Sharon: Kleptomania in Palestine to Continue
Date: Tuesday, April 12 @ 21:26:36 UTC
Topic: Israel

By Kurt Nimmo,

For more than fifty years the Palestinians have endured the duplicitous Zionists who have no intention of ever allowing them to form their own state. Ariel Sharon, the international war criminal-most notably for his actions resulting in the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon and more recently the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank-has told the world from Bush's fake ranch in Texas the Israelis have no intention of ever giving an inch to the Palestinians.

"President Bush cautioned Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Monday against West Bank settlement growth but Sharon gave no commitments and pressured Palestinians to act on terrorism," reports Reuters. In other words, Bush mouthed a few useless words and Sharon said what Sharon always says-the Palestinians will never realize a state, no matter what happens. In the meantime, the Israelis will continue building illegal "settlements" on stolen land, actions most civilized people consider criminal behavior.

"Looking ahead to prospects for peace after the July pullout, Sharon also said at a news conference with Bush that negotiations on a Palestinian state could begin only after President Mahmoud Abbas mounted a 'real war' against militants." Translation: so long as Palestinians insist on self respect and harbor dreams of their own state and maintaining a cultural heritage-in other words, so long as they refuse to pack up and leave or remain behind as "hewers of wood and drawers of water" for the racist Israelis (as predicted by Lord Curzon), they will be engaging in terrorism. In essence, what Sharon is asking for is a civil war-his capo Mahmoud Abbas and his CIA-trained paramilitaries against Palestinian nationalists, or those not yet rubbed out in targeted assassinations-a cataclysmic event that would put a smile on the face of every Jabotinsky Zionist in Israel.

Sharon's vision for the Arabs is Ma'ale Adumim, the largest Israeli settlement in the West Bank. "Ma'aleh Adumim was established on lands taken from Palestinians, from the villages of Abu Dis, Al Izriyyeh, Al Issawiyyeh, Al Tur and Anata. Other lands had been inhabited for dozen of years by the Jahalin and Sawahareh Bedouin tribes," explains Eitan Felner of Le Monde diplomatique.

But to fully appreciate the cumulative, staggering consequences that Ma'aleh Adumim and the other settlements have had on the Palestinians, one cannot simply count those directly affected, those whose land was confiscated or house demolished for the construction of this or that settlement or by-pass road. Each dispossession cannot be properly appraised unless it is considered in the broader context of the national dispossession these policies brought about.

Reuters reports: "[Sharon] went a step too far for Washington earlier this month by pledging to pursue a plan for the construction of 3,500 homes for Israelis in a narrow corridor between the West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim and Jerusalem…. Seeking to assure the United States no new building work was imminent, Sharon said it 'might take many years' before contiguity is achieved between the settlement and the holy city." In other words, the Zionists will continue to dispossess-that is to say kill Palestinians (as three young Palestinians were killed in Gaza the other day for playing football in an "unauthorized zone" ) or at minimum demolish their homes-and continue to do what they do best: make worthless promises (i.e., tell lies and obfuscate their sincere intentions) and build "settlements" on stolen land.

As if to dispel any doubt, Sharon declaimed: "It is the Israeli position that the major Israeli population centers will remain in Israel's hands under any future final status agreement," in other words when the Israelis finally get around to making a deal with the Palestinians-in ten, twenty, or fifty years, if ever-they will keep all the land they have stolen, including the outrage Ma'aleh Adumim, the very crown jewel of Israeli apartheid scheme and grand theft larceny.

"Bush applauded Sharon's 'courageous initiative to disengage from Gaza and part of the West Bank' and urged the Palestinian leadership to accept the prime minister's offer to coordinate the withdrawal," reports Reuters. In Bushzarro world, the steady and unrelenting theft of Palestinian land-as teenagers are killed for playing football on "unauthorized" (stolen) land-is not an outrage and a slap in the face but a "courageous initiative" of the sort that has in the past inspired Izz el-Deen al-Qassam (the armed wing of Hamas) to send home-made Qassam rockets screaming into Sderot or a kibbutz or two in the western Negev.

As usual, whatever the Zionists want, the Zionists get, and Bush really has no choice but to play along, not that he would actually do otherwise, being a good Christian Zionist or at least pretending to be one for the sake of his "base," that is to say crackpot far right religious fruitcakes who believe they will sail out of their cars and clothes at any minute, float right up to heaven, leaving the rest of us behind to suffer their demented vision of Armageddon. Even the Zionists and Israeli apartheid settlers believe these guys are nuts, but then nut cases are often put to good use, especially if the (unelected twice in a row) president of the United States agrees with them.

Sharon's visit to Dubya's fake ranch in Crawford, Texas, was simply the latest insult directed not only against the Palestinians, but the American people who are now beginning to suffer the economic after effects of the invasion and occupation of Iraq-spawned by a brood of Zionists in the White House and the Pentagon at the behest of the Likudites in Israel-and who are paying billions to maintain the Zionist kleptocracy in the Middle East. One would hope that sooner or later the average American will wake up, smell the coffee, and see this for what it is and demand that the tiny outlaw state of Israel either cut a sincere deal with the Palestinians or short of that demand Congress sever the sugar daddy umbilical cord once and for all.


Incidentally, the latest Israeli outrage, emanating from Bush's private property in probably the most regressive state in America, is especially outrageous since April 9 was anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre, an event completely ignored by the corporate media in the United States. "Early in the morning of Friday, April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun, headed by Menachem Begin, and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents," explains the Deir Yassin Remembered web site. As if to explain the mentality of the average Israeli, the murderous and excessively racist Menachem Begin was elected to lead Israel, same as the serial killer Ariel Sharon was later elected by the "only democracy in the Middle East," as the corporate press in the United States likes to muse. Of course, much the same can be said about the mentality of the average American who "elected" Bush.

Deir Yassin had a peaceful reputation and was even said by a Jewish newspaper to have driven out some Arab militants. But it was located on high ground in the corridor between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and one plan, kept secret until years afterwards, called for it to be destroyed and the residents evacuated to make way for a small airfield that would supply the beleaguered Jewish residents of Jerusalem…. By noon over 100 people, half of them women and children, had been systematically murdered…. Of about 144 houses, 10 were dynamited. The cemetery was later bulldozed and, like hundreds of other Palestinian villages to follow, Deir Yassin was wiped off the map. By September, Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Poland, Rumania, and Slovakia were settled there over the objections of Martin Buber, Cecil Roth and other Jewish leaders, who believed that the site of the massacre should be left uninhabited. The center of the village was renamed Givat Shaul Bet. As Jerusalem expanded, the land of Deir Yassin became part of the city and is now known simply as the area between Givat Shaul and the settlement of Har Nof on the western slopes of the mountain…. The massacre of Palestinians at Deir Yassin is one of the most significant events in 20th-century Palestinian and Israeli history. This is not because of its size or its brutality, but because it stands as the starkest early warning of a calculated depopulation of over 400 Arab villages and cities and the expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinian inhabitants to make room for survivors of the Holocaust and other Jews from the rest of the world.

In other words, Deir Yassin served as a template of things to come-massive and unrelenting ethnic cleansing and brutality directed against a mostly defenseless people "to make room" for other people who either claimed a religious right to land they never personally owned (let alone set eyes upon) or felt they had no other choice but to steal, considering Hitler and the Holocaust (an excuse used to this day to blackmail Germans out of billions of deutschmarks, Germans who were not alive during the Holocaust and have no responsibility for it).

Is it possible Sharon steered the date of his meeting with Bush the Lesser as close to the anniversary of Deir Yassin as possible? It sure looks that way and considering the macabre nature of Likudite Zionists it certainly should not be ruled out.

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