Bush and MLK
Date: Monday, January 19 @ 13:09:39 UTC
Topic: Racism Watch

by Rootsie

"So I see that President Bush has installed Charles Pickering on the 5th Circuit Court via a recess appointment. Pickering, of course, has been filibustered by Democrats largely because of his lamentable record on civil rights.

But why do it today? After all, Congress has been in recess for over a month.

Let's see: last year Bush decided to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday by announcing his opposition to affirmative action at the University of Michigan. This year he decided to appoint a judge universally reviled by civil rights groups.

Quite a coincidence, isn't it?"
Yes George Bush certainly has a way of celebrating Dr. King's birthday, doesn't he?

If he had announced the appointment on the 15th or the 14th there may have been 6,000 or 60,000 protesting at Dr. King's gravesite.

Bush deliberately uses this date to deliver blows to civil rights to send the message to his white supremacist supporters that he observes Dr. King's birthday because he HAS to, but his real sympathies lie elsewhere altogether. And I imagine he makes this grotesque gestures because he CAN, because the American people are asleep.

So much for Dr. King's 'beloved community.' And then we must be subjected to the nauseating 'The Dream Lives On' rhetoric from the mainstream media. Dr. King's memory is cynically used to put forth the damaging idea that race doesn't matter, that we are 'all better now,' that history doesn't matter because it's passed. But millions of blacks in the U.S. are living out the mangling effects of this so-called past history.

Well Langston Hughes asked 80 years ago and today we should ask again: 'What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun...or does it explode?"

This article comes from Trinicenter.com

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