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    Caribbean: 12th CRO Summit, Cultural & Trade Expo
    Wednesday, November 05 @ 17:00:32 UTC
    Rastafari Invitation to Participate in the 12th CRO Summit, Cultural & Trade Expo


    Greetings in the name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie The First! The purpose of this letter is to notify brethren and sistren of all mansions of the upcoming Caribbean Rastafari
    Organisation (CRO) Summit, Cultural & Trade Expo. We invite you to participate in strengthening our social relations and building economic trade linkages among Rastafari across the World.

    The CRO is hosting the event under the theme “Visioning a future bright and full of promise” (Haile Selassie I) and “Adjusting our economic present, in readiness for the future” (Marcus Mosiah Garvey). Please visit the website http://icarbarbados.org/expo for more information.

    You are guaranteed to feel a sense of achievement from being associated with such an initiative that generates far‐reaching benefits with respect to the cultural and economic future of Rastafari. We look forward to your participation. To register, please complete the form here and send the appropriate payment.



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    Pandora's Box: Refuting the Myth of Adam and Eve
    Tuesday, November 07 @ 19:11:57 UTC
    Rastafariby Ras Tyehimba
    November 07, 2006

    There is a lot of important information that though cannot be reasonably disputed, is not incorporated fully into the mainstream body of information that comes from mainstream media and the formal education system. One area of subjugated information has to do with the earliest beginnings of humanity. The misinformation and confusion around these earliest beginnings can be attributed to the pervasiveness of Judeo-Christianity. If one is to follow the Bible the age of the earth and humanity are approximately 6000-9000 years old. Understanding historical realities is made even more difficult when attempts are made to reduce the billions of years of earth's life forms into a mere 7000 year span as articulated by the Bible.

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    War and Terror: No to War! Rastafari duty to promote Peace
    Monday, September 30 @ 18:25:15 UTC
    Rastafariby Ras Shawn Naphtali, UK, Rastafari Speaks

    As a Rastafarian it is my duty to promote peace as the most effective strategy for long term unity and community. But the sad irony is, there are times when are backs as so against the wall that we have no option but to defend our freedoms and communities, sometimes with force. This is called self-defence. I do not believe that Bush and his pet sheep Blair are in that position. They are using the name of peace in vain, to rage terror. If the United Nations follow them like sheep, it will be a sad day for the world.

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