Old Articles | Tuesday, July 27 | · | Iran's nuclear standoff: who is the loser? |
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Tuesday, December 29 | · | The Iranian Nuke Forgeries: CIA Determines Documents Were Fabricated |
Wednesday, October 07 | · | Iran's acknowledged nuclear fuel plant |
Tuesday, September 29 | · | America Is Led And Informed By Liars |
Monday, September 28 | · | Iran's not so secret, 'secret' fuel plant |
Thursday, July 30 | · | United4Iran: Financial and Corporate Interests Mobilize the Left |
Thursday, July 02 | · | A sober view of Iran |
Wednesday, June 17 | · | The Iranian Elections and the Hysterical Media |
Wednesday, March 18 | · | Israel's American Chattel |
Wednesday, October 10 | · | Claremont Neocon: Iran Plays Tiddlywinks with 'al-Qaeda' |
Wednesday, October 03 | · | Frank Talk from Defense Department Official |
Saturday, September 29 | · | Bush Administration War Plans directed against Iran |
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| | US War on Iran: What is the Difference Between Benjamin Netanyahu & Colin Powell? Monday, October 01 @ 16:34:09 UTC | The Precautionary Principle in Action
By Franklin C. Spinney
October 01, 2012 - counterpunch.org
Who is the more sophisticated bullshitter when it comes to convincing the world of the pressing need to bomb a Muslim country before it attacks anyone — Colin Powell or Benjamin Netanyahu. The attached visual aid combined with the entymology of the word “sophisticated” and an analysis of the word before should enable you to answer to the question to your own satisfaction.
The charts speak for themselves. Now consider please the following elaboration of the preceding italicized words:
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US War on Iran: Inventing an Iranian Threat Tuesday, August 28 @ 07:45:32 UTC | By Stephen Lendman
August 27, 2012
Iran threatens no one. Western and Israeli leaders know it. So do over 100 Non-Aligned Movement countries coming to Tehran. They'll be there from August 26 - 31. They'll participate in NAM's 16th summit.
Their presence endorses Iran's legitimacy, extends support, shows disapproval of Western hostility and belligerence, and confers prestige when Tehran most needs it.
Washington and Israel target the Islamic Republic relentlessly. Longstanding war plans await implementation. Media scoundrels and right-wing think tanks support it. They're paid to endorse ravaging one country after another.
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US War on Iran: Wanted: An anti-low-intensity warfare movement Tuesday, July 17 @ 13:48:51 UTC | By Stephen Gowans
July 17, 2012 - gowans.wordpress.com
While the United States and its allies warn that a military attack on Iran is an option they won’t rule out, this doesn’t mean that a war on Iran is only a future possibility, not a present reality. The war is underway, and has been for years. “I often get asked when Israel might attack Iran,” says Patrick Clawson, director of the Iran Security Initiative at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “I say, ‘Two years ago.’”
Clawson has a point, but two years is too short. A case can be made that the war has been going on since 1979, when Iranians booted out the US-backed dictator, the Shah, and set out on a path of independent development.
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US War on Iran: U.S. and Israel more of an existential threat to Iran Wednesday, May 02 @ 14:33:10 UTC | By Sherwood Ross
May 02, 2012
Just looking at the facts, it appears far more likely that the U.S. will attack Iran again than Iran would attack the U.S. or Israel, America’s Middle East pawn. I say “again” because the U.S. has already an embarrassing record of aggression against Iran, so, if past is prologue, the U.S./Israeli alliance will strike Iran, not the other way around. A review of the historical record and contemporary military outlays and actions tends to support this view. In 1953, the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Iranian Premier Mohammad Mossedagh, a crime for which the U.S. has never apologized. The overthrow put Mohammad-Reza Shah(king) Palevi on the throne, a man whose dictatorship savagely tortured and killed thousands of Iranians over 26 years.
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US War on Iran: Friday, April 13 @ 05:54:45 UTC | By Gary Leupp
April 13, 2012 - counterpunch.org
President Obama has informed the Iranians they have one “last chance” to avoid attack. They must suspend higher uranium enrichment, close down the Fordow enrichment facility, and “surrender” their stockpile of uranium enriched to 20 per cent purity. Iranian officials respond matter-of-factly that such demands are “irrational.” (Some Israeli officials, eager to build the case for attack, are reportedly delighted with the Iranian response.)
Seasoned U.S. analysts seem to agree with the Iranian assessment.Stephen M Walt writes in Foreign Policy, “For the life of me, I can’t figure out what the Obama administration is thinking about Iran... I’m puzzled.” Gary Sick, writing for CNN, predicts dire consequences of an attack on Iran and seems to question its wisdom. So why is Obama being so confrontational? So irrational?
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US War on Iran: Silencing the Critics Wednesday, February 22 @ 15:52:30 UTC | By Paul Craig Roberts
February 22, 2012 - paulcraigroberts.org
In 2010 the FBI invaded the homes of peace activists in several states and seized personal possessions in what the FBI–the lead orchestrator of fake "terrorist plots"–called an investigation of "activities concerning the material support of terrorism."
Subpoenas were issued to compel antiwar protestors to testify before grand juries as prosecutors set about building their case that opposing Washington's wars of aggression constitutes giving aid and comfort to terrorists. The purpose of the raids and grand jury subpoenas was to chill the anti-war movement into inaction.
Last week in one fell swoop the last two remaining critics of Washington/Tel Aviv imperialism were removed from the mainstream media. Judge Napolitano's popular program, Freedom Watch, was cancelled by Fox TV, and Pat Buchanan was fired by MSNBC. Both pundits had wide followings and were appreciated for speaking frankly.
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US War on Iran: Rationalizing Idiocy: Attacking Iran For All the Right Reasons? Monday, January 30 @ 18:57:56 UTC | By Ron Jacobs
January 30, 2012 - dissidentvoice.org
Unlike a couple of years ago, when the consensus was split, there recently seems to be a growing consensus among pundits and certain politicians that Washington will be launching a military attack on Iran. While pundits do not have the power to make war, politicians in Congress certainly do. Furthermore, pundits convinced that this is an advisable route will do their best to bend the ears of those politicians so that there wishes can be filled, especially if those pundits are representing interests that believe they would benefit from such an attack.
Why now? Part of the reason is because the majority of US troops are out of Iraq, thereby leaving a minimal number of American soldiers available for Iranian retaliation. A related reason could be the loss of prestige to Washington with the withdrawal of those troops. It’s not like Washington won its war in Iraq; it’s more like it was a stalemate with Tehran still holding on to a couple key cards. Israel, with an element of its ruling elites always ready to attack any perceived enemy, is of course a constant element in the drive to destroy Iran, as are the ruling families of certain Arab Gulf states that compete with Tehran in the oil market. Iran’s alleged support for various resistance movements in the Middle East and Asia provides Israel with but one more reason to call for war, especially since those resistance movements are primarily opposed to Israel’s expansionist anti-Palestinian policies.
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US War on Iran: Iran Fights Back Wednesday, January 11 @ 12:58:28 UTC | By Margaret Kimberley
January 11, 2012 - blackagendareport.com
“The devils in Washington do go crazy whenever their will is thwarted.”
It is a good thing for people all over the world that Iran feels confident enough to threaten resistance to United States aggression. In the uni-polar world, that is to say one controlled by American interests, the only salvation for humanity is the ability and willingness of nations to push back against imperialism’s dictates.
The signs that Iran will be a new target for the U.S. are ominous and unmistakable. The propaganda campaign against it is growing, with constant and false claims that Iran is a danger to the world and on the verge of producing nuclear weapons.
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US War on Iran: America's Media War on Iran Saturday, November 12 @ 17:13:54 UTC | By Stephen Lendman
November 12, 2011
When Washington goes to war or threatens it, America’s media march in lockstep, cheerleading. Fiction substitutes for fact.
News is carefully filtered, dissent marginalized, and supporting imperial belligerence substitutes for full and accurate disclosure.
As a result, patriotism means going along with rogue policies. Never mind rule of law principles and democratic values. Free and open societies are risked. So is humanity if belligerents overstep.
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US War on Iran: Iran in Obama's Cross Hairs Thursday, October 20 @ 15:00:41 UTC | By Margaret Kimberley
October 20, 2011 - blackagendareport.com
“It was just another example of a plan which would not have existed had it not been instigated by an informant.”
While the nation's attention has been focused on the Occupy Wall Street movement, new dangers for this country and for the world have been created by the Obama administration. The president has made it clear that America's interventionist path has not changed direction one bit. If anything, he has done what once would have seemed impossible, accelerating that direction more than his predecessor ever hoped.
In a period of just five months, Barack Obama has assassinated Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki without charge or trial. He attempted to kill Libyan president Moammar Gaddafi the same weekend of the bin Laden assassination. Ronald Reagan also tried to kill Gaddafi, but gave up after one attempt and decided not to spend any effort on regime change in Libya. Obama has out Reaganed Reagan by overthrowing Gaddafi and, along with his NATO partners, waging a war against a civilian population to place a puppet government in charge in Tripoli. Once again he has succeeded in making right wing dreams come true in ways that Republicans did not dare.
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US War on Iran: U.S. Throws All the Demons in the Mix for the Mother Of All Anti-Iran Psy-Ops Thursday, October 13 @ 08:43:38 UTC | By Glen Ford
October 13, 2011
“The whole thing smells more like the FBI’s schemes to frame Black men in Miami and Newburgh, New York, for terroristic attacks that never did, or could, happen.”
Who said Barack Obama would bring sobriety and dignity to U.S. foreign policy? The president’s men, and Top Woman Hillary Clinton, have thrown every stereotypical demon of middle American nightmares into the psychological operations gumbo, to create a war hysteria against Iran. No reflexive terror button is left unpushed, no racial hysteria unexploited. Bubble, bubble, boil and trouble, the administration is cooking up an almost comically infernal witches brew just in time for Halloween.
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US War on Iran: Sunday, September 12 @ 12:28:31 UTC | By Stephen Gowans
August 22, 2010 - gowans.wordpress.com
Remind me why sanctions have been imposed on Iran.
Is it because the country is developing nuclear weapons?
If so, US and Israeli officials don’t believe it.
According to the August 19th edition of The New York Times (“U.S. assures Israel that Iran threat is not imminent”), “American and Israeli officials believe breakout” – that is, a transition from enriching uranium for civilian use to developing a workable nuclear weapon – “is unlikely anytime soon.”
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US War on Iran: Who pays for the loss of life in Iran? Monday, September 06 @ 22:30:45 UTC | By Kourosh Ziabari
September 6, 2010
Since the victory of Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979 which toppled the U.S.-backed regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Iran has been facing with devastating and agonizing financial sanctions of the United States and its European allies who didn't favor the post-revolutionary Iran's doctrine of confrontation with the superpowers and its denial of Western liberal democratic values.
The 1979 revolution which put an end to 2,500 years of imperial monarchy in Iran was pivoted on theocratic and ideological values which the sumptuous, thrilling West usually tends to dislike and rebuff. Under the spiritual leadership of Imam Khomeini, Iranians declared that they wouldn't need the support of Western and Eastern superpowers, will stand on their own feet and only seek to realize a political regime which establishes its bases and principles in accordance with morality and Islamic solidarity.
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US War on Iran: Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan: Diplomacy of Brotherhood Monday, August 16 @ 17:58:28 UTC | By Kourosh Ziabari
August 15, 2010
The trilateral summit of the presidents of three Persian-speaking countries of Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan wrapped up on August 5 in Tehran and recorded another unforgettable event in the memory of the three brother nations. With innumerable cultural, religious, social, lingual and strategic commonalities, the three countries of Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan have demonstrated their potentiality to build one of the strongest diplomatic partnerships in the region and benefit the world nations through a unique, fruitful and constructive cooperation.
The people of Afghanistan and Tajikistan, whose countries were parts of the Greater Persia in ancient times, consider Iran as their cultural homeland and believe that the Iranian nation is the inheritor of their paternal legacy, the Persian civilization.
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US War on Iran: Bombing Iran: Taking the World Down With Them Friday, August 06 @ 12:41:20 UTC | By William Blum
August 06, 2010 - killinghope.org
If and when the United States and Israel bomb Iran (marking the sixth country so blessed by Barack Obama) and this sad old world has a new daily horror show to look at on their TV sets, and we then discover that Iran was not actually building nuclear weapons after all, the American mainstream media and the benighted American mind will ask: "Why didn't they tell us that? Did they want us to bomb them?"
The same questions were asked about Iraq following the discovery that Saddam Hussein didn't in fact have any weapons of mass destruction. However, in actuality, before the US invasion Iraqi officials had stated clearly on repeated occasions that they had no such weapons. I'm reminded of this by the recent news report about Hans Blix, former chief United Nations weapons inspector, who led a doomed hunt for WMD in Iraq. Last week he told the British inquiry into the March 2003 invasion that those who were "100 percent certain there were weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq turned out to have "less than zero percent knowledge" of where the purported hidden caches might be. He testified that he had warned British Prime Minister Tony Blair in a February 2003 meeting — as well as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in separate talks — that Hussein might have no weapons of mass destruction. 1
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