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    War and Terror: The Real Rogue Nation
    Posted on Wednesday, November 13 @ 13:42:58 UTC
    Topic: Enlighten
    EnlightenPOSITIVELY BLACK, Junious Ricardo Stanton

    "If the U.S. government were held to the FBI's official definition of terrorism (the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives), their list of victims since WWII alone would include: Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Chile, Granada, Columbia, Bolivia, Venezuela. Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, Zaire, Namibia, Lebanon, Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Bangladesh, Iran, South Africa, the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Cambodia, Libya, Palestine, Indonesia, East Timer, Turkey, Angola and Somalia."

    - Christ White former US Marine Sargent

    As we watch and wait to see how and when the Bush administration will conduct its imperialistic "preemptive strike" against another non white third world nation (it may be Iraq but no nation is safe from Uncle Sam's lust) whose government the US has helped corrupt, destabilize or overthrow it behooves us to decode the media propaganda and match deeds to rhetoric. A wise teacher said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits." meaning observe and assess people's conduct to see if it matches their rhetoric. He also said "Nothing hidden shall not be revealed nothing whispered in the basement shall not be shouted from the rooftops." Meaning the inner motives, desires and values of an individual, leader or the collective psyche of a nation will manifest itself in due time.

    We hear George W. Bush talk about his "War on Terrorism" we've listened to him indict Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an "Axis of Evil". This is pure propaganda, hypocrisy and utter nonsense. It is a form of deception and projection. Projection is a psychological term defined as: attributing one own traits, attitudes or faults to others. Europeans are good at that. The ethnic and historical legacy of their immediate ancestors the Aryans, Angles, Saxon, Jutes, Vandals, Danes, Goths, Vikings etc, their cultural patterns of invasion, plunder, pillage, rape and subjugation have been chronicled for the last 1,600 years. When they want to demonize an individual or another group they merely attribute their own behavior to the people they want to dehumanize. Which countries in the modern world invented, developed and used weapons of mass destruction? The answer of course is Germany, England, France, the US, Russia, Japan and China. With the exception of China and Japan all the others are of Eurasian or European extraction. (Modern day Israel would also be in the mix but they get most of their weaponry from the US and Britain). It's the old adage of the kettle calling the pot black; of pointing your index finger at someone else not realizing three of your other fingers are pointing back, indicting you.

    "There is nothing whispered in the basement that will not be shouted on the rooftops." This metaphysical adage applies to AmeriKKKa. The basement in this sense is the psyche of the ruling elites who think they can rob, steal and murder with impunity. AmeriKKKa has waged an unceasing war of extermination and subjugation against the indigenous inhabitants not only in the US but throughout this hemisphere. Early on AmeriKKKa staked its imperialistic hegemonic claims to Mexico, Central and South America in the infamous Monroe Doctrine. Later it was able via the Spanish American War to form its own empire in the Caribbean and Pacific. Keep in mind it was doing this while simultaneously killing off and expropriating the Native Americans' lands, sanctioning, legalizing and supporting the kidnapping, enslavement, dehumanization and oppression of our ancestors. Uncle Sam has been a very busy and very naughty dude. What the US has done internationally they've also done domestically via COINTELPRO, Operation CHAOS, MK- ULTRA and Operation Mockingbird. But to add insult to injury they claim they do what they do it the name of freedom, democracy, and the AmeriKKKan way.

    "Ye shall know them by their fruits."
    But the truth of the matter is they do it in the name of evil, unmitigated greed and avarice. Somewhere in the world today, at this very moment a mother is mourning the death of her child because of AmeriKKKan policies, weaponry and imperialism. Somewhere in the world today people are quaking in fear of an AmeriKKKan helicopter gun ship or US bomber dropping bombs or chemicals on their village, town or city. Somewhere in the world today an AmeriKKKan trained assassin, death squad member or mercenary will snuff out the life of a local freedom fighter, dissident or innocent by-stander. Somewhere in the world today the leader of a sovereign nation is being targeted for whitemail, overthrow or elimination by the CIA, its counterparts in the M15, or Mossad based on the agenda of the New World Order, World Bank, IMF or related interlocking boards.

    In 1967 Martin Luther King Jr, explaining his opposition to the Vietnam War stated, "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own government." That statement is truer now than ever.

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