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    World Focus: Tunisia: How We Got Here and the Task Ahead
    Friday, January 28 @ 05:19:08 UTC
    Tunisia By Ramzy Baroud
    January 28, 2011

    Hunger strikes. These were the last resort for Tunisian activists as they fought against a brutal and highly oppressive regime. Prior to the ousting of Zineal-Abidine Ben Ali by an unprecedented people’s uprising on January 14, there seemed to be no end in sight to the regime’s wide-ranging human rights violations. Over time, these became a relegated segment of evening news across the Arab world. Even hunger strikes, shocking at first, became a routing event.

    For Tunisians, unemployment, poverty and lack of civil liberties have long made life intolerable. Many were forced to flee the country, or dare challenge the authoritarian rule of Ben Ali and his security apparatus, which grew in numbers to double – or even triple - the nation’s army.

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    World Focus: The Fall of the West's Little Dictator
    Wednesday, January 19 @ 15:45:20 UTC
    Tunisia"A Watershed Moment in the History of the Arab World"

    By Esam Al-Amin
    January 19, 2011 - counterpunch.org

    When people choose life (with freedom)
    Destiny will respond and take action
    Darkness will surely fade away
    And the chains will certainly be broken

    —Tunisian poet Abul Qasim Al-Shabbi (1909-1934)
    On New Year's Eve 1977, former President Jimmy Carter was toasting Shah Reza Pahlavi in Tehran, calling the Western-backed monarchy "an island of stability" in the Middle East. But for the next 13 months, Iran was anything but stable. The Iranian people were daily protesting the brutality of their dictator, holding mass demonstrations from one end of the country to the other.

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