Saddam Didn't Mass Murder His People with Gas
Date: Tuesday, July 06 @ 22:48:21 UTC Topic: Saddam
Another Bush Lie About Iraq: Saddam Didn't Mass Murder His People with Gas. But is it Worse than that?
by Rob Kall, OpEdNews.Com
Now we're discovering that one of the last excuses G.W. Bush has remaining for going to war, that Saddam gassed thousands of his people, is also a lie-- a lie that Bush should of and probably did know was a lie.
Back in 1988 thousands of Kurds were reported killed in the gassing of Halabja. The CIA even prepared a report on it. Too bad the Bush people don't like to bother with reports. They have direct info from God.... Oh. I guess this proves that it's not God talking to George. Maybe he's having flashbacks. Maybe it's a case of the DTs. Maybe he's having strange symptoms from choking on another pretzel.
Bottom line.... Sadam did not kill those people. Bottom line--- Bush knew it and still uses it to argue his case for going to war with Saddam. This article about how Saddam will use testimony from the CIA to prove he did not do the gassing got me started on the column you are reading.
The IRANIANS gassed Halabja. The US knew it. Bush senior knew it and that's why, in 1988, the US gave Iraq poison gas to defend itself with.
Yet George W. Bush, in building his case for war, said, "The dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages, leaving thousands of his own citizens dead, blind or disfigured."
Now, it appears that Saddam didn't use the poison gas on his people at all.
It gets even worse. When you tie in Achmed Chalabi, the accused Iranian Mole, who fed Bush's military neocons lies about Iraqi WMDs, you get a picture that adds up to the Iranians first mass murdering thousands of Kurds, then tricking Bush to go to war to do their dirty work-- defeating Saddam and neutralizing Iraq as a military threat. Bush has been working for the Iranians!
Now, one might be inclined to attribute this to the stupidity of George W. Bush and his advisors. But wait. His advisors are supposed to be really smart. And there's that little matter of the October Surprise that Ronnie Reagan and his VP George Bush senior pulled off upon taking office in the White House. It was the mess in Iran, more than anything else, that blew it for Jimmy Carter. Iran saved the Republicans' butts and handed them an eight year reign in Washington DC.
Is it too much of a stretch to speculate that the Republicans used their experience exploiting chaos in the Middle east to win the 2002 elections? Is it too much of a stretch to speculate that the Iranians worked with some of the neocons? Maybe. Is it too much of a stretch to speculate that the Iranians used their experience manipulating politics in America, used Chalabi to trick Bush and his failed advisors into a war that eliminated their sworn enemy and neutralized the army that had killed hundreds of thousands of their troops? Is that such a stretch? I don't think so.
Bottom line-- when an independent or right winger tells you he or she is glad we took out Evil Saddam the mass murderer, point out that Bush has lied about the mass murder too, that the worse mass murder that happened in Iraq was perpetrated by Iran, and that Bush was tricked by Chalabi into doing Iran's dirty work. Bush's father even gave Saddam poison gas to use in defense against the Iranians.
Weapons of mass destruction? No!
Saddam as evil mass murderer? No!
Huh? Saddam was not a mass murderer as Bush and Blair said? But he cut off people's heads and hands. That's nasty, right? If you think so, then take a look at Saudi Arabia. Decapitation is a regular form of execution in Saudi Arabia, and other parts of the Arab world. Cutting off hands is also a punishment for unacceptable actions, like thievery, that has been around for centuries in the Arab world. Years ago, while sharing a family dinner in a home in Morocco, I started to take a handful of food from a family-style bowl (cous-cous, I think) but they raised a ruckus and stopped me before my left hand touched the bowl. My host explained that the left hand was used for clean-up, in a country where toilet paper was a luxury most people couldn't afford. It was dirty and offensive to use the left hand to eat. When a thief is punished, his right hand is cut off and he can no longer share food with others.
Was Saddam the worst offender in the Middle East? I don't think so. The Iranians were guilty of gassing thousands of people. But the Iranians had a real army. Bush went after an Iraqi army that was far weaker than the one his father took on in 1991. The real villains are still out there. But now, after being duped by the Iranians, Bush has created a playground for terrorists that they would never have dreamed possible. Bush created a recruiting scenario for terrorists that they wouldn't have even fantasized could be that good.
What's left for Bush to lean on in his battle to hold onto his appointment to the Whitehouse? The divisive cultural issues are all that he has left to salvage his plunging presidency. We can expect him to go after churches, NASCAR dads, blue collar moms, southern Christians, homophobics... and that he and his surrogates will stir the waters of prejudice and division to a level this nation has not seen since the civil war. It's going to get very ugly.
Rob Kall is publisher of progressive news and opinion website and organizer of cutting edge meetings that bring together world leaders, such as the Winter Brain Meeting and the StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story This article is copyright Rob Kall and originally published by but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog or web media so long as this credit paragraph is attached. Reproduced from: