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    Invasion of Iraq: Amman Radisson Owned by Palestinians
    Posted on Wednesday, November 16 @ 11:07:48 UTC
    Topic: Jordan
    Jordanby Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com
    November 15, 2005

    "Mary Nazzal-Batayneh, whose family owns the Radisson," explains the Arab Media Watch blog, "sent out the following press release:"
    "We are the owners of Radisson SAS Jordan. As the owners we want to send deep condolences to all the staff and guests. We are deeply shocked and obviously condemn such acts. We very briefly want to set the record straight on 2 points.

    Firstly, news reports have been indicating that the Radisson SAS was specifically attacked because it is an American hotel and has hosted Israelis. I want to make it clear that the Radisson SAS is a Scandinavian chain and owned by Palestinian-Jordanians.

    Furthermore, the Radisson SAS owners and staff represent the strongest supporters out of all the hotels in Jordan for the Palestinian and Iraqi people. We have expressed our support throughout the decades and will continue to do so."
    You'd think al-Zarqawi's Tanzim Qa'idat Al-Jihad fi Bilad Al-Rafidayn (Al-Qaeda Organization of Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers) would bomb a Jordanian target, not one jointly owned by Palestinians and Jordanians (recall the Israelis consider Palestinians Jordanians and vice versa).

    If we are to believe the propaganda dispensed by the corporate media (based on an impalpable internet message) al-Zarqawi targeted the hotels because he considered them to be "centers for launching war on Islam and support the crusaders' presence in Iraq and the Arab peninsula and the presence of the Jews on the land of Palestine... They also were a secure place for the filthy Israeli and Western tourists to spread corruption and adultery at the expense and suffering of Moslems."

    Instead of Jews and Western tourists, the bombs killed Jordanians and Palestinians—and also the Palestinian West Bank intelligence Chief Basheer Nafe', his deputy Abid Allouni, the Commercial Attaché at the Palestinian embassy in Cairo Jihad Fattoh, the brother of Palestinian Legislative Council speaker Rawhi Fattoh, and Mus'ab Kharma, deputy chairman of Cairo-Amman Bank in the Palestinian territory and "students" from China's University of National Defense meeting with the Palestinians when they were killed.

    The Radisson SAS was bombed by Mossad because it was considered a Palestinian target—and because blame could be pinned on the mythical al-Zarqawi. Running black ops engineered to be blamed on Arabs is the basic Israeli intelligence modus operandi (as the bombing of American and British property in Cairo and Alexandria in 1954 by Israeli military intelligence—known as the Lavon Affair, the prototype of all Israeli covert terrorism to come—was initially blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, itself an MI6-CIA penetrated organization). It is simply not credible to believe al-Zarqawi (even if he was alive) would target high-level Palestinians and their Chinese guests at a Jordanian-Palestinian owned hotel.

    Only Israel stands to gain from the bombing of the Radisson SAS.

    Reprinted from:

    Amman Bombings: More Suspicious Details

    November 15th 2005

    A story appearing on the CBC World News website this afternoon reveals additional details about the Amman hotel bombings and shoots a big hole in the official story, as pimped by the corporate media. A security official, who will likely be demoted if his identity is revealed, told the Associated Press that "lights in sections of both the Radisson and Hyatt hotels went out just before the near simultaneous blasts in—apparent—co-ordinated fashion…. A DJ at the Radisson, where a Jordanian-Palestinian wedding reception was bombed, also recalled how the ballroom where the party was being held mysteriously descended into darkness. ‘The lights at the wedding hall went off seconds, maybe just one second, before the blast, although there was electricity outside the room in the corridor, the nearby lobby area and the reception,’ Fadi al-Kessi told The AP. ‘For some reason, I looked to my right in the darkness and saw what looked liked lightening, then there was a loud boom. It felt like the explosion came from the ceiling, then people started running out,’" notes the AP. (Emphasis added.)

    So here we have an eye witness confirming the photographic evidence—the explosion occurred above hotel drop ceilings. It also appears somebody deliberately switched off the lights, although we are told all the terrorists, with the exception of Sajida Mubarak al-Rishawi, died in the blasts. No explanation is provided how the suicide terrorists managed to accomplish this feat. No doubt these two details will find their way to the memory hole soon enough—or a lame explanation will be dreamed up and provided to the corporate media.

    If we are to believe other details subsequently added to the official story, the Hyatt bomber, said to be Rawad Jassem Mohammed, "sized up American-Syrian movie producer Mustapha Akkad [who produced all of the Halloween movies] at a hotel coffee shop before going to a toilet with another Iraqi man to don his suicide belt, a security official close to the investigation said…. Mohammed returned minutes later, the bulkiness of his bomb under his clothes apparent and walking with difficulty, before blowing himself up near Akkad and his daughter, Rima, the official cited eyewitnesses as saying," News24 reports. It is inferred here that Mohammed either recognized Akkad—unlikely for an Iraqi from a rural area (that is unless Akkad was pointed out to Mohammed, possibly by his intelligence handler)—or simply targeted him because he was an American (although Akkad was born in Syria, he came to America in 1950).

    It is now obvious the Amman hotel bombings were a black op executed by Mossad, British intelligence, or the American military, or it was a collaborative effort of all three (suspicion, however, falls on the Israelis, since they have plenty of experience with these sort of operations, from the Lavon Affair in the early 50s onward). Although we are told by the Bush echo chamber corporate media this was an al-Zarqawi terrorist event—specifically targeted at Jews and the Jordanian government—the fact is the targets consisted of affluent Arab wedding guests, Palestinian officials, a delegation of Chinese military officials, and an Arab-American movie producer. It appears Akkad, a more or less well-known American, was specifically targeted (he was "sized up" by Mohammed), thus sensationalizing the attack (few here in America seem to care when poor Iraqis or Arabs are the victims of such attacks). It cannot be disputed—although the American corporate media can ignore—the fact the bombs were placed in the ceiling. If indeed Rawad Jassem Mohammed and his cohorts were present, they did not carry bombs (it is possible they were strapped with belts they believed contained explosives). Sajida Mubarak al-Rishawi is little more than a malleable patsy thrown in the mix to add a further and frightening dimension to the Arab terrorist archetype—now we cannot trust Arab women (again, a detail engineered previously by the Israelis; consider Hanadi Tayseer Jaradat and other Palestinian female bombers profiled on this page).

    Not surprisingly, in the wake of the Amman terrorist bombing black op, the Jordanian police indicate they will "harness state-of-the-art electronic surveillance technology" in banks (and likely elsewhere) and also implement "tough new security rules," including "a demand that citizens report the identities of any foreigners renting flats or houses," according the News24, thus tightening the noose of the Jordanian police state further. All of this, as well, will get Americans incrementally accustomed to the idea that in order to prevent (fake) terrorist attacks, we may soon be required to hack up the Bill of Rights further (by passing Patriot II, the sequel) and pave the way for more police state tactics and technology.

    Reprinted from:

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    · More about Jordan
    · News by ZeberuS

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    Amman Radisson Owned by Palestinians

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