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We hold these truths to be self-evident (Read 370 times)
World News


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We hold these truths to be self-evident
Aug 12th, 2002 at 7:00am
Abstract: Unknown News

We hold these truths to be self-evident:

     • Freedom is a good idea.

     • Freedom is not forcing other people to pay or obey your god, not having Congress decide whether and how consenting adults may f**k, not imprisoning people who eat, smoke, or drink things you wouldn't, etc. Freedom is letting people decide such things for themselves.

     • Most people are adamantly opposed to freedom. Not their own, of course — just everyone else's.

     • All human beings — even humans who don't live in America, whose skin isn't white, who don't speak English, who worship a different god than you do (or worship no god at all) — deserve human rights. "Liberty and justice for all," even for people you don't like, who believe things you don't believe, and do things you wouldn't do.

     • Killing people who haven't done anything wrong is a bad idea.

     • Trusting government to decide who lives and dies is an especially bad idea.

     • Trusting governments at all is something best done in small doses.

     • Trusting corporations to do the right thing is another bad idea.

     • Mass media, owned by massive corporations, is not a ferocious "watchdog" protecting the public's best interests.

     • 'The system' doesn't work, except for those working the system.

     • Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The United States government has very nearly absolute power.

     • The chasm grows wider every day, between the lofty ideals America publicly professes and the actual behavior of its government and corporations.

     • Now is the time to speak up. Tomorrow may be too late.

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