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War and Terror: Condi Rice: Christian-Zionist Pit Bull Posted on Tuesday, January 17 @ 00:45:40 UTC
Topic: Condoleezza Rice
By Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com
Most of us remember when Senator Joe McCarthy declared the State Department was infested with commies and singled out the Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, as "a pompous diplomat in striped pants." As it turns out, McCarthy's list consisted not only of commies, but also fascists, alcoholics, and sexual deviants. As the journalist and radio host Drew Pearson noted at the time, only three people on McCarthy's list were State Department officials and none had been members of the American Communist Party. Regardless, on 20th February, 1950, McCarthy made a speech in the Senate describing State Department officials as "card-carrying communists" and "loyalty risks." It was the beginning of the end of McCarthy's incendiary career.
If McCarthy was alive today and declared not only the State Department but the entire government to be infested with Zionists instead of Communists, he would be spot on, although he would suffer the same ultimate fate (McCarthy was censured and lost chairmanship of the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate).
In fact, since the Reagan presidency, Zionists and Zionist underlings have infiltrated and compromised the State Department (most notable: Elliott Abrams, the Iran-Contra criminal, was Assistant Secretary of State under Reagan, and Richard Haass was Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large in the Bush Senior administration). As Alfred M. Lilienthal notes (The Zionist Connection II), Zionist influence permeated the Reagan political machine—he appointed the Zionist Maxwell Rabb as his campaign committee vice chairman and once in office the Gipper appointed Joseph Churba (close friend of the late racist and genocide-friendly JDL leader Meir Kahane) and Israeli citizens Edward Luttwak and Uri Raanan. Others, who would later figure prominently in the Bush the Lesser administration, included Richard Perle, Stephen Bryen (both accused of espionage for Israel), Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith.
Bush Senior attempted to back off somewhat on the Zionist influence that gained momentum under Reagan and this effort may have cost him the election. "Not only did the Bush administration dash neoconservative hopes by leaving Saddam in place [in the wake of Iraq Invasion I], but its proposed ‘New World Order,' as implemented by Secretary of State James Baker, conflicted with neoconservative/Israeli goals, being oriented toward placating the Arab coalition that supported the war," writes Stephen J. Sniegoski (The war on Iraq: Conceived in Israel). "That entailed an effort to curb Israeli control of her occupied territories. The Bush administration demanded that Israel halt the construction of new settlements in the occupied territories as a condition for receiving $10 billion in U.S. loan guarantees for Israel's resettlement of hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Although Bush would cave in to American pro-Zionist pressure just prior to the November 1992 election, his resistance disaffected many neocons, causing some, such as Safire, to back Bill Clinton in the 1992 election."
Under Clinton, this infiltration reached its zenith (Madeleine Albright was Secretary of State, Dennis Ross her senior counselor, and Stuart Eizenstadt was undersecretary of State for economic affairs; others included, in various capacities, Mark Grossman, former Rep. Howard Wolpe, Stanley Roth, former Rep. Steven Solarz, Karl Indefurth, Jeff Davidow, and Martin Indyk; for a complete list, see this page). "Albright may come under fire in diversity-conscious Washington for such a heavily Jewish and all-male lineup. Her biggest challenge, however, is likely to come with Indyk, who worked for AIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby, and then headed the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy before joining the administration," Jonathan Broder wrote for Salon in February, 1997. SourceWatch explains:
The Clinton administration was even more thoroughly colonized by WINEP [Washington Institute for Near East Policy] associates than its predecessor. Eleven signatories of the final report of WINEP's 1992 commission on US-Israeli relations, "Enduring Partnership," joined the Clinton administration. Among them were National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, UN Ambassador and later Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Undersecretary of Commerce Stuart Eisenstat and the late Les Aspin, Clinton's first secretary of defense. Shortly after assuming office in 1993, the Clinton administration announced a policy of "dual containment" aimed at isolating Iran and Iraq. The principal formulator and spokesperson for that policy was Martin Indyk, in his new role as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs at the National Security Council.
Of course, by the time Bush the Lesser was "elected" (appointed) in 2000, the WINEP approach to infiltrating the United States government was jettisoned in favor of a more aggressive push on the part of the monolithic Straussian neocons and their ideological think tanks, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs and the Project for the New American Century. Bush piled on a large number of Zionists, including Ari Fleischer (reportedly holds Israeli citizenship), Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith (his firm Feith & Zell formed an alliance with the Israel-based Zell, Goldberg & Co., which resulted in the creation of the Fandz International Law Group), Elliott Abrams, Dov Zekheim (also reportedly holds Israeli citizenship), Richard Haass, Henry Kissinger (probably one of the most notorious war criminals in recent history), James Schlesinger, Robert Zoellick, Marc Grossman, Robert Satlof, Mel Sembler, Joshua Bolten, Steve Goldsmith, Daniel Saul, Adam Goldman, Joseph Gildenhorn, Christopher Gersten, Mark Weinberger, Samuel Bodman, Ruth Davis, and Lincoln Bloomfield, to name the more prominent. "It now appears that the primary policymakers in the Bush administration have been the Likudnik neoconservatives all along," Sniegoski noted in 2003.
As a recent example of the fact the United States government acts foremost in the interest of Israel and the Zionists, consider Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's threats against the tiny and politically insignificant government of Norway. Earlier this week, Rice "threatened Norway with 'serious political consequences' after Finance Minister and Socialist Left Party leader Kristin Halvorsen admitted to supporting a boycott of Israeli goods," reports the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten. "The reaction was reportedly given to the Norwegian embassy in Washington DC, and it was made clear that the statements came from the top level of the US State Department, newspaper VG reports.... VG claims that two classified reports promised a ‘tougher climate' between the USA and Norway if Halvorsen's remarks represented the foreign policy of the new red-green alliance of the Labor, Socialist Left and Center parties." Jonas Gahr Støre, Norway's Minister of Foreign Affairs, immediately dove for cover and issued profuse "written explanations to both Israel and the USA, clarifying the government's stance, while Halvorsen distanced her party's policy from that of the government's."
As a Christian Zionist, Condi Rice has a natural affinity for all things Zionist. "I first visited Israel in 2000. I already then felt that I am returning home despite the fact that this was a place I never visited. I have a deep affinity with Israel. I have always admired the history of the State of Israel and the hardness and determination of the people that founded it," Rice effused during a Yediot Aharonot interview (see my The Hardness of Condoleezza Rice, Huckstress of Israeli Myths). Rice was appointed as Secretary of State precisely because, as a Christian Zionist, she considers Israel her spiritual "home" and (although not stated in her official capacity) her theological and political belief that Palestine is the national homeland of the Jews. It was not enough that Rice's predecessor, Colin Powell, "expressed unqualified support for the Israeli occupation government and failed to stop the Israeli massacres in the occupied Palestinian territories" when he visited Israel in April of 2002, as characterized by Hassan El-Najjar of al-Jazeera. "He behaved more as an employee in the Israeli Foreign Ministry than a US Secretary of State," a natural predilection for an employee of a Zionist dominated government. But then Colin Powell was a career politician and did not consider Israel a second home. Moreover, Powell made the mistake of calling the Straussian neocons "fucking crazies" during the lead-up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Condi is simply doing the bidding of the Straussian neocon "crazies" and of course it helps that she is a rapture-dizzy Christian Zionist who often partakes in prayer with her boss. It also helps that "the National Security Council's top Middle East aide [Elliott Abrams] consults with apocalyptic Christians eager to ensure American policy on Israel conforms with their sectarian doomsday scenarios," as Rick Perlstein reported for the Village Voice in early 2004. Of course, the hardcore Zionists in the Bush administration likely consider these evangelicals daffy as a three dollar bill, but that does not prevent them from taking advantage of their mystical militancy.
Indeed, Colin Powell had it right, and his use of an obscene and peremptory verb was spot on.
Reprinted from: http://kurtnimmo.com/?p=190
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