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    Sudan''s Crisis

    Zimbabwe: Land Reform and Mugabe

    U.S Coup in Haiti

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    Satire: 'Miracle Cure' For Holocaust Denial Syndrome
    Tuesday, February 21 @ 10:45:21 UTC
    IsraelBy Michael James
    in Frankfurt, Germany

    FRANKFURT, Germany -- Governments, police services and prison authorities around the world are reportedly "overjoyed" by the launch of a new prescription drug that cures people who are suffering doubts about the veracity of the so-called Jewish Holocaust.

    Shares in Israel-based Goy & Goy Pharmaceuticals Incorporated rocketed to 89 US dollars following the long-awaited announcement of a miracle cure for Holocaust Denial Syndrome (HDS).

    Soon to be marketed and sold under the name Holozac, the drug works by rapidly closing down the brain's centre of intellectual inquiry. It also blocks the re-uptake of politically incorrect neurotransmitters involved in critical thought processes, making it more difficult to distinguish between truth and lies.

    (Read More... | 7376 bytes more | Score: 3)

    Satire: Bush misspeaks, or talks the truth for the first time?
    Thursday, August 05 @ 21:42:18 UTC
    Brains Missing
    Fool Me Once...
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    Bush misspeaks, says his administration seeking 'new ways to harm our country'

    Bush misspoke as he delivered a speech at the signing ceremony for a $417 billion defense spending bill.

    "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we," Bush said. "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

    No one in Bush's audience of military brass or Pentagon chiefs reacted.

    (Read More... | 1303 bytes more | Score: 5)

    Satire: Bush Reads?
    Thursday, September 26 @ 22:13:56 UTC
    One student who probably won't get a
    scholarship until he learns how to read:

    Bush Reads
    Photo from: www.narconews.com

    (Read More... | Score: 0)

    Satire: More Shame on Bush. Fool Me Once...
    Wednesday, September 25 @ 02:53:33 UTC
    Fool Me Once
    ChickenHawk - Hall of Shame (Flash Video)

    Check the video, no text can convey it better.
    More Shame on Bush. Fool Me Once... (Flash/Video)

    Download macromedia flashplayer


    I've captured from The Daily Show the clip of W struggling to say "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Notice the look of abject fear as he realizes that he's going to muff it and it's going to end up on the news, and on damn fool weblogs.

    (Read More... | 6540 bytes more | Score: 4.87)

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