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The trouble with Aryans (Read 905 times)


Posts: 22
The trouble with Aryans
Jul 29th, 2002 at 2:07am
by Underground Panther in the Sky

The trouble with racists or Aryans is they want to live in isolation with people like themselves and they can't do it while they are interdependent, living like the rest of us in a global village. Because humans are so prevalent, and 90% or more of the planet is owned and unoccupied by the top 10% of corporate wealthy landowners, and we the "un-elites" are crowded together to make ends meet in a system built on greed and consumption. (lower rents and jobs are in the city), the racist insecure among the general population are frustrated. Racists and CEO's have not grown out of futile game of elitism. Racists cling to tribal race bloodline fantasies as much as CEO's cling to million dollar mansions and Porsches — as signs of their worth. Unlike the super-rich, many racists cannot easily move away from the folks they don't like.

In reality a lot of us must live together closely to get to work, and compete for jobs we hate to do, if we don't have rich uncles with money to maintain a car or supplement our incomes and move us out to the 'burbs away from those 'inferiors.' The crowded-in cope with the same issues as racists do, and have to cope with paranoid misdirected racists who haven't realized the real issue was created long ago, when mankind accepted the fantasy than men could be elites over commoners or slaves — that "kings" or "leaders" could solve our personal issues for us, that being loyal to tribe, tradition or chief could make our lives better personally. As if the person we the people give all the power and money to really cares, as a fellow equal human being, about the people he beats into submission.

This lie of superiority, however good it feels to the ego, leads to all humanity being exploited, and all of us being crowded as mere chattel — into apartments, isolated from one another, as strangers, worked to death by wealthy, greedy corporations. As we go on working to support the habit of consuming useless products to fill up a deep-learned feeling of powerlessness, dissatisfaction and emptiness inside, we dig the hole of disempowerment and evasion deeper.

The corporations love you, racists, because they know, with the ever-consuming wage slaves fighting amongst each other and other races, too scared to relate and live their lives without cops to stop the bully racists, who are unwilling to step out of reaction to see the bigger picture that nobody's free, nobody will dare to be free. The corporate class can rule as our hidden masters through our very beliefs, which they want to foist on us. Beware — it is elites and wannabe elites in the human heart who exploit us all . Every bully carries shame. He wants to hide in terror from the very people that gave him power to rule them. To keep power these bullies will continue to confound, confuse and create dilemmas amongst the citizens of Earth, and you racist insecure dumbshits take their bait and believe the ______ race is "superior.

Racists and the narrow reactive P. C. types perpetuate the same lies that keep all humankind oppressed by oligarchies and elites hiding behind corporate identities. But of course, I know the racists who find their sense of identity and security for their hypocritically dishonest flagging egos in lost glory dreams. They will embrace the core of the corporate-indoctrinated beliefs that cause the real problems, and the lack of self-sovereignty racists feel so keenly and so easily blame on other races. (The painful problems I am referring to, that unaware racists must realize are not race-based, are problems all but the very wealthy face — genetically modified and unhealthy food, poverty in a huge chaotic rigged pyramid scam called "free markets," government invasion of privacy, corporate/elites land ownership, child abuse, etc.

Yet they'll deny this, and say they are the captain of their own destiny and go on blaming the hated races. Racists are not self-sovereign people. They are oppressed and controlled ... and the racists will rationaLIES this. They will say anything short of giving up the glory of their tribal traditions, their fantasy kings of the past, as long as it gives meaning to their lives now, veiling their dreaded counter-fantasies of insignificant suffering.

No-one is free when someone makes themselves an elite, not even the elites.

Because for a race to call itself elite, there must be an "inferior" race to be "superior" to. This is the dream of the insecure and suffering. Give up the lie of elitism and the puritan work ethic that keeps exploiters happy, and walk away from this system. Or fight the real enemy, dismantle the invisible system of lies called "real," created by the system to serve the system. A house of lies made co-opted beliefs is what holds you and everyone else in this massive chain gang.
We all react in different ways to this unnatural oppressive system of power-over us. Some can hold their cool better, some let the frustration out in mental illness, physical illness, thoughtless rebellion, reaction to rebellion, or some find religion, or express it through angry or deconstructive art. If this game of "king me" is voluntarily stopped by the entire human race, you might find yourself so free and unafraid of the people who are your equals it will dawn on you that the people you once hated were never the real threat and cause of misery. You were taught to believe they were. Those who hate power are just as addicted to the game of getting power-over as those who shun it by seeking power in exerting power-over the power seekers they feel threaten them!

Wake up, you racists, and also you few eracists with little empathy for the painful threatening confusion racists suffer from in their lives. You rabid P. C. folks love being cops to the point you forget the crushing insecurity that is under a racist's words of hate, the crushing insecurity that causes the very oppression that makes racists! I know racism hurts humanity, but don't think for one minute those words of hate come from a peaceful stable emotional life. P.C. corrections aren't helping any racist see the painful reality of oppression inside themselves they project on race. You are being a slanted censor to stoke a pressure-cooker, reinforcing their feelings of oppression without realizing it.

Persuasion used to mean something other than lies. It used to mean using well thought out sound arguments in a many sided honest debate to win over a person willingly to your position. Bullying is not persuasion. It's coercion. Racists know about coercion and persuasion, and they use poisoned honey.

P. C. types deny that is what they do. Why not become aware of it and STOP coercing one another and relate you both have pain right? Reason together, support one another, strive to relate and become friends, personally. Talk honestly about how life hurts in a sick society, support one another and grow out of belief-based domination. And learn to be free. It's not easy to be free if you are afraid to bear your soul.

Truth is, persuasive arguments can win more flies with honey than vinegar, even if the honey is poisoned. Look at how hate groups recruit unhappy, lonely people with empathy. They seek potential racists by relating to their immediate fear and plight. They give sweet support, build their confidence and give them answers and someone who cares. And being sweet like that, simply to make a better relationship with the world, does not mean being stupidly tolerant or coercing anyone. It's about relating to them as valued human beings.

The confused, easily-misdirected hatred of different "sides" is what benefits and exactly what causes humankind and the very Earth itself pain. We can learn to disagree without hate or threat, if we are secure in ourselves and our innate power enough to care about the well-being of others equally. We need to heal ourselves and heal each other and learn how to accept our self-sovereignty responsibly. This takes true, open, genuine human character, without the will to dominate or coerce. It takes courage, intelligent judicial tolerance, vulnerable power, and transparent speech. If you can do this, you can help a lot just by opening your mouth and exposing your heart to a world competing for attention to be accepted and valued by another human being.

© 2002, Underground Panther in the Sky.

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Posts: 313
Gender: male
Truth Mixed with lies are the Devil's Comfort
Reply #1 - Aug 2nd, 2002 at 5:26pm
Observer, TrinidadandTobagoNews Board

No matter what name is posted the true character stands out.
Truth mixed with lies is truly the comfort of the "Otherwise"

YES, the real issue was created long ago. "The lie of Superiority"
But I assure you that the pressures, pain, prejudices and victimization suffered by (eg.)Africans in South Africa and around the world did not come from Confused or Easily-misdirected Minds. It was and still is a deliberate well organise, well calculated and well planned act of wickedness.

The unrepentant transparent speech of an oppressor, will always be to neutralize and pascify the reactions of their Victims.


Since your post was not written by you.

(a)"Bullying is not persuation it is coercion."

(a)"To Heal ourselves and Heal each other"......."It takes COURAGE intelligence judicial tolerance VULNERABLE POWER and transparent speech. (???????)

Courage and vulnerable power? That just doesn't make sense!!!

Which one of the Super Powers, Hate Organisations or Socialists Governments ever kept themselves vulnerable--------"exposed, susceptible unprotected or defenseless.

Speak the Truth freely. (FOR YOURSELF)
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