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    War and Terror: Former Drone Pilots to Obama: Civilian Killings Driving 'Terrorism'
    Wednesday, November 18 @ 23:01:34 UTC
    DroneAir Force whistleblowers say US drone program "is one of the most devastating driving forces for terrorism and destabilization around the world."

    By Lauren McCauley
    November 18, 2015 - Common Dreams

    Four former U.S. Air Force drone operators issued a public letter on Wednesday warning that the United States' ongoing targeted killing program "is one of the most devastating driving forces for terrorism and destabilization around the world."

    The letter (pdf), addressed to U.S. President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, and CIA Chief John Brennan accuses the administration of fueling "tragedies such as the attacks in Paris" while "lying publicly about the effectiveness of the drone program."

    "We came to the realization that the innocent civilians we were killing only fueled the feelings of hatred that ignited terrorism and groups like ISIS," the whistleblowers wrote, "while also serving as a fundamental recruitment tool similar to Guantanamo Bay."

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    World Focus: Remote Control Killing Like Sport
    Thursday, June 16 @ 08:21:34 UTC
    DroneBy Stephen Lendman
    June 15, 2011

    Defense contractor giants like Boeing, Lockeed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and others, as well as smaller rivals compete for growing demand for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). They include remote control operated killer drones, also called unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs).

    It's America's newest sport. From distant command centers, far from target sights, sounds, and smells, operators dismissively ignore human carnage showing up as computer screen blips little different from video game images. The difference, of course, is people die, mostly noncombatants. More on that below.

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    War and Terror: Pentagon's Growing Robot Capability Transforming Warfare
    Sunday, July 18 @ 20:08:56 UTC
    DroneBy Sherwood Ross
    July 18, 2010

    The Pentagon is rapidly improving its ability to fight wars with robots. This capability is "bringing about the most profound transformation of warfare since the advent of the atom bomb," says Scientific American, and raises "a host of ethical and legal issues."

    "Robots are pouring onto battlefields as if a new species of mechanotronic alien had just landed on our planet," the publication says in an editorial on their development in its July issue. "The prospect of androids that hunt down and kill on their own accord (shades of Terminator) should give us all pause. An automatic pilot that makes its own calls about whom to shoot violates the 'human' part of international humanitarian law, the one that recognizes that some weapons are so abhorrent that they just should be eliminated."

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