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    Inside U.S.A.: Bush: the Decider Dictator
    Posted on Wednesday, April 19 @ 01:06:18 UTC
    Topic: Bushfire
    BushfireBy Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com

    I recall months ago, when folks began first murmuring about booting Donald Rumsfeld, arriving at the obvious conclusion—Donald Rumsfeld is not going anywhere, not anymore than Cheney is (short of a heart attack). Rumsfeld and Cheney are integral to the Straussian neocon hold on both the Pentagon and the Oval Office. Bush may appoint Rob Portman to head the Office of Management and Budget, and Dan Senor (former AIPAC flunky, director of the US-Israel Business Exchange, and associate at the Carlyle Group) may replace Scott McClellan, but Cheney and Rumsfeld are like white on rice.

    It's said Rumsfeld has to go because Iraq is a disaster. I beg to differ—things are going swimmingly for the Straussian neocons in Iraq. Bush never intended to bestow democracy on the Iraqi people, as claimed, and we all know about the weapons of mass destruction that never were (and a few of us said this in late 2002, as the Office of Special Plans began to circulate its propaganda and lies to the likes of Judith Miller at the New York Times). All of it was and is a smokescreen for the real deal—fomenting "civil war" and eventually breaking Iraq up into three pieces based along ethnic and religious lines (all the better to rule and divide—and steal oil, water, and other natural resources, not to mention turning millions of people into a pool of cheap labor, as the Israelis have done over the years to the Palestinians).

    "I hear the voices and I read the front page and I know the speculation," Bush growled at the corporate media. "But I'm the decider and I decide what's best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."

    Translation: Bush is the dictator ("it would be a heck of a lot easier") decider increasingly unbound by the restraints of law and the Constitution. In ancient Rome, a dictator received absolute power on a temporary basis during times of emergency. It is said our emergency is the war on terror—terror documented to be an engineered fraud—but unlike the Romans before Sulla and Triumvir and the Princeps, Bush's dictatorial power is arbitrary and unaccountable, not subject to law and justification.

    Bush's emerging dictatorship is the most dangerous kind—unlike the garden variety military dictatorship put in place through a coup d'état, primarily to keep a certain personality (invariably a knuckle-dragging thug) in power (usually representing a particular social or economic class), the Bush (or rather Straussian) dictatorship is extremely dangerous because it represents a totalitarian ideology—and thus akin to the totalitarian dictatorships of Hitler and Stalin. Our "decider" (or rather his handlers) have embraced the theology of state power and corporatism—or as Mussolini called it, fascism.

    Donald Rumsfeld is crucial to this fascist ideology.

    A bit of harping on the part of the corporate media—or factions therein squeamish over Straussian neocon tactics (shock and awe mass murder, institutionalized torture, mini-nuke braggadocio)—will not change the game plan, a stratagem devised by the neocons as far back as the first Bush administration (in the good old days, these guys were called the "crazies," and Colin Powell later added a colorful verb before this pejorative).

    Nothing short of a military coup and tanks rolling up Pennsylvania Avenue will put an end to this madness.

    On that fateful day, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush will resemble Hitler and his lieutenants hiding in their bunkers as the Russians stormed Berlin.

    Either that or they will turn the planet into a living hell.

    Reprinted from: http://kurtnimmo.com/?p=342

    Related Links
    · US Crusade
    · US Terror History
    · More about Bushfire
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    Most read story about Bushfire:
    The Second Coming of George W. Bush: The Messiah of the 21st Century

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