order to stop the investigations of the corrupt elites who inhabit Brazil’s senate and bring to an end Brazil’s membership in BRICS. The Russian-Chinese attempt to organize an economic bloc independent of Washington has now lost 20% of its membership.

    Democracy has been overthrown in Brazil as in Ukraine, Honduras—indeed, everywhere the dirty evil hand of Washington falls, including the US itself.

    Glenn Greenwald reports on the extraordinary leak of the 75-minute recording of the conversations between Brazilian elites laying out the plot to frame the President of Brazil in order to protect themselves.

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    Latin America: Get Real: Petrodollars, not corruption is the reason for Brazilian coup
    Wednesday, May 25 @ 05:31:27 UTC
    BrazilBy Haneul Na’avi
    May 25, 2016 - rt.com

    Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment was motivated by her efforts to circumvent US dollar dominance through trade with Iran, rather than the ongoing allegations of corruption, hypothesizes independent analyst Haneul Na’avi.

    In ancient times, communities would place their sins on the body of an al-Azazel, or scapegoat, and cast it into the desert to die. This was done every year in order to garner favoritism in the eyes of God and ensure a bountiful harvest. In the same ritualistic fashion, Brazil’s acting government has chosen to honor this tradition at the expense of the consent of the governed.

    Ousted President and Worker’s Party (PT) leader Dilma Rousseff awaits a fabricated impeachment trial despite the chagrin of the Chamber of Deputies Speaker Waldir Maranhao who ordered an annulment. A defiant Congress has hurled its entire weight at the gates of Brasilia’s Superior Courts with burnt offerings of her political career; with the hope her sacrifice will birth a neocolonial Dark Age. Hands clasped, they await the blessings of Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, and the US State Department to affirm their convictions.

    (Read More... | 15027 bytes more | Latin America | Score: 0)

    Latin America: Call It a 'Coup': How Elite Orchestrated Overthrow in Brazil
    Tuesday, May 24 @ 04:12:52 UTC
    BrazilLeaked Transcripts: Revelations detail 'national pact' between government, military, and oil executives

    By Lauren McCauley
    May 24, 2016 - commondreams.org

    Confirming suspicions that the ouster of Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is, in fact, a coup designed to eradicate a wide corruption probe, Brazil's largest newspaper on Monday published damning evidence of a "national pact" between a top government official and oil executive.

    It is unclear how Folha de São Paulo obtained the transcripts of the 75-minute phone conversation between the newly-installed Planning Minister Romero Jucá, a senator at the time, and former oil executive Sergio Machado. But the discussion reportedly took place in March, just weeks before Brazil's lower House voted to impeach the democratically-elected Rousseff.

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    Wednesday, April 28 @ 20:59:41 UTC
    "Defense" against whom or what?!

    By Franz J. T. Lee
    April 28, 2010

     Globalization alias global fascism, in a word, 'globofascism', is being run by a Lilliputian, omnipotent, terrorist global mafia, armed to its teeth, against over 6.5 billion wage workers, is being launched by a corporate syndicate of treacherous war criminals, who as an international ruling class, have already committed uncountable, abominable cardinal and capital crimes against hundred millions of innocent individuals, against vulnerable humanity. All kinds of war mongers and producers of arms of all calibers are hell bent on destroying Mother Nature and Life on Planet Earth.

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    Latin America: Reich cautions Brazil's leading presidential contender
    Wednesday, October 16 @ 14:30:45 UTC
    BrazilBy Nancy San Martin, Oct. 15, Miami.com

    The United States' point man on the Western Hemisphere Tuesday cautioned Brazil's left-leaning leading presidential contender against altering its capitalist economic model because "leftist models don't function."

    Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a former union leader and the Workers' Party candidate, is far ahead of government-backed candidate José Serra, according to the latest Brazilian opinion polls.

    (Read More... | 3077 bytes more | Latin America | Score: 4)

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