Bush & Company Are Coming: For Heaven Sakes Hide The Crayons
Date: Sunday, February 09 @ 13:20:32 UTC
Topic: Bushwacked

by Ben Roberts

'Quick! Head for the hills! An ominous terrorist threat is upon us.' Is this nonsense registering with you, because is sure isn't with me? It seems Bush, Ashcroft, and our elusive-as-Bin-Laden Homeland Security Czar, Tom Ridge, are out in full force like town criers beating the bushes to warn us of a potential imminent threat of terrorist attack. They have raised the color coding threat level from yellow to orange. One step below the really bad critical 'RED.' What now?

Are we supposed to be frozen in terror like deer in front of the headlights? It appears these guys have been playing around with too many crayons or something. And sitting around watching too many poorly acted plays and movies.

Americans should wonder aloud why, just two days after Secretary of State Colin Powell's drama presentation to the UN Security Council, we magically have a 'credible' terrorist threat on our hands. Heard the phrase 'the one two punch?' Well, this is that second punch, with the first being Powell's speech. It is strategically aimed at the head to the American citizen with the intent of knocking them out, giving them a concussion, rendering confusion, and leaving them in no condition to prevent George Bush from his goal of going to war with Iraq. The Associated Press is carrying an article about how this current terrorist threat was arrived at. The story states that 'a high level government official who remains anonymous has provided information that, based on increased intercepted communications chatter...' Yes, you have heard this same story before. The 'anonymous high level source' and the 'increased chatter.' Why are the sources always anonymous? As it stands, they cannot be checked or confirmed. Neither, can the individual be queried or taken to task when nothing comes of the threat. Why does this sound so very similar to Colin Powell's presentation where he attributed his 'highly credible' information to nameless, faceless sources?

Our ace in the hole high level source goes on to reveal that increased chatter in the terrorist world is the reason for threat level change. He, or she, then goes on to add that this is because this week is the beginning of the Hajj, and they have noticed a spike in communications traffic as these people might try to pull off something at this time. New York is listed as the prime area the threat seems to be targeted at, and the source warns that it could be aimed at anything. They mention airports, subways, hotels, apartment buildings, transportation, the NBA All Star game, you name it. In essence, it seems to imply that we should simply lock ourselves in our basement in total darkness and do nothing. But strangely the warning instructs us to go about our business as usual. This has to leave one confused, and wondering whether or not there is a threat to our safety.

Can we just dispense with the nonsense at this point? There will be roughly two million Muslims circling around the Hajj in Saudi Arabia, in one of their holiest undertaking. Many Muslims see a visit to the Hajj as the highpoint of their lifetime and the ultimate purification of their spirit. Why would these people be scheming and plotting the demise of America while involved in such a sacred event in their life? The truth is they should be more worried and concerned that America would use this time to launch an attack on the Arab world. Given Bush talk of 'the game is over,' and Rumsfeld announcement that 'it could be anytime now,' they would be more justified in feeling this way, than us feeling they are set to attack us. And as to the increased 'chatter?' With two million people congregating around the Hajj in this most holiest of Muslim events, anyone who can add two and two would deduce that there would be increased chatter in the Arab world. How else would they be able to convene and coordinate such a huge undertaking?

It is quite shameful what the Bush Administration is attempting to do, in mentioning the Hajj in its threat warning. Doing this leaves the impression in the American mind that there are millions of Muslims congregating in the Arab world, and they might be plotting our demise, when really these people sole aim is purification of spirit and connection with their God. How low will Team Bush go, in extracting American support for attack on Iraq? This is on par with Jerry Falwell's interview on 60 Minutes, where he unequivocally declared that Muhammad was a terrorist.

A bonus for Bush and his posse in declaring this threat is that, while they are attempting to saturate America on the idea to go to war, the warning has the effect of shutting down antiwar and peace activist demonstrations. The calculation is that it will scare them away from gathering in huge numbers, since they will be concerned that terrorist might wreak havoc on large gatherings. If this fails to work then Ashcroft can always show up with a new law in hand having to do with public security, and making such gatherings illegal in such a national security threat situation. They can't lose if they tried. We know of 'America The Beautiful.' This is a case of 'America The Abused.' God help us all.

Presumably the threat is focused on New York. Is this not the headquarters of the United Nations? What better place to spread fear. Terrorize those skeptics and doubting Thomas UN officials from other countries and galvanize them into action to throw their weight behind America for war with Iraq. This tactic was used by Ashcroft before, in the wake of September 11, when he testified before Congress, wanting to suspend American citizen liberties. Congress balked. We suddenly had threat of a possible nuclear explosion in the port city of Baltimore, that might involve a ship in the Bin Laden company fleet. No explosion, but Ashcroft got what he wanted. It's called the Patriot Act. Do you get the feeling that right after these threat notices, Bush & Co. are in a room doubled over in laughter at having conned American citizens once again? Wise up America!

Ben Roberts is a newsletter editor, freelance writer and published author. His book, Jackals of Samarra, was published in January 2001. Ben can be contacted by email at: grandt730@aol.com

This article comes from Trinicenter.com

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