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    World Focus: Disband NATO
    Wednesday, March 19 @ 21:02:35 UTC
    RussiaBy Jacob G. Hornberger
    March 17, 2014 - fff.org

    In a recent New York Times op-ed, John McCain, the man who hoped to be president, said that Russia’s invasion of Crimea has nothing to do with NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

    Oh? Well, now, let’s see how McCain would be responding if the shoe were on the other foot.

    Let’s assume that when the Cold War ended, the United States disbanded NATO. That, of course, wouldn’t have been too illogical given that NATO was brought into existence to protect Western Europe from Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Since the Soviet Uni0n was dismantled with the Cold War’s end, there was certainly no reason to keep NATO in existence.

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    World Focus: Election Intrigue in Belarus
    Sunday, March 19 @ 16:51:11 UTC
    RussiaBy Stephen Gowans, gowans.blogspot.com

    The efforts of Western powers to overthrow Belarus' Lukashenko government will culminate in rallies planned for Sunday night in Minsk to protest the outcome of the presidential election Lukashenko is sure to win, not because the election will be rigged, but because Lukashenko is by far the most popular candidate.

    Polls carried out as recently as last month, paid for by the International Republican Institute, the US taxpayer funded foreign policy arm of the Republican Party, show that support for the US-backed candidate, Aleksandr Milinkevich is "in the single digits," (1) while over half of voters back Lukashenko.

    A January Gallup/Baltic Surveys poll found that 55 percent of voters planned to vote for Lukashenko, while only 17 percent planned to mark their ballot for the West's favored candidate.

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    World Focus: Vladimir Putin and the global realignment
    Wednesday, January 12 @ 00:57:55 UTC
    RussiaBy Mike Whitney, smirkingchimp.com
    "Russia revealed it was fitting its strategic bombers with cruise missiles capable of delivering a massive precision strike thousands of miles away--giving away the first clear hint of its post-Cold War military strategy."

    --Moscow AFP
    Putin's fall from grace has been swift and steep. He's gone from the White House penthouse to the Crawford chicken coop in just a matter of weeks. The man who George Bush affectionately refers to as "Pootie-poot" is no longer the trusted ally and bosom companion he was in the first four years of the Bush regime. Instead, Washington is reassessing its connection to the Russian president and reshaping its foreign policy to fit the new developments.

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    World Focus: The hand of the CIA? Blowback in Ukraine
    Tuesday, November 30 @ 14:36:36 UTC
    RussiaBy Dave Lindorff, CounterPunch

    An interesting and disturbing aspect of the post-election uprising in Ukraine is that it is not entirely a spontaneous event.

    Although the election outcome was clearly manipulated by the government of outgoing president Leonid Kuchma, a corrupt and dictatorial Soviet-era autocrat, whose supporters in and out of the government's secret service apparatus have not shied away even from killing opponents, and although much of the movement that took to the streets in Kiev to protest and overturn the results, which had given victory to Kuchma's handpicked successor, Viktor Yanukovich, has been indigenous and heartfelt, there is also clear evidence that the U.S.--the CIA and various American "pro-democracy" front groups--is playing a crucial hand in destabilizing the pro-Russian regime.

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    World Focus: Ukraine and Inter-Imperialist Rivalry
    Monday, November 29 @ 15:43:19 UTC
    RussiaPoll Results Aren't the Real Issue

    By Gary Leupp
    "Russia plus Ukraine is the Russian empire, which can never be a democracy."

    David Frum, neocon ideologue, advocating preemptive expansion of the U.S. empire
    Many are declaring the Ukraine crisis the nadir of post-Cold War U.S.-Russian relations. Surely it is that. But the clash over Ukraine between Presidents Bush and Putin is not one pitting "freedom" vs. "dictatorship," or capitalism vs. something else, as the neocons might have us believe. Rather, it pits U.S. ambitions for hegemony over the innermost circle of Russia's historical sphere of influence (including Belarus and Moldova as well as Ukraine) against Russia's ambitions to maintain a buffer zone against a relentlessly expanding NATO.

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