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    War and Terror: Seoul and Washington play dangerous game with Korean lives
    Tuesday, December 21 @ 07:25:10 UTC
    South KoreaBy Stephen Gowans
    December 17, 2010 - gowans.wordpress.com

    Does this sound familiar?

    “In South Korea, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that marines based on Yeonpyeong Island, a tiny fishing community with military bases near the Koreas’ disputed sea border, will stage one-day live-fire drills.” [1]

    The “Marines will fire artillery to the southwest, away from North Korea” [2] but into North Korea’s customary law-defined territorial waters.

    The North Koreans responded by notifying the South Korean military that it should “stop the provocative planned shelling from (Yeonpyeong Island)” otherwise it would unleash a “self-defensive blow” to protect its “inviolable territorial waters.” [3]

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    War and Terror: "Runaway Ally" Joins "the Axis of Evil"
    Sunday, November 28 @ 16:48:51 UTC
    South KoreaOne More Neocon Target: South Korea

    By Gary Leupp, counterpunch.org

    The neocons have added yet another country to their hit list, another one targeted for regime change: the Republic of Korea. Yes, that's South Korea, long-time U.S. ally, host to around 34,000 U.S. troops. William Kristol, editor of the neocon Weekly Standard and chair of the highly influential Project for the New American Century, has issued a memo (addressed to "opinion-leaders") on behalf of the PNAC. This is a highly significant and alarming document. It alludes to "the problems created by the government now in office in Seoul" and the need for a "strategy to deal with" them. These "problems" involve South Korea's failure to sufficiently cooperate with Washington's efforts to topple the regime in North Korea. Kristol draws attention to a long Weekly Standard article by Nicholas Eberstadt, an economist with the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, entitled "Tear Down this Tyranny: a Korea Strategy for Bush's Second Term." This article is must reading as a clear statement of neocon plans for Northeast Asia.

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    World Focus: Korea: Another Big Election Defeat For Bush
    Saturday, December 21 @ 14:40:56 UTC
    South Koreaby Jim Lobe*, December 20, 2002

    Running against President George W. Bush and his belligerent foreign policy may be risky in the United States, but it looks more and more like a sure winner abroad.

    That appears to be the lesson of this week's stunning victory by governing party candidate Roh Moo-hyun in South Korea's presidential election, the latest in a series of national votes in key countries around the world in which the voting public repudiated candidates most closely identified with current U.S. foreign policy.

    (Read More... | 8862 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 5)

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