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    World Focus:
    Wednesday, June 26 @ 00:41:54 UTC
    Edward SnowdenBy Paul Craig Roberts
    June 25, 2013 - Information Clearing House

    It is hard to understand the fuss that Washington and its media whores are making over Edward Snowden. We have known for a long time that the National Security Agency (NSA) has been spying for years without warrants on the communications of Americans and people throughout the world. Photographs of the massive NSA building in Utah built for the purpose of storing the intercepted communications of the world have been published many times.

    It is not clear to an ordinary person what Snowden has revealed that William Binney and other whistleblowers have not already revealed. Perhaps the difference is that Snowden has provided documents that prove it, thereby negating Washington’s ability to deny the facts with its usual lies.

    (Read More... | 13217 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 0)

    World Focus: The Pursuit of Edward Snowden: Washington in a Rage, Striving to Run the World
    Monday, June 24 @ 06:49:21 UTC
    Edward SnowdenBy Norman Solomon
    June 24, 2013 - commondreams.org

    Rarely has any American provoked such fury in Washington’s high places. So far, Edward Snowden has outsmarted the smartest guys in the echo chamber—and he has proceeded with the kind of moral clarity that U.S. officials seem to find unfathomable.

    Bipartisan condemnations of Snowden are escalating from Capitol Hill and the Obama administration. More of the NSA’s massive surveillance program is now visible in the light of day—which is exactly what it can’t stand.

    The central issue is our dire shortage of democracy. How can we have real consent of the governed when the government is entrenched with extreme secrecy, surveillance and contempt for privacy?

    (Read More... | 5151 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 0)

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