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    Thursday, May 10
    · Zimbabwe: EU Told to Lift Sanctions
    Wednesday, May 02
    · Human Rights Report - US shoots own feet
    Monday, April 09
    · Zimbabwe: US Interference Backlash
    Friday, April 06
    · US reveals its efforts to topple Mugabe regime
    Thursday, March 29
    · Brit 'Hostage' Drama Pales in Comparison to MI6 and CIA Crimes Against
    · Zimbabwe: US and Europe's Disinformation Campaign
    Friday, March 23
    · Zimbabwe: Mugabe Gets the Milosevic Treatment
    Tuesday, March 20
    · Zimbabwe: ZANU-PF Fights Back
    Sunday, March 18
    · Zimbabwe: The MDC Must Renounce the Sanctions
    Thursday, August 03
    · Zimbabwe: White Lies, Black Victims
    Saturday, April 02
    · The Zimbabwe Elections
    Wednesday, July 02
    · President Bush's Visit To Africa
    Tuesday, January 14
    · There Is No Sanity Left In British Journalism
    Monday, December 09
    · Shaping Zimbabwe's Economy Using African Model
    Monday, September 23
    · Mugabe absent from Commonwealth talks
    · Academics conceive varsity for women


    Sudan''s Crisis

    Zimbabwe: Land Reform and Mugabe

    U.S Coup in Haiti

    Venezuela and Chavez

    Zimbabwe: Mugabe was right
    Wednesday, February 20 @ 07:02:56 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy George Alleyne
    February 20, 2013 - newsday.co.tt

    Although I hold no brief for Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s leader of many years, nonetheless his policy of Zimbabwe’s reclaiming rich agricultural land which had been arbitrarily seized by British settler farmers when his country was overrun by the United Kingdom was a correct one.

    Yet when Mugabe sought to recover the land, following on Zimbabwe’s achieving Independence, after 90 years of colonial rule and cruel exploitation, the Western world insisted that what he was doing was illegal and against good international practice. Apparently, it was in order for the British settlers to have appropriated the land, but another for freed Zimbabwe to retrieve it.

    Although the British had sought to legitimise the seizure of the land, as Jeffrey Herbst pointed out in his book, State Politics in Zimbabwe, through the enacting of Land Ordinances which “guaranteed white economic domination and black poverty during the 90-year colonial period” the action was unjust. It was a criminal act, the enormity of which can be gauged by the fact that when Zimbabwe gained its Independence in 1980, 5,000 white settler farmers controlled some 50 percent of the country’s arable land. The other half, as Herbst noted, was occupied by approximately 700,000 indigenous farmers.

    (Read More... | 5143 bytes more | Score: 0)

    Zimbabwe: US Senator comes clean on Zimbabwe sanctions
    Sunday, September 12 @ 12:37:49 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Stephen Gowans
    August 21, 2010 - gowans.wordpress.com

    The received wisdom among Western governments, journalists and some concerned progressive scholars is that there have been no broad-based, economic sanctions imposed upon Zimbabwe. Instead, in their view, there are only targeted sanctions, with limited effects, aimed at punishing President Robert Mugabe and the top leadership of the Zanu-PF party. The sanctions issue, they say, is a red herring Mugabe and his supporters use to divert attention from the true cause of Zimbabwe's economic meltdown: redistribution of land from white commercial farmers to hundreds of thousands of indigenous families, a program denigrated as "economic mismanagement".

    (Read More... | 8440 bytes more | Score: 3)

    Zimbabwe: When electoral fraud is met by congratulations
    Thursday, November 19 @ 18:50:49 UTC
    Africa FocusBy Stephen Gowans
    November 19, 2009 - gowans.wordpress.com

    It has become standard practice in many parts of the world for opposition candidates to decry as fraudulent election results that favor the incumbent. Charges of vote fraud are routinely levelled against governing parties that win elections contested by opposition parties backed by Western governments.

    For example, after (and even before) Zimbabwe's last set of elections, the governing Zanu-PF party was accused of vote fraud, but the evidence for the opposition's claim was gathered by organizations funded by the United States, a major backer of the opposition movement. Washington makes no secret of its desire to drive the incumbent president, Robert Mugabe, from power, by hook or crook, not because he's corrupt, despotic or a human rights abuser, as Washington alleges, but because he has done what all foreign leaders back to Lenin have done who have fallen astray of Washington – failed to honor contracts and safeguard private property. (That's not to say Mugabe and Lenin are alike in any way other than having committed what in Washington's view is the supreme crime.) A cooked exit poll is not beyond the motivations and capabilities of US and British-backed anti-Mugabe forces, but that's largely beside the point. Mugabe's Zanu-PF did poorly in the election, and Mugabe, himself, failed to win a first round victory in the presidential election. If Zanu-PF rigged the vote, it blundered badly.

    (Read More... | 10376 bytes more | Score: 0)

    Zimbabwe: MDC-T trying to muscle Zanu-PF from power: Pres Mugabe
    Saturday, October 24 @ 21:07:16 UTC
    Robert MugabeThe Herald
    October 24, 2009

    PRESIDENT Mugabe has urged the MDC-T leadership to be guided by national fundamentals and not emotions in conducting Government business, saying it was Mr Morgan Tsvangirai's party that was still to meet its obligations under the Global Political Agreement.

    Commenting for the first time on MDC-T's announcement last week that they had "disengaged" from the inclusive Government because Zanu-PF was "a dishonest partner", President Mugabe said his party had done its part under the GPA.

    "The inclusive Government and the hiccups ... you will always get people in any arrangement who are guided by little emotional thoughts and act in accordance with them and who would want things to go their way, and not the national way, and not the agreed way.

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    Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: Land at Core of Western Anger
    Friday, September 19 @ 07:26:20 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Caesar Zvayi
    September 19, 2008

    IN our Shona culture, just as in any other culture, suspicion is always aroused whenever an outsider mourns more than the bereaved.

    Then vanasorojena (the elders) tend to question the relationship between the mourner and the deceased and all his/her family.

    Well, since the power-sharing agreement was signed by Zanu-PF, MDC-T and MDC on Monday, the Anglo-Saxon Alliance led by the EU and the US have been wailing like a newly-wed widow who has just been robbed of the joys of wedded bliss.

    In fact, the Westerners just stopped short of rejecting the power-sharing agreement as if they are Zimbabwean citizens.

    (Read More... | 6979 bytes more | Score: 5)

    Zimbabwe: Africa Advocacy and The Zimbabwe Factor
    Thursday, July 10 @ 09:46:49 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Netfa Freeman
    July 10, 2008

    Like some BlackCommentator.com commentaries of the last two weeks, accounts of the situation in Zimbabwe by Africa advocacy organizations are virtually identical to those of corporate media, UK and US government officials. Solidarity With The People of Zimbabwe by Nunu Kidane, the quote by featured cartoonist Tony Namate published in the June 26th issue No. 283, and Bill Fletcher's commentary titled, Mugabe Sworn in Officially...Simultaneously Loses his Legacy, in last week's issue No. 284 all depict Zimbabwe as descending to hell in a hand basket at the hands of a despotic Mugabe.

    The disproportionate attention on Zimbabwe has intensified in the last few weeks as a result of the presidential run-off that took place Friday, June 27th. African (Black) people should see this attention clearly as a reason for extremely critical analysis on the matter.

    (Read More... | 26465 bytes more | Score: 5)

    Zimbabwe: Mugabe May Not, After All, Be Insane!
    Wednesday, July 09 @ 00:22:18 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy Abraham Tangwe
    July 09, 2008

    The recent avalanche of insults and negative publicity directed towards Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe cannot leave any keen African observer indifferent.

    The idea is not to exonerate him from any wrongdoing per se. This is so because he is guilty of some, but hardly enough for us to be so hard on him. It is even more pathetic and frightful when an authoritative and respected iconic figure like Mandela decides to join in this dance of the Vampires.

    Our gullible natures have pushed us blindly into the waiting trap of western propaganda through the snares of their media entanglements, which is always tele-guided by their government policies.

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    Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe: Victim or Villain?
    Thursday, July 03 @ 21:12:43 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy Amengeo Amengeo
    July 03, 2008
    The African Executive

    When sharks smell blood, they go into a feeding frenzy and attack relentlessly. There is feeding frenzy about Zimbabwe that preceded the June 27 run-off elections.

    Thwarted in their bid to install their man Morgan Tsvangirai in power, the forces of Western neo-colonialism continue to ratchet up media pressure. Some African leaders seem to have bought into this propaganda campaign.

    Stories in the Western Press about "Government-sanctioned violence" in Zimbabwe focus on lurid details quoting one-sided and opinionated anonymous sources without much verifiable data.

    (Read More... | 8641 bytes more | Score: 5)

    Zimbabwe: Myths of 'humanitarian' imperialism
    Sunday, June 29 @ 17:10:23 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Stephen Gowans
    June 29, 2008

    Timothy Garton Ash, a columnist for the British newspaper The Guardian, has called on "people outside Zimbabwe" to "help the majority inside Zimbabwe have its democratic will recognized" by doing seven things, the first of which is to press their governments for stronger sanctions on Zimbabwe. Ash's column is titled, "We don't need guns to help the people pitch Mugabe from his perch."

    Ash's argument, a call for "liberal" or "humanitarian" imperialism, is based on a false premise. It is also morally repugnant.

    (Read More... | 3445 bytes more | Score: 5)

    Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: UN blocks British, US attempts to halt run-off
    Wednesday, June 25 @ 03:48:06 UTC
    ZimbabweHerald Reporters
    June 25, 2008
    The Herald

    THE United Nations yesterday blocked attempts by Britain, the United States and France to declare MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai as the President of Zimbabwe on the basis of the results of the March 29 harmonised elections.

    This came as South Africa's ruling ANC party rejected foreign intervention in Zimbabwe, especially from erstwhile colonisers.

    Britain, the current president of the Security Council, tried to use Belgium to halt Friday's presidential run-off election and illegally install Tsvangirai as president, but South Africa's Ambassador to the UN, Mr Dumisani Khumalo, blocked these attempts.

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    Zimbabwe: MDC-T: An unmistakable stooge
    Wednesday, June 25 @ 03:45:26 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Tafataona P Mahoso
    June 25, 2008

    By begging to be allowed to sleep in the Dutch Embassy on the eve of a Zimbabwean election in which he is supposed to be elected President, Morgan Tsvangirai has finally and openly shown where his real constituency is: in the North Atlantic states of Europe and North America.

    President Mugabe does not need to say more: Morgan is indeed much more than a Zimbabwean lost child.

    His constituency is in Europe and he will be elected the best Euro-American puppet of the country while having tea and Dutch cheese in the Dutch Embassy in Harare.

    (Read More... | 13390 bytes more | Score: 0)

    Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: Morgan's run-off boycott a joke
    Wednesday, June 25 @ 03:40:51 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Stephen T. Maimbodei
    June 25, 2008

    THE late Adrian Rogers, once said, "Facts are like a recipe, truth is the meal. Buy the truth, and sell it not. We should value it in our own hearts. It is indispensable. We must purchase truth and the search for truth is costly."

    There is no denying that Zimbabwe is going through the most trying times since independence. The strange happenings on our political landscape in the past few days are food for truth within the context of truth and responsibility.

    In the same vein, the next few days and months are not only very critical but also crucial for Zimbabweans. Some people believe that with daggers drawn against it, only divine intervention will save Zimbabwe.

    (Read More... | 11823 bytes more | Score: 5)

    Zimbabwe: Run-off: Not just a Zimbabwean poll
    Thursday, May 29 @ 16:08:27 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Caesar Zvayi
    May 29, 2008

    READING the headlines in the Western Press and pronouncements by Western leaders and their envoys here when Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC-T prematurely claimed victory in the March 29 elections, one got the feeling that Zimbabwe was just the stage for a contest far bigger than what the contestants, with the notable exception of those in Zanu-PF, knew.

    Readers all over the world were intrigued by the headlines in British newspapers particularly, The Evening Standard, that had a front-page banner that screamed "We have beaten Mugabe".

    A banner that left them wondering who had "beaten Mugabe"? Was it the Evening Standard, the British government or MDC-T?

    (Read More... | 9258 bytes more | Score: 4)

    Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe's political opposition deploys its own WMD claim
    Thursday, May 22 @ 12:28:25 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Stephen Gowans
    May 22, 2008

    ZIMBABWE'S political opposition and its Western-sponsored civil society allies are concocting stories of an impending genocide to call for Western intervention to oust the economic nationalist Zanu-PF government of Robert Mugabe.

    Yet they themselves have used threats of violence to destabilize the country to pursue an agenda shaped by and conducive to the interests of Western corporations and investors and the white settler community.

    The opposition had planned to use the March 29 elections to follow the color revolution script written in Washington to springboard to power. That script called on the opposition to declare victory in elections before the first vote was cast, and then to denounce any outcome other than a clear opposition victory as evidence of electoral fraud. If the opposition failed to prevail at the polls, its supporters were to be mobilized to take to the streets to bring down the government, in a repeat of previous Western-engineered color revolutions in Serbia, Georgia and Ukraine.

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    Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe 2007: Year MDC saw the African light
    Saturday, December 29 @ 04:48:26 UTC
    ZimbabweBy Reason Wafawarova
    December 29, 2007

    NOW that the year 2007 is coming to an end and inflation is not at 1,5 million percent, Zanu-PF is still intact, Zimbabwean soldiers are still in the barracks and not at State House and Munhumutapa Building and the Government of Zimbabwe is still going strong it may be necessary to look at some of the political predictions and events of the year that may pass for the highlights of the year.

    The year 2007 began with the suspicious "attack" on Lovemore Madhuku’s residence on January 1 that many neutral observers believe was a self-inflicted and convenient sympathy-hunting antic meant to hoodwink gullible Western donors as well as to attract international attention.

    (Read More... | 14426 bytes more | Score: 3.66)

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