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Invasion of Iraq: Friday, June 13 @ 10:01:13 UTC | As Islamic militants gain ground in Iraq, Official Washington’s neocons and the mainstream media are blaming President Obama for ending the U.S. military occupation, but they ignore their own role in destabilizing Iraq with the 2003 invasion, Robert Parry reports.
By Robert Parry
June 13, 2014 - consortiumnews.com
After Islamic militants captured the major Iraqi city of Mosul on Tuesday, the danger of Official Washington’s false narratives again asserted itself, a direct consequence of the failure to enforce any meaningful accountability on the neocons and others who pushed the Iraq War.
The emerging neocon-preferred narrative is that the jihadist victory in the northern city of Mosul and the related mess in neighboring Syria are the fault of President Barack Obama for not continuing the U.S. military occupation of Iraq indefinitely and for not intervening more aggressively in Syria’s civil war.
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War and Terror: The Reality of America's Aggression Against Iraq Wednesday, December 21 @ 09:15:29 UTC | War Without End, Amen: The Reality of America's Aggression Against Iraq
By Chris Floyd
December 21, 2011 - chris-floyd.com
In March 2003, the United States of America launched an entirely unprovoked act of military aggression against a nation which had not attacked it and posed no threat to it. This act led directly to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. It drove millions more from their homes, and plunged the entire conquered nation into suffering, fear, hatred and deprivation.
This is the reality of what actually happened in Iraq: aggression, slaughter, atrocity, ruin. It is the only reality; there is no other. And it was done deliberately, knowingly, willingly. Indeed, the bipartisan American power structure spent more than $1 trillion to make it happen. It is a record of unspeakable savagery, an abomination, an outpouring of the most profound and filthy moral evil.
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Invasion of Iraq: More Deadly Than Saddam Monday, October 16 @ 16:10:36 UTC | by Gwynne Dyer October 16, 2006, by the Japan Times
LONDON -- The final indignity, if you are an Iraqi who was shot for accidentally turning into the path of a U.S. military convoy (they thought you might be a terrorist), or blown apart by a car bomb or an airstrike, or tortured and murdered by kidnappers, or just for being a Sunni or a Shiite, is that U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair will deny that your death happened. The script they are working from says (in Bush's words last December) that only "30,000, more or less" have been killed in Iraq during and since the invasion in March, 2003.
So they have a huge incentive to discredit the report in the British medical journal The Lancet last week that an extra 655,000 Iraqis have died since the invasion in excess of the natural death rate: 2.5 percent of the population.
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Invasion of Iraq: Saddam's mock trial Saturday, October 22 @ 23:58:10 UTC | by Mike Whitney, smirkingchimp.com
"It was the most wonderful thing I've seen in my life. He's a man who never surrenders. He's a hero, and he will remain a hero."
-- Saddam's daughter, Raghad
How do you turn one of the greatest mass-murderers of the 20th century into a folk-hero?
That's a question only the Bush public relations team can answer, but they seem to be doing a first-rate job.
So far, the greatly anticipated trial has been so botched up the only one looking half way decent is Saddam. He marched into the courtroom like Saladin and started barking out answers like he was still in charge.
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Invasion of Iraq: Why I'm Willing to Defend Hussein Tuesday, January 25 @ 16:30:43 UTC | By Ramsey Clark, Los Angeles Times
Late last month, I traveled to Amman, Jordan, and met with the family and lawyers of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. I told them that I would help in his defense in any way I could.
The news, when it found its way back to the United States, caused something of a stir. A few news reports were inquisitive--and some were skeptical--but most were simply dismissive or derogatory. "There goes Ramsey Clark again," they seemed to say. "Isn't it a shame? He used to be attorney general of the United States and now look at what he's doing."
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Invasion of Iraq: Bush is 'the real criminal' Friday, July 02 @ 11:18:21 UTC | Defiant Saddam Hussein appears at hearing
BAGHDAD, Iraq: A defiant Saddam Hussein rejected accusations of war crimes and genocide in court Thursday, telling a judge in his first public appearance since his capture that the real "criminal" was US President George W Bush. Saddam was handcuffed when brought to the court but the shackles were removed for the 30-minute arraignment at Camp Victory, one of his former palaces on the outskirts of Baghdad. "I am Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq," Saddam said unprompted, sitting down in a chair facing the judge on the other side of a wooden railing. When asked his name, he repeated it in full: "Saddam Hussein al-Majid, president of Iraq." The appearance, broadcast on Arab satellite television stations, gave Iraqis their first look at the former dictator since his capture by the US military seven months ago. They saw a Saddam whose mood ranged from nervousness and exasperation to contempt and defiance - even flashes of anger. At times, he seemed to lecture the young judge.
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Invasion of Iraq: Bread and Circus Trials in Iraq Friday, July 02 @ 09:52:39 UTC | Justice as Photo-Op
July 1, 2004 : The Independent
Now it is time for bread and circuses. Keep the people distracted. Show them Saddam. Remind them what it used to be like. Make them grateful. Make Saddam pay. Show his face once more across the world so that his victims will think about the past, not the present. Charge him. Before the full majesty of Iraq's new "democratic" law. And may George Bush win the next American election.
That's pretty much how it looked from Baghdad yesterday. Forget the 12-hour power cuts and the violence and the kidnappings and the insurgency. Let's go back again to the gruesome days of Baathist rule, let's revisit once more the theatre of cruelty--back to all those war crimes and crimes against humanity with which the Monster will be charged. Let's take another look at Tariq Aziz and "Chemical" Ali and the rest. Isn't this why we came to Iraq--to rescue the Iraqis from the Beast of Baghdad?
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Invasion of Iraq: Revealed: Who Really Found Saddam? Sunday, December 21 @ 12:51:54 UTC | by David Pratt, Sunday Herald (Scotland)
It was exactly one week ago at 3:15pm Baghdad time, when a beaming Paul Bremer made that now-famous announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!"
Saddam Hussein: High Value Target Number One. The Glorious Leader. The Lion of Babylon had been snared. Iraq's most wanted - the ace of spades - had become little more than an ace in the hole.
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Invasion of Iraq: Saddam's capture: Irrelevant, except for American voters Tuesday, December 16 @ 15:02:55 UTC | By Kurt Nimmo, December 16, 2003
Like Osama running a worldwide terrorist outfit from an isolated cave in Afghanistan, the US and its handpicked puppets in Iraq will attempt to make the case Saddam ran the "insurgency" from an 8x10' dirt hole under a house.
"We obviously are thrilled at this [the capture of Saddam], and yes, we consider him the 'head' of the beast and hope his capture demoralizes those resisting coalition troops," a nameless defense official told MSNBC. "But we can't say it's over. There are others out there, and more to this fight than just Saddam."
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Invasion of Iraq: Jessica Lynch Captures Saddam Tuesday, December 16 @ 00:04:50 UTC | by Greg Palast, www.GregPalast.com
December 14, 2003
Former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein was taken into custody yesterday at 8:30p.m. Baghdad time. Various television executives, White House spin doctors and propaganda experts at the Pentagon are at this time wrestling with the question of whether to claim PFC Jessica Lynch seized the ex-potentate or that Saddam surrendered after close hand-to-hand combat with current Iraqi strongman Paul Bremer III.
Ex-President Hussein himself told U.S. military interrogators that he had surfaced after hearing of the appointment of his long-time associate James Baker III to settle Iraq's debts. "Hey, my homeboy Jim owes me big time," Mr. Hussein stated. He asserted that Baker and the prior Bush regime, "owe me my back pay. After all I did for these guys you'd think they'd have the decency to pay up."
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War and Terror: Arming Iraq and the Path to War Tuesday, April 01 @ 10:31:13 UTC | by John King, 2003-03-31, www.unobserver.com
This is an accurate chronology of United States' involvement in the arming of Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war. It is a powerful indictment of the current bush administration attempt to sell war as a component of his war on terrorism. It reveals our ambitions in Iraq to be just another chapter in the attempt to regain a foothold in the Mideast following the fall of the Shah of Iran.
A crisis always has a history, and the current crisis with Iraq is no exception. Below are some relevant dates.
September 1980. Iraq invades Iran. The beginning of the Iraq-Iran war. (8)
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War and Terror: Trapped in the world of Saddam Monday, March 31 @ 14:05:05 UTC | April 1 2003, www.theage.com.au
by Paul McGeough in Baghdad
In a crisis, pride is the glue holding Iraqis in place
It is the early hours in a city suspended in darkness, but now it is being cut to pieces again. First there is the sound of US aircraft, but then an incoming missile drowns the sound of the jets and an ear-splitting explosion signals another barrage hurled at Saddam Hussein.
I don't know what the target is. But minutes later, in a phone call from New York - which manages to navigate the increasingly shattered circuitry of the Baghdad phone network - I'm told that CNN has just aired footage of the missile striking Saddam's propaganda nerve centre, the Information Ministry.
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War and Terror: Material Breach: US Crimes in Iraq Wednesday, December 04 @ 10:46:21 UTC | by Heather Wokusch
D-Day of December 8th quietly approaches - the day Iraq must provide the UN Security Council with a complete accounting of its weapons programs, plus its civilian chemical/biological/nuclear production and research activities. Even though UN weapons inspectors have criticized the December 8th deadline as unrealizable, the consequences for missing it will be catastrophic: Iraq will be in "material breach" of UN resolution 1441, and therefore subject to swift and decisive military action.
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War and Terror: Iran, Iraq, Whatever... Friday, October 11 @ 15:16:35 UTC | by Richard Cummings, ZMag
One day, quite a few years ago, I was having lunch with my Iranian friend, Rudy Alam, who was attending the University of Pennsylvania, and who was the daughter of the then Prime Minster of Iran. It was a student hangout, and a waitress recognized her.
"Well, I guess you’ll be going home to Iraq for summer vacation," she said amiably.
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