Honduras Coup 2009
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Honduras Coup - Day 169 - December 13, 2009

  • Lobo "WIlling" To Talk To Zelaya
    By : December 13, 2009
    Porfirio Lobo Sosa stated today that he was willing to talk to Manuel Zelaya in the Dominican Republic, or in the Brazilian embassy, or wherever, in search of a solution to the political crisis in Honduras. "There is the total and absolute will to talk, but what is lacking is to see a way that the actual authorities [the de facto government] aid and facilitate, in what is possible....the exit of Manuel Zelaya so that I can go talk with him wherever, I have no problem....but we leave it to the authorities to resolve...the administrative decision on how he will leave is not in my hands."

  • Ecuador Stresses ALBA'S Geopolitical Importance
    By : December 13, 2009
    Ecuador's Foreign Affairs Minister Fander Falconi emphasized in this capital on Sunday the importance of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America (ALBA) as a space for geopolitical agreement. ALBA is a mechanism for the crucial political dialogue in Latin American, said the Ecuadorian minister in the context of the 8th summit of this regional integration bloc that is sessioning at Havana's Conference Center.

  • Raul Castro condemns 'electoral farce' in Honduras
    By : December 13, 2009
    Cuban President Raul Castro has condemned the US-supported coup in Honduras and called for the reinstatement of ousted president Manuel Zelaya.

  • Cuba and Venezuela criticise US at Alba trade summit
    By : December 13, 2009
    Mr Castro accused the US of treating Latin America as its "backyard" and denounced a deal giving US armed forces access to Colombian military bases. Meanwhile Mr Chavez said US criticism about Latin America's relationship with Iran was an "imperial offensive".

  • Dominican president says Honduran meeting delayed
    By AP - : December 13, 2009
    The leader of the Dominican Republic says that a hoped-for meeting between ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and his elected successor has been delayed.

  • Honduran view of the coup
    By : December 13, 2009
    The Latinobarómetro asked Hondurans about their views of the coup. 58% disapproved, 28% approved, and 14% either had no opinion or did not respond. Those who were older and better educated were more likely to support it, which given conservative Honduran politics should not come as a surprise. / Only 48% approved of Mel Zelaya's government, but 65% did not approve of the way Roberto Micheletti handled the crisis. They note the question was asked in October, when Hondurans had plenty of time to judge how the crisis was unfolding. These numbers simply reiterate what previous polls had already shown. Hondurans were not enamored of Zelaya, but oppose the coup.

  • Dominican Meeting Cancelled
    By : December 13, 2009
    Porfirio Lobo Sosa and Manuel Zelaya Rosales will not meet in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic on Monday. Both Zelaya and Fernandez pronounced the effort dead. Fernandez said the de facto government of Roberto Micheletti placed too many obstacles to obtaining the safe conduct for Zelaya. The Dominican government issued a communique which read in part: "The willingness to begin dialogue this week was reiterated by President Fernandez, as much as by Zelaya and the candidate elect, but the de facto government insists on conditioning Zelaya's leaving the Brazilian Embassy as political asylum." reserves the right to publish your email responses in whole or part. If you are responding to a particular article, include the title and link to the article. If you would like your name withheld from publication, state this in your submission and supply a nom de plume

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