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War and Terror: Bush Pens True Crime Book Monday, November 15 @ 13:58:22 UTC | By Bill Quigley
November 11, 2010 - counterpunch.org
In his memoir (which some wise people have already moved in bookstores to the CRIME section) George W. Bush admitted that he authorized that detainees be waterboarded, tortured, a crime under US and international law.
Bush's crime confession coincides with reports that no one will face criminal charges from the US Department of Justice for the destruction of 92 CIA videotapes which contained interrogations using waterboarding.
Where is the accountability for these crimes?
Bush and other criminals will be brought to justice if the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) have their way.
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War and Terror: Bush Regime Declares Itself Above the Law Monday, December 08 @ 15:11:27 UTC | By Paul Craig Roberts December 05, 2008 Information Clearinghouse
The US government does not have a monopoly on hypocrisy, but no other government can match the hypocrisy of the US government.
It is now well documented and known all over the world that the US government tortured detainees at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and that the US government has had people kidnaped and “rendentioned,” that is, transported to third world countries, such as Egypt, to be tortured.
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War and Terror: Bush vs. Chavez Thursday, March 20 @ 06:17:40 UTC | by Stephen Lendman March 18th 2008
Imagine the following - the nation Martin Luther King called "The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today" may brand democratic Venezuela a state sponsor of terrorism if extremist lawmakers on the Hill get their way.
On March 12, George Bush accused Hugo Chavez of backing Colombian-based "terrorists" and using Venezuela's oil wealth for an anti-American campaign. He further claimed Chavez has a "thirst for power....of squander(ing his country's) oil wealth....of prais(ing a) terrorist leader as a good revolutionary and order(ing) his troops to the Colombian border. This is the latest step in a disturbing pattern of provocative behavior by the regime in Caracas. He has also called for FARC terrorists to be recognized as a legitimate army (and his) senior regime officials have met with FARC leaders in Venezuela."
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War and Terror: Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide Thursday, October 25 @ 08:46:25 UTC | by Stephen Lendman October 25, 2007
On October 5, George Bush confronted a public uproar and defended his administration claiming "This government does not torture people." Again he lied. Once secret US Department of Justice (DOJ) legal opinions confirm the Bush administration condones torture by endorsing "the harshest interrogation techniques ever used by the Central Intelligence Agency." It also condones paramilitary thuggery, oppressive occupation, and genocide. This unholy combination is the ugly face of an imperial nation run by war criminals. That's the state of things today. First, the practice of torture.
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War and Terror: Wednesday, August 29 @ 15:40:01 UTC | by Jerry Lembcke, Vietnam War veteran www.socialistworker.co.uk Tuesday 28 August 2007
In his speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention last week, president George Bush urged Americans to “resist the allure of retreat”.
He warned that premature withdrawal of US forces from Iraq will put that country at risk of the same kind of murder and mayhem that beset Vietnam when the US left there in 1975.
Although historians and commentators have responded to Bush’s twisting of the historical record to support his case, they have generally missed the point of his speech and who it was aimed at.
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War and Terror: Prominent American Comes Face to Face With Bioterror Thursday, August 23 @ 02:55:37 UTC | By Ben Roberts August 23, 2007
He is powerful. Arguably the most powerful and most protected citizen on our planet. He has lethal warplanes overflying Washington, DC, around the clock, to protect our nation’s capital, but most especially himself, from any incoming threats. Planes ferrying regular citizens into the capital must take contorted landing routes to ensure that this man and his house are not endangered. He has unofficially been assigned an exclusivity zone within which demonstrators, hecklers, and those disaffected by him are not allowed to enter. He travels the skies in an aircraft that, without doubt, has the best technology to ensure his security. On the night prior to September 11 he had the unprecedented benefit of lethal missiles bristling from the roof of the Florida resort he was occupying, to counter any long range threat. For any immediate and personal threat, this man has a security detail of some of the most efficient Praetorian guard types that would make Roman Emperor, Nero, green with envy. This man is none other than George Bush, the President of the United States. One would think that with all this the world’s most protected man would be totally immune from attack. Not so. Less than a year ago Bush suffered a serious attack. From, of all things, a tick! Yes. With all the power and protection George Bush enjoys, no one could guard him from bioterror attack, albeit natural, by the lowly tick named Ixodes.
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Latin America: Bush Tour Seeks to Drive a Wedge in Plans for Latin American Unity Saturday, March 10 @ 18:57:03 UTC | by Laura Carlsen, commondreams.org March 10, 2007
President George W. Bush has embarked on a five-nation tour of Latin America—the most ambitious of his presidency—in an attempt to reassert U.S. leadership in a region where open hostility to his government and its foreign and economic policies is the norm rather than the exception.
The U.S. president hopes that espousing a new commitment to "social justice" will undermine Venezuela's crusade for Latin American and Caribbean unity based on a rejection of U.S. dominance and the free trade model.
Bush's trip seeks to build a new coalition of the willing, in the face of a coalescing group of nations that has declared itself unwilling to continue to follow the economic and political dictums of Washington. In his speech this week, Bush described the countries on his itinerary—Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico—as countries that have made "the right choices," as opposed to the tacit accusation that many of the rest of them are making the wrong choices.
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War and Terror: Bush Speech: Full Steam Ahead on Iran Attack Friday, January 12 @ 10:56:56 UTC | By Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com
Speaking through the unitary decider—sort of like a ventriloquist speaking through a dummy—the neocons have once again issued threats against Iran and Syria.
"In his speech to the American nation yesterday, President George W. Bush issued a warning to Iran and Syria, accusing them of taking deliberate action against U.S. forces in Iraq and enabling aid transfers to insurgents," reports Haaretz.
"Bush said the U.S. intends to take action against Iranian proxies in Iraq, and vowed to find and destroy the networks supplying these groups with weapons and training." In addition, and ominously if not predictably, Bush "also promised that the U.S. would work 'with others' in order to block Iran from developing nuclear arms and dominating the region."
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War and Terror: Olmert and the Baker Boys Wednesday, November 22 @ 17:28:06 UTC | By Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com
It's a nightmare scenario for Olmert and the neocons.
James Baker, the consiglieri of the Bush crime family, brings Syria and Iran to the table and they hammer out an understanding on Iraq and, horror stacked upon horror, "some kind of long-term Israeli-Arab diplomatic agreement," as the Jerusalem Post puts it.
Of course, the folks who run Israel, and their neocon helpers, don't want a diplomatic agreement, as they are viscerally opposed to such because a faux and temporary peace will push back, although not eliminate, the master plan of slicing and dicing the Arab and Islamic Middle East into malleable pieces. Moreover, it will give the Palestinians a glimmer of hope, something Olmert and crew abhor.
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War and Terror: Bush lost his proxy war on Lebanon Wednesday, August 16 @ 10:31:53 UTC | by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
Olmert is not in trouble back home because he defeated Hezbollah; Olmert is in trouble because he didn't. And, by proxy, neither did Bush. Secondly, Hezbollah did not start the conflict; The "Israeli Soldiers" were not kidnapped; they were captured inside Lebanon. Even so, Bush urged Olmert to attack Syria, perhaps hoping that Iran could be drawn into a conflict that even the conservative George Will had described as "cascading escalation". He drew a fearful analogy to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914. To his credit, Will was not as transparently gleeful about that prospect as were other conservative commentators. Did Bush hope that it would erupt into WWIII? If so, it is time for Bush to go.
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Inside U.S.A.: It's Bigger Than the Neo-Cons Wednesday, August 16 @ 03:48:43 UTC | By Chris Floyd, chris-floyd.com
It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it: it's time to take up the cudgels for the poor neo-cons.
Day after day, these dedicated public intellectuals and hardworking federal officials are calumnied from coast to coast, accused of every crime under the sun. Who misled us into the bloodsoaked mire of Iraq? Who's pulling strings to foment a new war with Iran? Who's fanning the flames of Israel's assault on Lebanon, hoping to turn the entire Middle East into an arc of "creative destruction" that will transform the region into a pacified, profitable oasis of American power? Why, the neo-cons, of course, guilty on every count--or so we're told.
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War and Terror: Liquid Bombing the Constitution Tuesday, August 15 @ 08:32:52 UTC | By Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com
Michael Chertoff, the Federalist Society gremlin and current bossman of the Ministry of Homeland Security, has it out for the Constitution. "We have to make sure our legal system allows us" to trash the Bill of Rights, Chertoff told the Associated Press. "It's not like the 20th century, where you had time to get warrants." In order to create the proper environment for chucking the Constitution, the neocons are pushing hard on the latest incident of fake terrorism, a hyped non-attack led by a pregnant woman and a pizza delivery driver.
"Chertoff made clear his belief that wider authority could thwart future attacks at a time when Congress is reviewing the proper scope of the Bush administration's executive powers for its warrantless eavesdropping program and military tribunals for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba," the Associated Press continues. "Congress is now reviewing some of the programs after lawmakers questioned the legality of the warrantless eavesdropping program and the Supreme Court ruled in June that the tribunals defied international law and had not been authorized by Congress."
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War and Terror: The neocon resurgence Saturday, July 29 @ 08:32:42 UTC | The delusional US mindset that made the Iraq war a disaster has resurfaced in Lebanon
By Sidney Blumenthal, The Guardian UK
Once again the Bush administration is floating on a wave of euphoria. Israel's offensive against Hizbullah in Lebanon has liberated the utopian strain of neoconservatism that had been traduced by Iraq's sectarian civil war. And the secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, has propelled herself forward as chief cheerleader. "What we're seeing here," she said, "are the birth pangs of a new Middle East." At every press conference she repeats the phrase "a new Middle East" as though its incantation is magical.
Her jaunt to the region is intended to lend the appearance of diplomacy in order to forestall it. As explained to me by several senior state department officials, Rice is entranced by a new "domino theory": Israel's attacks will demolish Hizbullah; the Lebanese will blame Hizbullah and destroy its influence; and the backlash will extend to Hamas, which will collapse. From the administration's point of view, this is a proxy war with Iran (and Syria) that will inexplicably help turn around Iraq. "We will prevail," Rice says.
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Inside U.S.A.: Bush at the NAACP Convention Saturday, July 22 @ 19:07:17 UTC | They don't call it the 'White' House for nothing
By Greg Palast, gregpalast.com
God lost this time. I counted: Bush mentioned God only six times in his speech to the NAACP today. The winner was 'faith' -- which got seven mentions, though if you count "The Creator" as God, well, then the Lord tied it.
Coming in right behind God and Faith, other big mentions in the First Home Boy's rap included: The Voting Rights Act, his family's "commitment to civil rights," the "death tax," rebuilding New Orleans and "public school choice" and "soft bigotry."
As the philosopher Aretha Franklin once said, "Who's zoomin' who?"
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War and Terror: Which Side Are You On? Monday, June 19 @ 17:29:22 UTC | By Stephen Gowans, gowans.blogspot.com June 17, 2006
When US President George W. Bush identified an "axis of evil" whose existence Washington pledged to topple through a program of regime change, Iraq was not the only country the United States threatened with a virtual declaration of war. North Korea and Iran were also singled out. According to former Bush speechwriter, David Frum, who boasts he had a major hand in coining the "axis of evil" phrase, the common characteristic that bound the trio was "resentment of US power," another way of saying they resented US efforts to encroach upon their sovereignty. (National Post, January 8, 2003.)
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