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    War and Terror: Lockerbie: the real cover up
    Wednesday, August 26 @ 02:15:54 UTC
    QaddafiLibyan man framed by US and Britain | Western interests behind dirty deals

    August 25, 2009

    The row over the release of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, who was convicted of the Lockerbie bombing, opens up an enormous scandal.

    Megrahi did not blow up Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988. He was framed to suit the US and British governments.

    Now he has been released to further those interests.

    Along the way the British blackmailed Megrahi into dropping a legal case that could have proved his innocence and exposed the cover-up.

    (Read More... | 11538 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    World Focus: From Posterboy to Wanted Poster
    Friday, June 25 @ 15:24:44 UTC
    QaddafiGoing After Qaddafi (Again)

    By KURT NIMMO, www.kurtnimmo.com

    Remember when the Bush Ministry of Disinformation made such a big deal out of Qaddafi's reported deal to stop working on nuclear weapons? Mu'ammar's so-called "renunciation" had neocons and Bush warmongers strutting around declaring the invasion of Iraq -- and the murder of 11,000 innocent Iraqis -- was a good and righteous thing because it scared the heck out of Arab dictators and will force them to the table to negotiate their emasculation.

    (Read More... | 5175 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 3.5)

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