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    World Focus: U.S. to ICC: We Will Break Your Legs
    Monday, March 25 @ 08:43:40 UTC
    World NewsBy Andre Vltchek
    March 25, 2019 - opednews.com

    Well, not exactly like that, but in a way, yes. Now, finally, ‘the gloves are off’. The U.S. is openly threatening the historically timid ICC (International Criminal Court) and its judges. And unexpectedly, the ICC is hitting back. It refuses to shut up, to kneel, and to beg for mercy.

    Suddenly, even the Western mass media outlets cannot conceal the aggressive mafia-style outbursts of the U.S. government officials. On March 15, Reuters reported:

    The United States will withdraw or deny visas to any International Criminal Court personnel investigating possible war crimes by U.S. forces or allies in Afghanistan, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday.

    The court, which sits in The Hague, responded that it was an independent and impartial institution and would continue to do its work “undeterred” by Washington’s actions.

    The Trump administration threatened in September to ban ICC judges and prosecutors from entering the United States and sanction funds they have there if the court launched a probe of war crimes in Afghanistan.

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    World Focus: Does Washington Rule the World?
    Monday, February 11 @ 18:44:25 UTC
    US vs Latin AmericaBy Philip Giraldi
    February 8, 2019 - Strategic Culture

    One of the most disturbing aspects of the past two years of Donald Trump foreign policy has been the assumption that decisions made by the United States are binding on the rest of the world. Apart from time of war, no other nation has ever sought to prevent other nations from trading with each other. And the United States has also uniquely sought to penalize other countries for alleged crimes that did not occur in the US and that did not involve American citizens, while also insisting that all nations must comply with whatever penalties are meted out by Washington.

    The United States now sees itself as judge, jury and executioner in policing the international community, a conceit that began post World War 2 when American presidents began referring to themselves as “leader of the free world.” This pretense received legislative backing with passage of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987 (ATA) as amended in 1992 plus subsequent related legislation, to include the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act of 2016 (JASTA). The body of legislation can be used by US citizens or residents to obtain civil judgments against alleged terrorists anywhere in the world and can be employed to punish governments, international organizations and even corporations that are perceived to be supportive of terrorists, even indirectly or unknowingly. Plaintiffs are able to sue for injuries to their “person, property, or business” and have ten years to bring a claim.

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    World Focus: How Long is the Shelf-Life of Damnable Racist Capitalist Lies?
    Saturday, August 25 @ 00:15:22 UTC
    USA By Glen Ford, BAR executive editor
    August 22, 2018 - blackagendareport.com

    Silicon Valley and the corporate media are far more effective in conjuring alternative realities than the chaotic Trump White House.

    “Trump tells lies that are easily countered; the New York Times and Google erase facts from history, systematically.”

    U.S. mass media have always lied. In particular, they have specialized in lying about Black people, who are the ultimate “Other” in U.S. society. Many a lynching was deliberately set in motion by a headline that went something like, “Black Buck Runs Amuk!” It is a new twist, however -- and a sign of profound disarray among the ruling class -- that a white racist billionaire U.S. president finds himself treated like the “Other” by most of the corporate media.

    For more than two years the corporate media mob and its deep state nightriders have been trying to lynch Trump for proposing closer relations with Vladimir Putin’s Russia – a liaison now deemed more taboo than miscegenation in Old Mississippi. Orange Buck Runs Amuk!

    It is a battle royal, as the inveterate prevaricators of the U.S. press joust with Trump, a master of the Art of the Lie. The difference is, Trump lies to promote and protect himself, often without regard for even the interests of his class. He also commits the cardinal sin of failing to keep track of his lies, and contradicting himself.

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    World Focus: The Bayer-Monsanto Merger Is Bad News for the Planet
    Monday, April 09 @ 07:41:38 UTC
    GM FoodBy Ellen Brown
    April 4, 2018 - ellenbrown.com

    Bayer and Monsanto have a long history of collusion to poison the ecosystem for profit. The Trump administration should veto their merger not just to protect competitors but to ensure human and planetary survival.

    Two new studies from Europe have found that the number of farm birds in France has crashed by a third in just 15 years, with some species being almost eradicated. The collapse in the bird population mirrors the discovery last October that over three quarters of all flying insects in Germany have vanished in just three decades. Insects are the staple food source of birds, the pollinators of fruits, and the aerators of the soil.

    The chief suspect in this mass extinction is the aggressive use of neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly imidacloprid and clothianidin, both made by German-based chemical giant Bayer. These pesticides, along with toxic glyphosate herbicides (Roundup), have delivered a one-two punch against Monarch butterflies, honeybees and birds. But rather than banning these toxic chemicals, on March 21st the EU approved the $66 billion merger of Bayer and Monsanto, the US agribusiness giant producing Roundup and the genetically modified (GMO) seeds that have reduced seed diversity globally. The merger will make the Bayer-Monsanto conglomerate the largest seed and pesticide company in the world, giving it enormous power to control farm practices, putting private profits over the public interest.

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    World Focus: America: Imperial Bully Threatening World Peace
    Friday, September 15 @ 04:56:05 UTC
    North Korea TodayBy Stephen Lendman
    September 14, 2017

    America’s rage for unchallenged global dominance represents the greatest threat to world peace, security and humanity’s survival. It’s geopolitically out-of-control, both warrior wings of its duopoly governance hellbent on forcing its will on all other nations. Naked aggression is its favored strategy, punitive sanctions used to soften up targeted nations, imposed unilaterally or by the Security Council, its members bullied and pressured to go along instead of doing the right thing, slapping Washington down by refusing.

    The more often this happens, the harder it gets to resist. North Korea is being punished for developing powerful weapons intended solely for defense, not offense, its legitimate right, its choice which ones to pursue.

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    World Focus:
    Sunday, September 10 @ 03:05:55 UTC
    North Korean leader Kim Jong UnBy Mike Whitney
    September 09, 2017 - counterpunch.org

    Donald Trump isn’t going to start a war with North Korea. That’s just not going to happen.

    Not only does the United States not have the ground forces for such a massive operation but, more important, a war with the North would serve no strategic purpose at all. The US already has the arrangement it wants on the Peninsula. The South remains under US military occupation, the economic and banking systems have been successfully integrated into the US-dominated western system, and the strategically-located landmass in northeast Asia provides an essential platform for critical weapons systems that will be used to encircle and control fast-emerging rivals, China and Russia.

    So what would a war accomplish?

    Nothing. As far as Washington is concerned, the status quo is just dandy.

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    World Focus: Our Misguided 'Wars of Choice'
    Thursday, April 20 @ 10:45:51 UTC
    War AnalysisBy Jeffrey D. Sachs
    April 20, 2017 - Common Dreams

    There is one foreign policy goal that matters above all the others, and that is to keep the United States out of a new war, whether in Syria, North Korea, or elsewhere. In recent days, President Trump has struck Syria with Tomahawk missiles, bombed Afghanistan with the most powerful nonnuclear bomb in the US arsenal, and has sent an armada toward nuclear-armed North Korea. We could easily find ourselves in a rapidly escalating war, one that could pit the United States directly against nuclear-armed countries of China, North Korea, and Russia.

    Such a war, if it turned nuclear and global, could end the world. Even a nonnuclear war could end democracy in the United States, or the United States as a unified nation. Who thought the Soviet Uni0n’s war in Afghanistan would end the Soviet Uni0n itself? Which of the belligerents at the start of World War I foresaw the catastrophic end of four giant empires — Hohenzollern (Prussia), Romanov (Russia), Ottoman, and Hapsburg — as a result of the war?

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    World Focus: Australia Beckons A War With China
    Thursday, April 13 @ 09:35:02 UTC
    ChinaBy John Pilger
    April 13 2017 - johnpilger.com

    Australia is sleep-walking into a confrontation with China. Wars can happen suddenly in an atmosphere of mistrust and provocation, especially if a minor power, like Australia, abandons its independence for an "alliance" with an unstable superpower.

    The United States is at a critical moment. Having exported its all-powerful manufacturing base, run down its industry and reduced millions of its once-hopeful people to poverty, principal American power today is brute force. When Donald Trump launched his missile attack on Syria - following his bombing of a mosque and a school - he was having dinner in Florida with the President of China, Xi Jinping.

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    World Focus: US Impunity under threat: Turkey may disintegrate NATO
    Thursday, August 18 @ 07:51:45 UTC
    TurkeyBy Paul Craig Roberts
    August 18, 2016 - paulcraigroberts.org

    If Turkey leaves NATO, that would be a big change. Turkey has been in the pockets of Washington for a long time. If Washington was behind the coup, this probably has damaged the relationship permanently. Erdogan has very strong motives to realign with Russia despite the problems he had caused. The Russian government has a very strong interest to overlook Turkey’s past behavior and to befriend it, because it weakens NATO on Russia’s borders. There is a possibility, but I don’t know how quickly it happens and what Washington will try to do to retrieve the relationship. It will be some sort of a competition to establish relations with Turkey.

    I think Washington will try to fix the problems with Turkey. It has an endless supply of money, because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency. So they can offer to Turkish leader billions of dollars.

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    World Focus: Why the British said no to Europe
    Saturday, June 25 @ 15:11:48 UTC
    BritainBy John Pilger
    June 25, 2016 - johnpilger.com

    The majority vote by Britons to leave the European Uni0n was an act of raw democracy. Millions of ordinary people refused to be bullied, intimidated and dismissed with open contempt by their presumed betters in the major parties, the leaders of the business and banking oligarchy and the media.

    This was, in great part, a vote by those angered and demoralised by the sheer arrogance of the apologists for the "remain" campaign and the dismemberment of a socially just civil life in Britain. The last bastion of the historic reforms of 1945, the National Health Service, has been so subverted by Tory and Labour-supported privateers it is fighting for its life.

    A forewarning came when the Treasurer, George Osborne, the embodiment of both Britain's ancient regime and the banking mafia in Europe, threatened to cut £30 billion from public services if people voted the wrong way; it was blackmail on a shocking scale.

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    World Focus:
    Friday, May 27 @ 05:33:01 UTC
    IMFBy Paul Craig Roberts
    May 27, 2016 - paulcraigroberts.org

    Having successfully used the EU to conquer the Greek people by turning the Greek “leftwing” government into a pawn of Germany’s banks, Germany now finds the IMF in the way of its plan to loot Greece into oblivion.

    The IMF’s rules prevent the organization from lending to countries that cannot repay the loan. The IMF has concluded on the basis of facts and analysis that Greece cannot repay. Therefore, the IMF is unwilling to lend Greece the money with which to repay the private banks.

    The IMF says that Greece’s creditors, many of whom are not creditors but simply bought up Greek debt at a cheap price in hopes of profiting, must write off some of the Greek debt in order to lower the debt to an amount that the Greek economy can service.

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    World Focus: FIFA Raid Raises Questions About DOJ Priorities
    Friday, May 29 @ 10:51:33 UTC
    USANotoriously-corrupt FIFA heads arrested in early morning raid during annual meeting

    By Lauren McCauley
    May 27, 2015 - commondreams.org

    While the early morning raid and arrest of several high-ranking officials with the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) captivated the international news circuit Wednesday morning, many observers were left wondering: With so many corrupt bankers, politicians, and other one-percenters still free to walk the streets here in the United States, why has the U.S. Department of Justice set its sights on FIFA?

    The international soccer organization has over time been accused of rampant human rights violations—including exploiting migrant and child labor, and spurring the mass displacement of poor and indigenous peoples—environmental degradation, corruption, bribery, and more or less running roughshod over the nations chosen to host the quadrennial FIFA World Cup tournament.

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    World Focus: It Is Time to Call Radio "Liberty" What It Is: Radio Gestapo Amerika
    Friday, May 08 @ 12:10:25 UTC
    USABy Paul Craig Roberts
    May 07, 2015

    Radio “Liberty” has always been a propaganda ministry. Formerly its propaganda was directed against the Soviet Union. Today it is directed against distinguished Americans who are known and respected for their allegiance to the truth.

    Radio Liberty’s latest target is an American scholar who is far more widely respected than Radio Liberty. Like everything else in Washington the two-bit propaganda ministry is carried away by hubris and a mistaken opinion of its own importance.

    A Radio Liberty non-entity named Carl Schreck, of whom no one has ever heard, has declared America’s most distinguished Russian scholar, Stephen Cohen, to be “a Putin apologist.”

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    World Focus: Russia Under Attack
    Monday, March 23 @ 23:48:43 UTC
    Russia-USABy Paul Craig Roberts
    March 22, 2015 - paulcraigroberts.org

    Merkel and French president Hollande achieved in order to halt the military conflict in Ukraine, Washington has sent Victoria Nuland to Armenia to organize a “color revolution” or coup there, has sent Richard Miles as ambassador to Kyrgyzstan to do the same there, and has sent Pamela Spratlen as ambassador to Uzbekistan to purchase that government’s allegiance away from Russia. The result would be to break up the Collective Security Treaty Organization and present Russia and China with destabilization where they can least afford it.

    For details go here: http://russia-insider.com/en/2015/03/18/4656

    Thus, Russia faces the renewal of conflict in Ukraine simultaneously with three more Ukraine-type situations along its Asian border.

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    World Focus: NATO knew its intervention in Libya would create chaos
    Sunday, March 22 @ 19:12:02 UTC
    Libya... and aid al-Qaeda-aligned Islamists

    By Stephen Gowans
    March 22, 2015 - gowans.wordpress.com

    Canadian military intelligence knew that NATO’s March 2011 intervention in Libya would aid militant theocratic Islamists aligned with al-Qaeda and could create long-term chaos in the country, according to David Pugliese, a reporter with The Ottawa Citizen, who obtained Canadian intelligence documents.

    At the time, NATO military leader, U.S. Admiral James Stavridis, denied that opposition to the secular leftist Libyan leader Muamar Gaddafi was dominated by rightwing Islamist theocrats, calling the bulk of the opposition forces “responsible men and women.”

    But Canadian intelligence was clear-eyed about the nature of the Libyan opposition.

    Pugliese revealed that “A Canadian intelligence report written in late 2009 described the anti-Gadhafi stronghold of eastern Libya,” from which the uprising against Gaddafi erupted, “as an epicentre of Islamist extremism.”

    (Read More... | 3184 bytes more | Score: 0)

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