Hoyer and Dems Set Stage for Iran Attack
Date: Monday, January 08 @ 10:11:25 UTC
Topic: USA

By Kurt Nimmo, kurtnimmo.com
January 07, 2007

It only took Steny Hoyer a few hours to please his masters.

"Iran with nuclear weapons is unacceptable, new House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told The Jerusalem Post hours after entering the party leadership position. The Maryland Democrat said the view is shared by his party, rejecting assertions that the Democrats would be weaker than the Republicans on Iran…. He also said that the use of force against Teheran remained an option."

Some may think the word "masters" is a bit too strident. But regular readers of this blog realize both parties are essentially controlled by AIPAC, a well documented fact, and AIPAC is a front for the racist Likud and Kadima parties in Israel.

"AIPAC works closely with leaders on both sides of the aisle, each deeply committed to strengthening the bonds between the United States and Israel. No matter who wins the upcoming elections, AIPAC is confident that Congress will continue to support a strong Israel and a strong relationship between the United States and its most reliable ally in the Middle East," an AIPAC statement declared last November.

AIPAC "has been particularly aggressive in lobbying for war with Iran, a war that polls show the US public strongly opposes," explains Conn Hallinan for the Asia Times, not that Steny Hoyer and the Democrats give a whit about what the American people want. It is "impossible to talk about Congress's relationship to Israel without highlighting AIPAC, the American Jewish community's most important voice on the Hill," adds Ari Berman, writing for the Nation.

"I have worked with AIPAC for many years. They are a very successful, strong, and committed organization and do a tremendous job advocating for the important US-Israel relationship," Hoyer boasted in 2004, a "relationship" that has resulted in the mass murder of 560,000 Iraqis.

If you doubt this "relationship" has anything to do with Iraq, consider Philip Zelikow, Bush crime family insider. "I'll tell you what I think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990—it's the threat against Israel," Zelikow admitted. Naturally, this went virtually unreported in the corporate media.

Supporting Israel—or rather supporing continued war for Israel—has its perks, as this chart demonstrates.

Back to Steny Hoyer, the caporegime for AIPAC and the warmongers in Israel. "Hoyer has made a point of promoting bipartisan support of Israel, has urged freshmen lawmakers to join the numerous congressional delegations to Israel he has led, and has isolated Democrats who have been strongly critical of the Jewish state," in other words Democrats who represent the American people, who in large numbers not only want the United States out of Iraq but oppose an attack against Iran.

Finally, in regard to the shell game underway on the Iraq "war," we are told "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said newly empowered Democrats will not give President Bush a blank check to wage war in Iraq, hinting they could deny funding if he seeks additional troops," according to the Associated Press.

Steny Hoyer to the rescue: "When asked about the possibility of cutting off funds, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer declined to say whether Democrats might do so, saying only that the current strategy clearly is 'not working' (translation, Democrats want a new management team with their members prominently featured)."

Pelosi, who likes to attend AIPAC annual meetings and deliver glowing speeches, said "her party favors increased the overall size of the Army by 30,000 and Marines by 20,000 'to make sure we are able to protect the American people,'" although she did not explain how using such troops to invade impoverished Arab countries protects the American people.

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