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    Caribbean: Dr. Walter Rodney, Amandla, Hamba Kahle! ... Power, Go Well!
    Thursday, August 04 @ 07:58:53 UTC
    Guyana By Franz J. T. Lee

    As we know, this year is the 25th anniversary of the death of Dr. Walter Rodney, of one of the most promising contemporary world emancipators of African descent ... who was brutally nipped in the bud by a Maquiavellian dictator then clad in "cooperative socialist" clothing, and who was also of African descent ... that marks one of the sharpest (not "racial" or "racist") current social class contradictions in South America and the Caribbean.

    Apart from the fact, that I met Walter Rodney personally, while teaching at the University of Guyana between 1977 and 1979, and that we had important political and revolutionary discussions concerning the African Revolution, the "race" and class struggle, and the then global anti-Apartheid liberatory struggle, yet, our academic and emancipatory acquaintance dates right back to 1972, when his famous classic, "Afrika: Die Geschichte einer Unterentwicklung" (How Europe Underdeveloped Africa) was published by the leftist Wagenbach-Verlag in Berlin, in 1972.

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    Caribbean: Walter Rodney: In Memory of the 25th Anniversary of His Brutal Assassination
    Wednesday, June 15 @ 08:40:17 UTC
    Guyana By Franz J. T. Lee

    Recently an article was published in "The Guyana Chronicle". Georgetown, by Rickey Singh, titled "Remembering a Legend: 25 Years after Murder of Walter Rodney". He reminds us that this month we are celebrating "the 25th anniversary of the most sensational case of a political act of assassination of a Caribbean icon to have shocked governments in this region and Africa and peoples in many countries of the world."

    I had the historical luck and honor not only of having met Dr. Walter Rodney personally in Guyana, between 1977 and 1979, while I was lecturing at the University of Guyana; but also of having been working together with him in the anti-Apartheid struggle, and in his Working People's Alliance (WPA); often, we held lectures together, condemning the racist, fascist Apartheid policies in my "homeland" South Africa. I remember that Rodney categorically abhorred all forms of capitalist and imperialist exploitation, domination, discrimination and alienation in both the metropolitan and "Third World" countries.

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    Caribbean: Roots of Modern Guyanese Art Movement
    Friday, November 14 @ 12:38:58 UTC
    Guyana by Clairmont M. Chung

    The roots of the modern art movement in Guyana etched its beginning in the rock paintings of its first children, the native Arawak, Carib and related peoples. This movement lives today and embodies the entire history. All the influences of all the migrant cultures appear in Guyanese art. The period from 1972, Carifesta, to the beginning of the 90's, is viewed as the heyday of Guyanese Art with the unveiling of the 1763 Monument in 1976 as a point of departure. The 1763 Monument by Sculptor, Philip Moore, commemorates the successful revolution of slaves against the Dutch planter class of Berbice, Guyana. Out of that culture milieu grew the Roots and Culture Movement.

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