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    Inside U.S.A.: Martial Law By Other Means: Corporate Strangulation of Dissent
    Thursday, August 09 @ 06:52:17 UTC
    USABy Glen Ford, BAR executive editor
    August 09, 2018 - blackagendareport.com

    The ‘hate speech’ trick, in practice, rewards Black people’s occupiers and abusers (the police) and renders voices of protest illegitimate and mute.”

    The people that rule the United States are in the third year of a frenzy to blame Russia and its “trolls,” “dupes,” and witting or unwitting “colluders” – including a sitting president – for racial conflicts, eroding respect for public institutions and a general social breakdown in the nation. “We are at war!” they scream, incessantly, and in a thousand well-placed voices. The relentless barrage of war-talk crowds out all other subjects in the corporate media -- the Omnipresent Voice of Oligarchy -- including the actual warswaged all across the globe by the U.S. and its shrinking gaggle of allies.

    By now, 65 percent of Americans -- if asked -- tell pollsters they think Russia “interfered” in the 2016 elections. According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released late last month, 41 percent believe that whatever the Russians did had some effect on the election, and 30 percent think Hillary Clinton would be president if the Russians had not interfered.

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    Inside U.S.A.: The U.S. is Not a Democracy, It Never Was
    Wednesday, December 13 @ 19:40:33 UTC
    USA By Gabriel Rockhill
    December 13, 2017 - counterpunch.org

    One of the most steadfast beliefs regarding the United States is that it is a democracy. Whenever this conviction waivers slightly, it is almost always to point out detrimental exceptions to core American values or foundational principles. For instance, aspiring critics frequently bemoan a “loss of democracy” due to the election of clownish autocrats, draconian measures on the part of the state, the revelation of extraordinary malfeasance or corruption, deadly foreign interventions, or other such activities that are considered undemocratic exceptions. The same is true for those whose critical framework consists in always juxtaposing the actions of the U.S. government to its founding principles, highlighting the contradiction between the two and clearly placing hope in its potential resolution.

    The problem, however, is that there is no contradiction or supposed loss of democracy because the United States simply never was one. This is a difficult reality for many people to confront, and they are likely more inclined to immediately dismiss such a claim as preposterous rather than take the time to scrutinize the material historical record in order to see for themselves. Such a dismissive reaction is due in large part to what is perhaps the most successful public relations campaign in modern history. What will be seen, however, if this record is soberly and methodically inspected, is that a country founded on elite, colonial rule based on the power of wealth—a plutocratic colonial oligarchy, in short—has succeeded not only in buying the label of “democracy” to market itself to the masses, but in having its citizenry, and many others, so socially and psychologically invested in its nationalist origin myth that they refuse to hear lucid and well-documented arguments to the contrary.

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    Inside U.S.A.: Whose Bright Idea Was RussiaGate?
    Thursday, October 05 @ 12:47:16 UTC
    Russia-USABy Paul Craig Roberts
    October 03, 2017 - paulcraigroberts.org

    The answer to the question in the title of this article is that Russiagate was created by CIA director John Brennan. The CIA started what is called Russiagate in order to prevent Trump from being able to normalize relations with Russia. The CIA and the military/security complex need an enemy in order to justify their huge budgets and unaccountable power. Russia has been assigned that role. The Democrats joined in as a way of attacking Trump. They hoped to have him tarnished as cooperating with Russia to steal the presidential election from Hillary and to have him impeached. I don’t think the Democrats have considered the consequence of further worsening the relations between the US and Russia.

    Public Russia bashing pre-dates Trump. It has been going on privately in neoconservative circles for years, but appeared publicly during the Obama regime when Russia blocked Washington’s plans to invade Syria and to bomb Iran.

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    Inside U.S.A.: What can go wrong?
    Friday, December 02 @ 20:50:50 UTC
    Donald TrumpBy William Blum
    November 30th, 2016 - williamblum.org

    That he may not be “qualified” is unimportant.

    That he’s never held a government or elected position is unimportant.

    That on a personal level he may be a shmuck is unimportant.

    What counts to me mainly at this early stage is that he – as opposed to dear Hillary – is unlikely to start a war against Russia. His questioning of the absolute sacredness of NATO, calling it “obsolete”, and his meeting with Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, an outspoken critic of US regime-change policy, specifically Syria, are encouraging signs.

    Even more so is his appointment of General Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser. Flynn dined last year in Moscow with Vladimir Putin at a gala celebrating RT (Russia Today), the Russian state’s English-language, leftist-leaning TV channel. Flynn now carries the stigma in the American media as an individual who does not see Russia or Putin as the devil. It is truly remarkable how nonchalantly American journalists can look upon the possibility of a war with Russia, even a nuclear war.

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    Inside U.S.A.: George Soros Financed Anti-Trump Protests
    Sunday, November 13 @ 19:06:50 UTC
    George SorosBy Stephen Lendman
    November 13, 2016

    Soros is one of the world’s most infamous figures, an international con man profiting from human misery, supporting color revolutions and wars to serve his interests.

    He menaces fundamental freedoms worldwide, supports anything that smells money, once saying “(w)e need a global sheriff,” perhaps with himself in mind.

    As a market participant, he’s unconcerned about the consequences of his actions. He supported war goddess/Wall Street favorite Hillary for president, contributing millions of dollars to her campaign.

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    Inside U.S.A.: Clinton Is the Most Dangerous Person Alive
    Sunday, November 13 @ 19:00:31 UTC
    Donald Trump and Hillary ClintonClinton Is the Most Dangerous Person Alive – An Interview with Edward S. Herman

    By Ann Garrison
    November 08, 2016 – blackagendareport.com

    The just-concluded election revealed as much about the corporate media, which has broken every rule of journalism to support Hillary Clinton, and the fraudulence of much of the American Left, which turns out to have no real problem with war or capitalism, than it did about the candidates, themselves. Edward Herman is an exception, a genuine man of the Left. He says “a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war with Syria and Russia.”

    “The election of Hillary Clinton might threaten a democratic order as much as a Trump victory.”

    Ann Garrison: Earlier this year, you told me that you differ with Noam Chomsky, your co-author of Manufacturing Consent and other books, in that you plan to vote for the Green Party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka in the swing state of Pennsylvania. Are you still planning to do so?

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    Inside U.S.A.: Made Man in a Blue Vest: Deray McKesson
    Monday, July 11 @ 15:56:52 UTC
    USAMade Man in a Blue Vest: Deray McKesson Is Debutante At Aspen One-Percenters Coming Out Party

    By Bruce A. Dixon
    July 11, 2016 - blackagendareport.com

    It's been a good spring and summer so far for Teach For America alum Deray McKesson. After raising a ton of out of town money the dude in the blue vest finished sixth in the Baltimore mayoral election with a mere 2% of the vote. He was promptly awarded a six figure yearly salary as “interim chief of human capital,” the current term of art for personnel department directors. And last weekend, he was one of the headliners at the annual Aspen Ideas Festival.

    Made Man in a Blue Vest: Deray McKesson
    Made Man in a Blue Vest: Deray McKesson

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    Inside U.S.A.:
    Thursday, May 19 @ 13:34:27 UTC
    USA By Eric Draitser
    May 19, 2016 - stopimperialism.org

    When Hillary Clinton was endorsed by Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in California, many observers were skeptical that the statement of support for the presumptive Democratic nominee was genuine. Indeed, some went so far as to argue that the very public backing of Clinton by a white supremacist of Quigg’s standing was a diversionary tactic designed to either smear Clinton or distract attention from former grand wizard David Duke’s endorsement of Donald Trump, which the presumptive Republican nominee failed to disavow. Regardless of whether the support of Clinton was genuine or not, the fact of the matter is that Clinton policies have indeed been unconscionably destructive for Black Americans, and other people of color.

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    Inside U.S.A.:
    Monday, April 25 @ 15:53:28 UTC
    USAThe Racial Hypocrisy of Hillary and Bill Clinton

    By Richard W. Behan
    April 25, 2016 - counterpunch.org

     The Clinton legacy is black impoverishment—so why are we still voting for Hillary?
    —Michelle Alexander, author, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
    African-Americans have few reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton. No one understands this better—and says it more forcefully—than Michelle Alexander, civil rights activist, author, and professor of law. She has studied the public life of the Clintons, chronicled their catastrophic impacts on black lives, and observed their self-serving, hypocritical pandering to the African-American community.

    The Clintons have always cultivated a warm affection for African-Americans. One iconic image shows Bill riffing on his saxophone for Arsenio Hall. Another pictures Hillary hugging parishioners in black churches. Similar beguiling images appear daily in the media as her presidential campaign progresses.

    The affection seems to be mutual. It was apparent in the primary elections across the South, where black voters gave Hillary Clinton overwhelming majorities. But their loyalty is tragically misplaced: the Clintons’ affection is not matched by a serious commitment to relieving the poverty, prejudice, mass incarceration, and second-class citizenry suffered by much of the black community today.

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    Inside U.S.A.: America's gun massacre blues seem to play on an endless loop
    Friday, October 02 @ 13:46:15 UTC
    USABy Gary Younge
    October 02, 2015 - theguardian.com

    Within the American polity there is a cyclical requiem in the wake of each mass shooting – a predictable collective lament for a calamity that ostensibly everyone regrets and nobody can resolve. Profiles of the victims emerge as reporters opine in front of police tape, wringing every last detail from tear-stained survivors. Gradually facts about the shooter emerge, followed by endless speculation about his (they are almost always men) motives before the president calls for prayer and healing.

    Everybody knows their lines. With 45 mass shootings already this year they have rehearsed them often enough. Indeed, the tragedy lies not only in the trauma of the victims but in the apparent helplessness of the political class and the hopelessness that the deathly cycle might be broken.

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    Inside U.S.A.: Deadly Eye Contact: Freddie Gray and the Baltimore Police
    Tuesday, April 28 @ 20:18:14 UTC
    Baltimore ProtestsBlack America is Fighting Back

    April 28, 2015 - counterpunch.org

    Like many other folks, I’ve been following the protests in Baltimore around the manslaughter of the young Black Baltimore man who “died in police custody” on April 19, 2015. Every day the protests demanding the arrest of the officers involved grow larger. Major League Baseball fans are concerned about missing their games as organizers talk about shutting Baltimore down. The suburbs in between Baltimore and its southern neighbor Washington, DC adjust their attention span to the news about this incident primarily according to the darkness of their skin. In other words, the broken spine of Freddie Gray has much more meaning to the dark-skinned suburbanites than it does to most other suburban dwellers.

    Baltimore is not a pretty town. Sure, they’ve prettied up the Inner Harbor in a very modern capitalist manner; in other words, restaurants, shopping malls and museums. These areas are primarily populated with tourists, office workers and sports fans. Outside of this zone is where the desperation of neoliberal capitalism’s castoffs is palpable. It is nothing the authorities and their supporters want to get riled up. Just like in other communities left behind by neoliberal capitalism, the means to repress and suppress the anger and desperation felt by the residents of West Baltimore (where Freddie Gray was killed) include the illegal drug business, minimum wage jobs and plain old police brutality. This vicious brew of oppression is present in other parts of Baltimore, too, but the Western District is where the repression is currently the starkest.

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    Inside U.S.A.: Racism and War in America and Beyond
    Wednesday, December 10 @ 07:07:41 UTC
    Racism WatchBy Ramzy Baroud
    December 10, 2014

    America’s ruling elites are blatant in their intentions of maintaining “white privilege” at home and economic dominance by military means abroad.

    Their “democracy” in both of these regions is a ruse, and it is yet to deliver any degree of social justice and equality to the millions of disadvantaged Americans which are comprised mostly of black and Latino communities. The unequal distribution of wealth in the United States is simply staggering. In fact, 75.4% of all wealth in the US is owned by the richest 10 percent, according to the authoritative Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook (2013).

    This influx of wealth comes at the heels of a major economic recession, of which rich bankers were mostly to blame, but were never held accountable. Instead, millions of lower-middle class and poor Americans became even poorer. And since America’s political and economic classes largely overlap and feed upon the privileges of one another, millions of Americans lost their homes and savings, while the rich got richer.

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    Inside U.S.A.: Ferguson Reexamined
    Sunday, November 30 @ 21:20:59 UTC
    USABy Paul Craig Roberts
    November 30, 2014 - paulcraigroberts.org

    Few, if any, of the correct questions were asked in the grand jury hearing to decide whether policeman Darren Wilson would be indicted for killing Michael Brown.

    The most important unexamined question is whether police are trained to use force immediately as a first resort before they assess a situation or determine if they are at the correct address. Are the police trained that the lives of police officers are so much more valuable than the lives of possible suspects, or a houseful of people into whose residence a heavily armed SWAT team enters, that police officers must not accept the risk of judicious behavior when encountering citizens? If this is the case as all evidence indicates that it is, then the police when they gratuitously murder members of the public are merely doing what they have been trained to do. As police are trained to use violence as a first resort, the police cannot be held accountable when they do.

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    Inside U.S.A.: Freedom Rider: Jackson, Sharpton, Holder and Ferguson
    Monday, November 24 @ 17:29:03 UTC
    USABy Margaret Kimberley
    November 24, 2014 - blackagendareport.com

    “Jackson was supplanted by Al Sharpton, who surpassed him in crookedness and politically prostitution.”

    If a picture is worth 1,000 words the photo above proves the old adage to be true. This image encapsulates so much that is wrong with the so-called leaders of the black political class. Each of the three men depicted make a mockery of any claim to be allies of black people.

    For decades Jesse Jackson’s seal of approval was enough to quiet or excite the masses to action. As a young lieutenant of Martin Luther King and then as leader of Operation PUSH he became in effect the leader of what was left of the civil rights movement old guard. His presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988 mobilized millions of people to vote and brought election victories to progressives across the country. His history is part righteous and part mercenary, as he sought and received tribute from corporations around the country eager to curry favor with him and by extension the masses he sometimes did represent.

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    Inside U.S.A.: Ferguson: No Justice in the American Police State
    Saturday, August 23 @ 00:33:58 UTC
    USA By Paul Craig Roberts
    August 23, 2014

    - There are reports that American police kill 500 or more Americans every year. Few of these murdered Americans posed a threat to police. https://www.dojmedia.com/u-s-police-have-killed-over-5000-civilians-since-911/ Police murder Americans for totally implausible reasons. For example, a few days before Michael Brown was gunned down in Ferguson, John Crawford picked up a toy gun from a WalMart shelf in the toy department and was shot and killed on the spot by police goons. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/family-man-killed-cops-walmart-demands-surveillance-video

    It appears that the murder of Michael Brown did not satisfy the blood lust of the goon thug cop murderers. Less than four miles from Ferguson, goon thugs murdered another black man on August 19. The police claims of “threat” are disproved by the video of the murder. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/20/kajieme-powell-shooting_n_5696546.html You can see the entire scene much better here. This is a clear case of outright murder of a man by our Nazi Gestapo police. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/cell-phone-video-emerges-refutes-st-louis-cops-version-shooting/ The police then handcuff their dead victim.

    (Read More... | 17416 bytes more | Score: 1)

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