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    World Focus:
    Tuesday, August 09 @ 22:49:21 UTC
    SocialismBy Stephen Gowans
    August 08, 2011 - gowans.wordpress.com

    From 1928, when the Soviet Uni0n laid the foundations of its socialist economy, until the late 1980s, when Gorbachev began to dismantle them, the Soviet economy grew without pause, except during the period of the Nazi war machine’s scorched-earth invasion. Unemployment and later economic insecurity became ills of the past.

    True, growth slowed beginning in the 1970s, but the major culprits were the diversion of budgets and R&D to the military to counter threats of US and NATO aggression, and growing resource extraction costs, not the alleged inefficiencies of public ownership and central planning, as is now widely believed. (1)

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    World Focus: Columbus Day, a "Hoax"? A Few Points Against Franz J.T. Lee
    Saturday, October 09 @ 09:09:29 UTC
    Socialism By RossWolfe
    October 09, 2010

    Around this time last year, Franz J.T. Lee went on a now somewhat commonplace tirade against the "racist" holiday, Christopher Columbus Day.  While it might have acquired racist overtones in some perverse contexts, I hardly think that the celebration of the holiday is racist in itself.  Also, to talk about the "discovery" of America (by Europe) is not outrageous.  Certainly there were people living in the geographic territories we now call North and South America, and Columbus' finding out about the existence of these continents was not a discovery for humanity as such.  Still, it was a significant discovery for the European powers, and a major world-historical event.  Moreover, this laid the foundation for the possibility of global emancipation, even though it had disastrous consequences for the native populations of America.

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    World Focus: What would socialist democracy look like?
    Friday, May 29 @ 22:10:08 UTC
    Socialismby Ian Birchall
    May 26, 2009

    Most politicians and journalists talk as though the only possible sort of democracy is parliament, so all we can do is patch up a decrepit system. The history of the socialist movement shows that there is a different tradition of democracy.

    Parliaments were originally assemblies of property owners. Gradually, under pressure, they let the rest of us in.

    Working class democracy was forged in struggle – it was based on the experience of oppressed people asserting their right to control a society that had failed them.

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