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    Latin America: Workers of the World ... at its Peak ... for whom does the oil bell toll?
    Wednesday, July 27 @ 06:53:46 UTC
    By: Franz J.T. Lee

    Over the last decades ... from the point of view of the USA ... caught in corporate political and economic fraud and policies that totally ruin capitalism and imperialism themselves, Alan Greenspan regularly has "informed" us about the state of "health" of the world economy. His speeches are excellent examples of bourgeois, capitalist, diplomatic ideology, of not saying this, of not saying that ... so that nobody could say, that he had said so or so.

    As such he curries favor with the republican devil and the democratic, deep, blue sea, with Wall Street, with the Bush-Junta.

    (Read More... | 13484 bytes more | Latin America | Score: 5)

    War and Terror: Oil War
    Friday, March 28 @ 15:59:47 UTC
    oilfireWednesday 26 March 7.30pm BBC2

    The advocates of war insist it's not about oil. But global oil production is on the brink of terminal decline and when the West begins to run short of supplies - Iraq could be a lifeline.

    After World War I, the oil companies carved up Iraq. Shell, BP, Exxon and Total all had stakes in the Iraq Petroleum Company. They paid pennies for each barrel of oil and built a pipeline to take it away.

    In 1972 the Iraqis nationalised the industry and threw the foreigners out. From then on Western oil companies could only dream of Iraq's oil reserves - the second largest in the world.

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