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    Africa Focus:
    Monday, August 10 @ 22:42:54 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Margaret Kimberley
    August 10, 2015 - blackagendareport.com

    “...hypocritical Americans have made gay rights the new measurement of societal well being all over the world ...”

    On January 20, 2017 Barack Obama will leave the presidency and those black people capable of critical thought will have many reasons to breathe sighs of relief. They will no longer have to submit to condescending lectures directed exclusively at them. From the moment he ran for president Obama has harangued black people on a wide variety of issues. It doesn’t matter if his audience is made up of church congregants, graduating students, or Kenyan dignitaries. Every black person unlucky enough to be in his vicinity risks being treated like a dead beat dad, career criminal or cousin Pookie, Obama’s own imaginary Willie Horton.

    During his trip to east Africa the president chastened Kenyans about gay rights, domestic violence, genital cutting, forced marriage and equal rights for women. He went on and on with no mention of how well his country lives us to any accepted standards of human rights.

    (Read More... | 5934 bytes more | Africa Focus | Score: 0)

    Inside U.S.A.: American State of the Union: A Festival of Lies
    Friday, January 31 @ 07:05:03 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Glen Ford
    January 30, 2014 - blackagendareport.com

    "When you say ‘jobs,' he says tax cuts – just like the Republicans, only Obama first cites the pain of the unemployed, so that you know he cares."

    "Believe it," said the current Prevaricator-in-Chief, in the conclusion to his annual litany lies. President Obama's specialty, honed to theatrical near-perfection over five disastrous years, is in crafting the sympathetic lie, designed to suspend disbelief among those targeted for oblivion, through displays of empathy for the victims. In contrast to the aggressive insults and bluster employed by Republican political actors, whose goal is to incite racist passions against the Other, the sympathetic Democratic liar disarms those who are about to be sacrificed by pretending to feel their pain.

    Barack Obama, who has presided over the sharpest increases in economic inequality in U.S. history, adopts the persona of public advocate, reciting wrongs inflicted by unseen and unknown forces that have "deepened" the gap between the rich and the rest of us and "stalled" upward mobility. Having spent half a decade stuffing tens of trillions of dollars into the accounts of an ever shrinking gaggle of financial capitalists, Obama declares this to be "a year of action" in the opposite direction. "Believe it." And if you do believe it, then crown him the Most Effective Liar of the young century.

    (Read More... | 7247 bytes more | Inside U.S.A. | Score: 0)

    World Focus: If Charles Taylor is a War Criminal, Then So are Obama, Bush and Clinton
    Sunday, October 06 @ 22:52:36 UTC
    Barack Obama“Clinton, Bush and Obama have instigated, encouraged and collaborated in the worst genocide since World War Two.”

    By Glen Ford
    October 06, 2013 - blackagendareport.com

    “Whereas Liberian president Charles Taylor was accused of encouraging the slaughter of possibly 50,000 people in Sierra Leone, Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton have armed, financed and protected the killers of six million people – 120 times as many fatalities – in the eastern Congo.”
    Last year, former Liberian president Charles Taylor became the first former head of state ever to be convicted by an international tribunal. Taylor, whose 60-year prison sentence was upheld, last week, was found guilty of war crimes – not in his own country, but in neighboring Sierra Leone, where a civil war had raged from 1991 to 2002. The Liberian president wasn’t accused of personally committing mass murder in Sierra Leone, or even of having ordered that these crimes be committed. Instead, the prosecution argued that he had “instigated” others to commit the crimes in order to profit from the sale of what became known as “blood diamonds.” The court reasoned that Taylor must have known about the horrendous crimes that were being perpetrated by his friends among the rebels in the neighboring country, and was, therefore, as guilty as they were.

    (Read More... | 4707 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 0)

    War and Terror: Obama: As Warlike as Bush, and Just as Lonely
    Friday, September 06 @ 00:40:26 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy BAR executive editor Glen Ford
    September 06, 2013 - blackagendareport.com

    “U.S. imperialism has no option but to bang its military fist on the table to reset the global game board.”

    With obscene imperial arrogance, President Obama proclaimed that the “world” – not he – has drawn a bloody “red line” in Syria. “I didn’t set a red line,” said Obama, at a stop in Sweden on his way to a Group of 20 nations meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia. “The world set a red line.”

    That’s news to the rest of the planet, including most of the Group of 20 and the meeting’s host, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who described Obama’s claims that Syria used sarin gas against civilians in rebel-held areas as “completely ridiculous.” “It does not fit any logic,” said Putin, since Syrian President Assad’s forces “have the so-called rebels surrounded and are finishing them off.”

    (Read More... | 8417 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    War and Terror: The Reality of the 'Lesser Evil'
    Thursday, December 06 @ 13:18:33 UTC
    Barack Obama Is This Child Dead Enough for You?

    By Chris Floyd
    December 06, 2012 - chris-floyd.com

    To all those now hailing the re-election of Barack Obama as a triumph of decent, humane, liberal values over the oozing-postule perfidy of the Republicans, a simple question:

    Is this child dead enough for you?

    dead child

    (Read More... | 12089 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    Inside U.S.A.:
    Monday, October 03 @ 08:22:12 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy BAR executive editor Glen Ford
    October 03, 2011 - blackagendareport.com

    “Obama has very publicly commanded them to shut up and perform what he believes is their only legitimate function: to get him re-elected."

    This magazine spent much of the 2008 presidential campaign warning that reflexive, unquestioning, uncomplaining support for Barack Obama would render African Americans politically irrelevant for the next four years. “About 90 percent of Black America has allied itself with a candidate that never promised them a damn thing,” we wrote, back on April Fools Day, 2008. One year before, in Selma, Alabama, Obama had first deployed his pseudo-Baptist preacher delivery to announce that Blacks had already come “90 percent of the way” towards equality, strongly inferring that his election would take us the other ten percent of the way, while simultaneously sending “a signal to whites that the days of Black racial agitation were nearly over.”

    (Read More... | 8873 bytes more | Inside U.S.A. | Score: 0)

    Inside U.S.A.: Barack Obama and the Debt Crisis: a Successful Con Game Explained
    Monday, August 08 @ 00:06:07 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Bruce A. Dixon
    August 08, 2011 - blackagendareport.com

    The phony debt ceiling crisis was, from beginning to end, a con. It was an elaborate and successful hoax in which the nation's first black president, the Democratic and Republican parties, Wall Street and corporate media all played indispensable parts. The object of the supposed “crisis” was to short circuit public opinion, existing law, democratic process and traditions of public oversight, in order to deal fatal blows to Medicaid, Medicare, social security, job growth and public expenditures for the common good. It worked. We've been conned.

    President Barack Obama as First Actor in the Con

    The key actor in the con was and is Barack Obama, leader of the Democratic party and president of the United States. When the Bush and Obama administrations bailed out the banksters in 2008, 2009 and 2010 they didn't print new warehouses of greenbacks and send them over in a fleet of trucks. The Federal Reserve simply opened its spreadsheets, and wrote numbers with lots of zeroes crediting the banksters' accounts. It literally created the new money by giving it away, and next proceeded to borrow those funds back from the banksters at interest. The debt ceiling crisis was nothing but those same banksters twirling their mustaches and oinking “Well, we don't think you (the government that created the money by giving it to them) can really afford to repay all these loans you've been taking out... We might have to downgrade your credit rating...”

    (Read More... | 10855 bytes more | Inside U.S.A. | Score: 5)

    Inside U.S.A.: Fiddling in the Wasteland: Walking in Reagan's Shoes
    Tuesday, September 14 @ 02:08:45 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Mike Whitney
    September 14, 2010 - counterpunch.org

    The Fed's Beige Book, which was released on Wednesday, provides a sobering look at an economy that is sputtering-along on empty. Nearly all the districts reported slower activity amid "widespread signs of deceleration". The stimulus-fueled rebound which powered GDP above 5% two quarters earlier, has progressively dissipated slashing growth to an anemic 1.6%. As underemployment has soared to 16.5% and deflation has continued to tighten its grip, all talk of a "recovery" has ceased and policymakers have grown more tentative, unwilling to do anything that might cost them votes in the upcoming midterm elections.

    Housing prices--which had been holding steady for nearly a year--have started to lose ground following the expiration of the homebuyer tax credit at the end of June. According to economist Joseph Stiglitz, "The foreclosure rate is increasing. Two million Americans lost their homes in 2008, and 2.8 million more in 2009, but the numbers are expected to be even higher in 2010." Residential construction activity has slowed to a crawl across the country as housing appears set for another leg down.

    (Read More... | 9410 bytes more | Inside U.S.A. | Score: 0)

    World Focus: Obama and His Family Tied to CIA for Years
    Monday, September 06 @ 22:26:31 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Sherwood Ross
    September 6, 2010

    President Obama – as well as his mother, father, step-father and grandmother – all were connected to the Central Intelligence Agency – possibly explaining why the President praises the "Agency" and declines to prosecute its officials for their crimes.

    According to a published report in the September Rock Creek Free Press of Washington, D.C., investigative reporter Wayne Madsen says Obama's mother Ann Dunham worked "on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Ford Foundation." The East-West Center had long been affiliated with CIA activities in the Asia-Pacific region, Madsen says.

    (Read More... | 4700 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 4.8)

    World Focus: Barack Obama: Are we moving from the Slave to the Nuclear Holocaust?
    Saturday, July 03 @ 22:58:15 UTC
    Barack Obama How many hundred millions of precious lives will World War III devour in its oil Moloch?

    By Franz J. T. Lee
    July 03, 2010

    In Venezuela we are seriously studying the latest reflections and warnings of Fidel Castro. We are asking whether we are moving from the catastrophic oil leaks in the Gulf of Mexico to the nuclear broil, to the Nuclear Holocaust in the Middle East, to the next World War.

    In all these capitalist developments, Karl Marx had the first theoretical word, will the world proletariat have the last praxical word? At last, are the global workers wakening up from their slumber?

    (Read More... | 13233 bytes more | World Focus | Score: 4)

    War and Terror: Liberals Get a War President of Their Very Own
    Monday, February 08 @ 19:32:50 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Murray Polner
    February 08, 2010 - hnn.us

    Suddenly and surprisingly, we have a Bush-like Obama Doctrine. To the applause of liberal hawks and formerly critical neocons, the president declared in his Nobel Peace Prize speech that the U.S. will continue to wage war—though naturally, only “just” war—anywhere and against anyone it chooses in a never-ending struggle against the forces of evil. His antiwar supporters can take seats on the sidelines. It’s all reminiscent of John F. Kennedy and the prescient George Ball, and afterward Ball and Lyndon Johnson. In the early ’60s, JFK—reluctantly, we are told by his admirers—decided to send 16,000 “trainers” to Vietnam to teach the South Vietnamese how to play soldier and to stop the Communists from sweeping over Southeast Asia. Vast quantities of money and assorted advisers were shipped without accountability to the corrupt gang of thugs running and ruining that country.

    (Read More... | 15278 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    War and Terror:
    Wednesday, January 13 @ 19:23:36 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Scott Ritter
    January 13, 2010 - Truthdig

    As America enters the year 2010 and President Barack Obama his second year in office, the foreign policy landscape presented by American policymakers and media pundits appears to be dominated by two physical problems—Iraq and Afghanistan—which operate in an overarching metaphysical environment loosely defined as a “war on terror.” The ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, entering their seventh and ninth years respectively, have consumed America’s attention, treasure and blood without producing anything close to a tangible victory.

    What exactly constitutes the “war on terror” has never been adequately defined and, as a result, the United States has been, and continues to be, militarily involved in other regions as well, including Somalia, Kenya, the Philippines and, increasingly, Yemen. The American people today are fatigued, and while their political leadership promises to lead the nation out of the long, dark tunnel of conflict, there continues to be no light emerging in the distance, only the ever-darkening shadows of wars without end or purpose.

    (Read More... | 17595 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 5)

    War and Terror: Breaking With Obama?
    Saturday, January 02 @ 02:18:26 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Ralph Nader
    January 02, 2010 - nader.org

    Those long-hoping, long-enduring members of the liberal intelligentsia are starting to break away from the least-worst mindset that muted their criticisms of Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential campaign.

    They still believe that the President is far better than his Republican counterpart would have been. Some still believe that sometime, somewhere, Obama will show his liberal stripes. But they no longer believe they should stay loyally silent in the face of the escalating war in Afghanistan, the near collapse of key provisions in the health insurance legislation, the likely anemic financial regulation bill, or the obeisance to the bailed out Wall Street gamblers. Remember this Administration more easily embraces bonuses for fat cats than adequate investment in public jobs.

    Of all the loyalists, among the first to stray was Bob Herbert, columnist for The New York Times. He wondered about his friends telling him that Obama treats their causes and them “as if they have nowhere to go.” Then there was the stalwart Obamaist, the brainy Gary Wills, who broke with Obama over Afghanistan in a stern essay of admonition.

    (Read More... | 4603 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    War and Terror: 'Just War' Is Just Words
    Saturday, December 12 @ 16:53:47 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy Ralph Nader
    December 12, 2009 - nader.org

    President Obama, the Afghan war escalator, received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, and proceeded to deliver his acceptance speech outlining the three criteria for a "just war" which he himself is violating.

    The criteria are in this words: "If it is waged as a last resort or in self-defense; if the force used is proportional; and if, whenever possible, civilians are spared from violence."

    After 9/11, warmonger George W. Bush could have used the international law doctrine of hot pursuit with a multilateral force of commandoes, linguists and bribers to pursue the backers of the attackers. Instead, he blew the country of Afghanistan apart and started occupying it, joined forces with a rump regime and launched a divide-and-rule tribal strategy that set the stage for a low-tiered civil war.

    (Read More... | 6595 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

    War and Terror: The Peace Candidate Myth: Yeswecanistan
    Thursday, December 10 @ 16:39:33 UTC
    Barack ObamaBy William Blum
    December 10, 2009

    All the crying from the left about how Obama "the peace candidate" has now become "a war president" ... Whatever are they talking about? Here's what I wrote in this report in August 2008, during the election campaign:
    We find Obama threatening, several times, to attack Iran if they don't do what the United States wants them to do nuclear-wise; threatening more than once to attack Pakistan if their anti-terrorist policies are not tough enough or if there would be a regime change in the nuclear-armed country not to his liking; calling for a large increase in US troops and tougher policies for Afghanistan; wholly and unequivocally embracing Israel as if it were the 51st state.
    Why should anyone be surprised at Obama's foreign policy in the White House? He has not even banned torture, contrary to what his supporters would fervently have us believe. If further evidence were needed, we have the November 28 report in the Washington Post: "Two Afghan teenagers held in U.S. detention north of Kabul this year said they were beaten by American guards, photographed naked, deprived of sleep and held in solitary confinement in concrete cells for at least two weeks while undergoing daily interrogation about their alleged links to the Taliban." This is but the latest example of the continuance of torture under the new administration.

    (Read More... | 14236 bytes more | War and Terror | Score: 0)

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