July 17, 2001 From: Lee Han Kuk Lee

Korea: Search for White Skin

Evolution and Human Behavior by John Cartwright Presently working in South Korea, I've had an opportunity to observe the worsening identity crises among this humble, hard-working nation. Male and female Koreans bleach their hair blonde, and Korean women, moreso than men, turn to plastic surgery to alter their eyes to look more "western." The ideal of beauty among the younger generation of Koreans is Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, while Korean me lust over Julia Roberts or Nicole Kidman. Such behavior, as you said, is similar to that of other people of color who encounter the white supremacist propaganda machine. Like most Third World peoples from Lagos to Mumbai, from Bangkok to Seoul, the Korean culture is unable to resist the erosive power of white supremacy and its propaganda system.

One should neither forget the Korean people's unfortunate history of oppression. After being liberated from the Japanese, who raped their women, refused to allow them to speak their language, and destroyed numerous cultural artifacts, Korea fell from the "frying pan into the fire," so to speak, by being "rescued" by a more clever oppressor. Having much more experience at persuasion, coercion, manipulation and brain-washing than the Japanese, the US wasted little time in dismantling Korean cultural values and establishing a puppet state.

Despite the tireless efforts of a small Korean minority to resist US cultural and economic colonization, their struggle seems momentarily futile against the massive Western propaganda machine. This propaganda machine has been effective around the globe on peoples of color, causing them to worship and admire "whites" over and above anyone else, to accept their values, their systems, and their standards of morality.

Each person who travels must take with them his positive propaganda, his truths, his sword of liberation to dispel and destroy the negative white supremacist disinformation system that has poisoned the minds of Third World peoples against themselves.

"Peoples, once accustomed to masters, are not in a condition to do without them. If they attempt to shake off the yoke, they estrange themselves even more from freedom. By mistaking for it an unbridled license to which it is diametrically opposed, they nearly always manage, by their revolutions, to hand themselves over to seducers, who only make their chains heavier than before."
--(Jean Jacques Rousseau, 1754)

I appreciate your observation. It has been one of my concerns for some time.

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