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    Africa Focus: Clearing the Smoke and Mirrors Around Zimbabwe
    Thursday, November 30 @ 01:43:40 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy Netfa Freeman
    November 29, 2017 - blackagendareport.com

    “The West, led by Britain and the U.S., have been engaged in a regime policy against the Southern African nation for the last 18 years.”

    Reasons for examining what is happening in Zimbabwe are many but few to none can be found in accounts by major news media or from liberal progressive pundits. Such accounts are busy reinforcing the over simplified and misinforming narrative that forcing out former 93 year-old president Robert Mugabe marks the end of 37 years of brutal dictatorship that has driven the country into economic disaster.

    The over simplified version being fed to the general public is that everything kicked off after Mugabe fired a disagreeable vice-President. Zimbabwe is to be seen as just another African country with a long reigning dictator who presides over the repression and impoverishment of his own people who really are unable to govern themselves without the aid of the benevolent West.

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    Africa Focus: What is Behind the Military Coup in Zimbabwe?
    Tuesday, November 21 @ 09:32:27 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy Gregory Elich
    November 21, 2017 - gregoryelich.org

    Long-roiling factional conflict within Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU-PF political party exploded last week in a military coup that quickly seized control of the government and state media. The coup was led by Commander of Zimbabwe Defense Forces Constantino Chiwenga, who is closely aligned with former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa.

    Emboldened by President Robert Mugabe’s declining mental sharpness and physical health in recent years, Mnangagwa actively maneuvered to ensure that he would succeed the president. Mnangagwa served as one of Zimbabwe’s two vice presidents. From that position, he and his supporters, known as Team Lacoste, became embroiled in a bitter struggle with younger party members who coalesced around Secretary of Women’s Affairs Grace Mugabe, wife of the president, and whose group was known as Generation 40, or G40.

    (Read More... | 29225 bytes more | Africa Focus | Score: 0)

    Zimbabwe: Mugabe was right
    Wednesday, February 20 @ 07:02:56 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy George Alleyne
    February 20, 2013 - newsday.co.tt

    Although I hold no brief for Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s leader of many years, nonetheless his policy of Zimbabwe’s reclaiming rich agricultural land which had been arbitrarily seized by British settler farmers when his country was overrun by the United Kingdom was a correct one.

    Yet when Mugabe sought to recover the land, following on Zimbabwe’s achieving Independence, after 90 years of colonial rule and cruel exploitation, the Western world insisted that what he was doing was illegal and against good international practice. Apparently, it was in order for the British settlers to have appropriated the land, but another for freed Zimbabwe to retrieve it.

    Although the British had sought to legitimise the seizure of the land, as Jeffrey Herbst pointed out in his book, State Politics in Zimbabwe, through the enacting of Land Ordinances which “guaranteed white economic domination and black poverty during the 90-year colonial period” the action was unjust. It was a criminal act, the enormity of which can be gauged by the fact that when Zimbabwe gained its Independence in 1980, 5,000 white settler farmers controlled some 50 percent of the country’s arable land. The other half, as Herbst noted, was occupied by approximately 700,000 indigenous farmers.

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    Zimbabwe: MDC-T trying to muscle Zanu-PF from power: Pres Mugabe
    Saturday, October 24 @ 21:07:16 UTC
    Robert MugabeThe Herald
    October 24, 2009

    PRESIDENT Mugabe has urged the MDC-T leadership to be guided by national fundamentals and not emotions in conducting Government business, saying it was Mr Morgan Tsvangirai's party that was still to meet its obligations under the Global Political Agreement.

    Commenting for the first time on MDC-T's announcement last week that they had "disengaged" from the inclusive Government because Zanu-PF was "a dishonest partner", President Mugabe said his party had done its part under the GPA.

    "The inclusive Government and the hiccups ... you will always get people in any arrangement who are guided by little emotional thoughts and act in accordance with them and who would want things to go their way, and not the national way, and not the agreed way.

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    Africa Focus: Mugabe's Biggest Sin
    Monday, August 04 @ 08:47:40 UTC
    Robert MugabeAnglo-American and Chinese interests clash over Zimbabwe's strategic mineral wealth

    By F. William Engdahl
    Global Research, July 30, 2008

    Robert Mugabe, the President of Zimbabwe, presides over one of the world's richest minerals treasures, the Great Dyke region, which cuts a geological swath across the entire land from northeast to southwest. The real background to the pious concerns of the Bush Administration for human rights in Zimbabwe in the past several years is not Mugabe's possible election fraud or his expropriation of white settler farms. It is the fact that Mr. Mugabe has been quietly doing business, a lot of it, with the one country which has virtually unlimited need of strategic raw materials Zimbabwe can provide—China. Mugabe's Zimbabwe is, along with Sudan, on the central stage of the new war over control of strategic minerals of Africa between Washington and Beijing, with Moscow playing a supporting role in the drama. The stakes are huge.

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    Zimbabwe: Mugabe May Not, After All, Be Insane!
    Wednesday, July 09 @ 00:22:18 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy Abraham Tangwe
    July 09, 2008

    The recent avalanche of insults and negative publicity directed towards Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe cannot leave any keen African observer indifferent.

    The idea is not to exonerate him from any wrongdoing per se. This is so because he is guilty of some, but hardly enough for us to be so hard on him. It is even more pathetic and frightful when an authoritative and respected iconic figure like Mandela decides to join in this dance of the Vampires.

    Our gullible natures have pushed us blindly into the waiting trap of western propaganda through the snares of their media entanglements, which is always tele-guided by their government policies.

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    Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe: Victim or Villain?
    Thursday, July 03 @ 21:12:43 UTC
    Robert MugabeBy Amengeo Amengeo
    July 03, 2008
    The African Executive

    When sharks smell blood, they go into a feeding frenzy and attack relentlessly. There is feeding frenzy about Zimbabwe that preceded the June 27 run-off elections.

    Thwarted in their bid to install their man Morgan Tsvangirai in power, the forces of Western neo-colonialism continue to ratchet up media pressure. Some African leaders seem to have bought into this propaganda campaign.

    Stories in the Western Press about "Government-sanctioned violence" in Zimbabwe focus on lurid details quoting one-sided and opinionated anonymous sources without much verifiable data.

    (Read More... | 8641 bytes more | Zimbabwe | Score: 5)

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