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Israel-Palestine: France and the EU, Recognizing Yet Supporting Apartheid Reality in Palestine Thursday, May 02 @ 05:14:02 UTC |
By Ramzy Baroud
May 02, 2019
A recent statement made by the outgoing French Ambassador to the US regarding the nature of Israeli apartheid accentuates a larger ailment that has afflicted the European Uni0n foreign policy.
The EU is simply gutless when it comes to confronting Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine.
Ambassador Gerard Araud was, of course, right when he told the US magazine, the ‘Atlantic’, that Israel is already an apartheid state.
Noting the “disproportion of power” between Israel and the Palestinians, Araud said, “The strongest (meaning Israel) may conclude that they have no interest to make concessions.”
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Israel-Palestine: Why Israel Demolishes: Khan Al-Ahmar as Representation of Greater Genocide Wednesday, September 26 @ 02:37:05 UTC |
By Ramzy Baroud
September 26, 2018
vultures, Israeli soldiers descended on Khan Al-Ahmar, on Sep. 14, recreating a
menacing scene with which the residents of this small Palestinian village,
located East of Jerusalem, are all-too familiar.
strategic location of Khan Al-Ahmar makes the story behind the imminent Israeli
demolition of the peaceful village unique amid the ongoing destruction of
Palestinian homes and lives throughout besieged Gaza and Occupied West Bank.
the years, Khan Al-Ahmar, once part of an uninterrupted Palestinian physical
landscape has grown increasingly isolated. Decades of Israeli colonization of
East Jerusalem and the West Bank left Khan Al-Ahmar trapped between massive and
vastly expanding Israeli colonial projects: Ma'ale Adumim, Kfar Adumim among
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Israel-Palestine: Friday, May 04 @ 09:44:56 UTC | By Ramzy Baroud
May 03, 2018
Three more Palestinians were killed and 611 wounded last Friday, when tens of thousands of Gazans continued their largely non-violent protests at the Gaza-Israel border.
Yet as the casualty count keeps climbing – nearly 45 dead and over 5,500 wounded – the deafening silence also continues. Tellingly, many of those who long chastised Palestinians for using armed resistance against the Israeli occupation are nowhere to be found, while children, journalists, women and men are all targeted by hundreds of Israeli snipers who dot the Gaza border.
Israeli officials are adamant. The likes of Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, perceives his war against the unarmed protesters as a war on terrorists. He believes that “there are no innocents in Gaza.” While the Israeli mindset is not in the least surprising, it is emboldened by the lack of meaningful action, or outright international silence to the atrocities taking place at the border.
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Israel-Palestine: Three Years after the War: Gaza Youth Speak Out Saturday, September 09 @ 03:37:09 UTC |
By Ramzy Baroud
September 09, 2017
"At bedtime, I am afraid to turn the lights off. I am not a coward, it is just that I worry that this bulb hanging from the ceiling is the last light that remains (shining) in my life."
Soon after he penned these words,Moath Alhaj, a young artist from a Gaza refugee camp, passed away in his sleep. After disappearing for two days, Moath’s friends broke down the door of his house, and found him huddled with his blanket in a place in which he lived alone for 11 years.
Moath lived in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, one of Gaza’s most crowded camps, a name which is associated with historic hardship, war and legendary resistance. Raised in the United Arab Emirates, Moath returned to Gaza to join the Islamic University, but remained there, experiencing three wars and a decade-long blockade.
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Israel-Palestine: Thursday, May 19 @ 11:52:18 UTC | By Ramzy Baroud May 19, 2016
On May 15th of every year, over the past 68 years, Palestinians have commemorated their collective exile from Palestine. The ethnic cleansing of Palestine to make room for a “Jewish homeland” came at a price of unrelenting violence and perpetual suffering. Palestinians refer to that enduring experience as “Nakba”, or “Catastrophe”.
However, the “Nakba” is not merely a Palestinian experience; it is also an Arab wound that never ceases from bleeding.
The Arab “Nakba” was namely the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided much of the Arab world between competing Western powers. A year later, Palestine was removed from the Arab equation altogether and “promised” to the Zionist movement in Europe, creating one of the most protracted conflicts in modern human history.
Despite all attempts at separating the current conflict in Palestine from its larger Arab environs, the two realities can never be delinked since they both go back to the same historical roots.
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Israel-Palestine: Over 1,300 Palestinians Shot in Last 11 Days Thursday, October 15 @ 02:57:53 UTC | By Stephen Lendman
October 15, 2015
Netanyahu declared war on Palestine before violent clashes began, instigated by security forces, willful provocations to get Palestinians to respond, blaming them for Israeli crimes.
From October 1 through Sunday, soldiers and police shot over 1,300 Palestinians - using live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets and internationally banned dum-dum bullets, able to expand internally and cause far more serious wounds.
Through October 11, 24 Palestinians were murdered in cold blood. Official Israeli policy is shoot first. Ask no questions.
Blame victims for increasing numbers of real or fabricated stabbing attempts or incidents used to indiscriminately gun down defenseless Palestinians. Israel considers premeditated cold-blooded murder self-defense.
| (Read More... | 4087 bytes more | Israel-Palestine | Score: 1) |
Israel-Palestine: How the New York Times Twists Gaza Saturday, August 23 @ 15:28:48 UTC | By Peter Hart
August 23, 2014 - fair.org
Though it has faded somewhat from the headlines, Israel's war on Gaza is still going on, with a round of airstrikes that killed dozens this week. And how was this reported in the New York Times? As Hamas breaking a cease-fire agreement.
Jodi Rudoren's dispatch (8/21/14) begins with a rather astonishing lead:
Hamas is the party that keeps extending this summer's bloody battle in the Gaza Strip, repeatedly breaking temporary truces and vowing to endlessly fire rockets into Israel until its demands are met.
The idea that it has been Hamas that has "repeatedly" broken cease-fire agreements is deeply misleading. An August 1 agreement, for instance, broke down under disputed circumstances (FAIR Blog, 8/6/14), with Hamas claiming that its attack on Israeli soldiers inside Gaza came before the cease-fire was to start. The Israeli reaction was a massive attack on Rafah that killed dozens.
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Israel-Palestine: The Historical Perspective of the 2014 Gaza Massacre Saturday, August 23 @ 08:44:03 UTC | By Ilan Pappé
August 23, 2014 - pipr.co.uk
People in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine feel disappointed at the lack of any significant international reaction to the carnage and destruction the Israeli assault has so far left behind it in the Strip. The inability, or unwillingness, to act seems to be first and foremost an acceptance of the Israeli narrative and argumentation for the crisis in Gaza. Israel has developed a very clear narrative about the present carnage in Gaza.
It is a tragedy caused by an unprovoked Hamas missile attack on the Jewish State, to which Israel had to react in self-defence. While mainstream western media, academia and politicians may have reservations about the proportionality of the force used by Israel, they accept the gist of this argument. This Israeli narrative is totally rejected in the world of cyber activism and alternative media. There it seems the condemnation of the Israeli action as a war crime is widespread and consensual.
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Israel-Palestine: Gaza's New Resistance Paradigm Wednesday, August 06 @ 13:11:48 UTC | By Ramzy Baroud August 6th, 2014
“Where is the Palestinian Gandhi? In Israeli prison, of course!,” was the title of an article by Jo Ehrlich published in Modoweiss.net on Dec 21, 2009. That was almost exactly one year after Israel’s concluded a major war against Gaza. The so-called Operation Cast Lead (December 27, 2008 – January 18, 2009) was, till then, the deadliest Israeli attack against the impoverished strip for many years.
Ehrlich was not in the least being belittling by raising the question about the ‘Palestinian Gandhi’ but responding to the patronization of others. Right from the onset, he remarked: “Not that I’m in any way playing into the Palestinian Gandhi dialogue, I think it’s actually pretty diversionary/racist. But sometimes you have to laugh in order not to cry..”
Indeed, the question was and remains condescending, ignorant, patronizing and utterly racist. But the question was also pervasive, including among people who classify themselves as ‘pro-Palestinian activists’.
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Israel-Palestine: White House says Obama culpable in Gaza massacre Saturday, August 02 @ 15:47:23 UTC | By Stephen Gowans
August 02, 2014 - gowans.wordpress.com
At least, that was the implication of words spoken by White House press secretary Josh Earnest on Friday.
Earnest was doing his best to mobilize public opinion against what he called “the Putin regime.” That included holding Russian president Vladimir Putin responsible for downing Malaysian Airlines Flight 17. The White House spin doctor explained: “Whether it is the Russians themselves that pulled the trigger or Russian separatists trained by Russians, it’s all the same. It all goes back, ultimately, to Vladimir Putin.”
By the same reasoning, “Whether it is the Americans themselves that pulled the trigger in Gaza, so far killing over 1,000, most non-combatants, or Israeli soldiers equipped with US-supplied weapons, it’s all the same. It all goes back, ultimately, to Barack Obama.”
The difference, however, is that we know the US supplied the Israelis with the weapons that are killing Palestinians, flattening their homes, destroying their mosques, terrorizing their children, and damaging their hospitals, but we don’t know whether the Russians actually provided rebels in Ukraine with missiles capable of bringing down an airliner flying at 33,000 feet. Washington says they did, but has presented no evidence. We don’t even know for sure what brought the airliner down.
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Israel-Palestine: Tuesday, July 15 @ 19:19:24 UTC | By Ilan Pappe
July 13, 2014 - The Electronic Intifada
In a September 2006 article for The Electronic Intifada, I defined the Israeli policy towards the Gaza Strip as an incremental genocide.
Israel’s present assault on Gaza alas indicates that this policy continues unabated. The term is important since it appropriately locates Israel’s barbaric action — then and now — within a wider historical context.
This context should be insisted upon, since the Israeli propaganda machine attempts again and again to narrate its policies as out of context and turns the pretext it found for every new wave of destruction into the main justification for another spree of indiscriminate slaughter in the killing fields of Palestine.
| (Read More... | 10685 bytes more | Israel-Palestine | Score: 5) |
Israel-Palestine: Gaza: Crushed between Israel and Egypt Wednesday, October 02 @ 19:49:56 UTC | By Jonathan Cook
October 02, 2013 - jonathan-cook.net
The furore over the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria has overshadowed disturbing events to the south. Palestinians in Gaza find themselves caught in the middle of a growing row between their Hamas rulers and the new Egyptian military regime.
Hamas has become increasingly isolated, politically and geographically, since the Egyptian army helped oust the Muslim Brotherhood government in early July.
Since the military intervention, much of the Brotherhood’s leadership has been jailed and last week its activities were outlawed and its assets frozen. Inevitably Hamas, which has close ties to the Brotherhood, has also come under severe suspicion from Egypt’s generals.
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Israel-Palestine: Thursday, September 05 @ 19:14:22 UTC | Oslo Dead but Still Matters
By Ramzy Baroud September 05, 2013
Suppose several armored vehicles belonging to a branch of the Palestinian Authority raided an Israeli border village at the eve of a new round of peace negotiations. One can picture PA President Mahmoud Abbas defending the killings, stating that the attack was made in the cause of protecting the security of the Palestinian public. Would the Israeli delegation return to the talks with handshakes and smiles?
The answer is an obvious no. Yet the Palestinian delegation did return to real recently renewed peace talks after Israeli forces’ raided a refugee camp in north Jerusalem on August 26, killing three. This was not the only lethal Israeli attack to take place during “peace talks”, and it will not likely be the last.
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Israel-Palestine: Disconnecting the Dots on Israel-Palestine Wednesday, November 21 @ 14:06:47 UTC | Is Apartheid Only A Crime When Committed Against Blacks?
By BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon
November 21, 2012 - blackagendareport.com
On Tuesday, November 20, Chicago congressman Danny K. Davis addressed a rally, apparently supporting the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza. I wasn't there and did not hear his remarks. I'm sure he didn't say “Israeli apartheid is fine with me, and so are the blockades and bombings of Gaza.” Doubtless he deployed the standard bipartisan phrases about Israel's “right to defend itself”, though no such right is accorded Palestinians, and found a way to use the word “peace” in a couple of sentences.
Congressman Davis is no fool. He's well aware of the massive asymmetry of practiced violence and the means to do violence in Israel-Palestine. He knows the Israelis possess US made F-16s and a vast array of American-made and licensed weapons. He voted to give much of it to them. Congressman Davis knows they have attack helicopters, hundreds of tanks, prisons and torture chambers filled to bursting, and nuclear weapons aimed at many capitals in the region, while the Hamas “missiles” are little more than unguided flying garbage cans. Davis knows there are laws disallowing marriages between Israeli Jews and Arabs, and that many roads in Israel-Palestine are for Israeli Jews only, while Palestinians are forced to drive or walk rutted, boulder-strewn paths blocked arbitrary Israeli checkpoints every few kilometers in every direction. He knows that retired archbishop Desmond Tutu is among the South Africans who have pronounced Israel's version of apartheid as more thorough, more brutal and more systematic than what they saw in their home country back in the day.
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Arab Spring: Tuesday, July 03 @ 18:54:48 UTC | By Ramzy Baroud
July 03, 2012
Will the Arab Spring serve the cause of Palestine?” is a question that has been repeatedly asked, in various ways, over the last year and a half. Many media discussions have been formulated around this very inquiry, although the answer is far from a simple “yes” or “no.”
Why should the question be asked in the first place? Hasn’t the Arab link to the Palestinian struggle been consistently strong, regardless of the prevalent form of government in any single Arab country? Rhetorically, at least, the Arab bond to Palestine remained incessantly strong at every significant historical turn.
True, disparity between rhetoric and reality are as old as the Arab-Israeli conflict. But the relatively small divide between words and actions widened enormously following the Arab defeat in the 1967 war, which cemented US-Israeli ties like never before.
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