US barbarity in pursuit of profit
Date: Friday, June 16 @ 20:32:19 UTC
Topic: Venezuela

United States of America capable of any form of barbarity in pursuit of profit!

By Chris Herz,

Center/left government is empowered now in Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile and of course Venezuela. Shortly we shall perhaps see the same rejection of neo-liberal robber capitalism in Mexico. But this electoral process is only a first step.

What is really required to reverse the dreadful stagnation and impoverishment of the last 20 years in Ibero-America is a decisive rejection of the North American models of social stratification and the corporate state.

If this is not done we shall see this electoral change leading us into yet another wasteland of cynicism and corruption. Already, Mme Bachelet, newly elected as President of Chile, has got into trouble in trying to enforce a neo-liberal prescription: Education, is a commodity like anything else, and should be available only to those who can pay for it with private resources. Some very brave young people are reminding her that this is not a left position.

Lula da Silva has found himself forced into accepting from the hands of Bush the embarrassing role of second fiddle in the latest sad orchestration of the eternal and horrible martyrdom of Haiti.

I could go on. And on...

With all solemnity, I must warn all my readers that the North American Empire is not capable of offering any constructive leadership to anyone: Save in the direction of full-spectrum disorder. Save in the direction of social marginalization at home and war abroad.

The words and spirit of those past US leaders who offered to humanity some different vision other than governance by plunder and rapine are rejected absolutely by the great majority of our electorate. And by all those in the ever-more autocratic plutocracy who really control our polity.

This brave new empire has replaced absolutely the former republic.

Who can now even dream that the cowardly and phony pretend-opposition in Washington could ever produce another Roosevelt to replace predators like Bush?

There are many reasons for this irreversible process here in North America. Basically, they all boil down to a steely determination upon the part of too many here to never abandon white supremacy. A few tokens like US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas can be tolerated in high office; occasionally some like former General Colin Powell even admired, so long as they offer no real challenge to this sick mentality. But, basically we Anglos know better how to govern Latin America, or anywhere else for that matter, than anyone merely born there.

Political events back in the sixties and seventies created this vast pool of reactionary voters; mortally insulted by the appalling twin specters of a lost colonial war and the uplifting of a despised minority. Rightly, if one considers only ones own private interests, full of fear and dread of any changes.

These choices were made by 1968 with the election of Nixon, and ratified again and again. Most notably with the election in 1980 of Ronald Reagan: Who made it springtime for this sort of America.

But all of this historical background is more or less irrelevant to Venezuelans and others interested in the independence of their homelands, or in the well-being of their own families and nations. What is important to understand is that you are faced with an implacable enemy. One which will in lawless Fascistic fashion heartlessly exploit any attempt on your part to compromise or appease.

Our poor country is now capable of any form of barbarity in pursuit of profit. And our people, complicitous, some of them. Carefully deprived of the educational opportunities, most of us, for which Chilenos now struggle, and stultified by mystic cults designed to exploit our ignorance, we are incapable of controlling our own corrupt and predacious elites.

That job is left to you. If you value life itself.

What is almost worse than this is the supine behavior of Europe and the other leading industrial powers. Our leadership have made plain to all who will listen to them that the future of the whole corporatist/neo-liberal experiment hangs on the ability of the USA to enforce its prescriptions upon increasingly restive colonial populations.

The shrinkage in influence of US and European banks together with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank has made the influence of military solutions more important than ever. And the USA are in sole control of this power.

We are facing not only the failure of this economic system, but of the noble experiment in liberal democracy world-wide. And its replacement by what is after all, in history the dominant form of human governance: Uncontrolled elites governing by military and police forces, armed with all the weapons that can be produced by a perverted science and backed up with state-empowered reactionary religion.

Against this darkening scene what could be more important than the work of Hugo Chavez Frias and others determined to resist the onslaught?

Chris Herz

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